Hi! Did you all miss me? Sorry about the slow updates—I caught up to myself in my writing (I write the episodes before I type them), so it took me a while to work on a couple of them. Trying to balance all my fan-fiction, Manga work, and School Exams it freakin’ wearing me out. But I never forget my readers and will try to please you as best as I can.
       Anyway, you know the drill: “Hello and welcome to the wide world of Poke’mon”. Just a little disclaimer here: while Poke’mon, Ruroni Kenshin, and their characters aren’t copyrighted to me, characters such as “Landon” and “Zeru” are.

  The bright morning sun shone through the clouds in the sky above. A light breeze traveled between the buildings of Fallabor Town. The New Years celebration had ended and now came the worse part—the cleaning. The city janitors grumbled as they swept up paper from fireworks, food wrappers, and some things that were best left unknown. The spirit of the town had died down to a peaceful, normal state. (Now that the New Year’s Festival is over, our heroes can get back on the road again. Their rest and relaxation has given them their energy back…except for Landon, who can’t seem to change back. But being a little guy isn’t so bad, is it?)

       “Are you ready, Charmander?” Zeru asked, clenching his fists. Landon, May, and Zeru were in the town square—the only completely clean spot in town. The sparkling fountain in the middle spurted out crystal-clear water. May sat on the bench, watching her friend. Landon hovered in the air with his arms folded and legs crossed. His chibi form still remained, so he had to cope with being tiny a little while longer. Toya stood under him, wishing she could have her favorite spot back and Phealine played with Phanpy. Zeru and Charmander stood facing their opponent. The kid had short red hair and green eyes. he was wearing a yellow shirt and blue shorts. The Poke’mon in front of him was a large, floating orange rock with yellow ridges that made it look like a sun. Its yellow eyes looked as if they were closed. “Are you ready, Zeru?” The boy asked, grinning. “Let’s get this match started, Natt.” Zeru returned the competitive favor. “Oh, this is just great.” Landon’s left eyebrow twitched in anger, “I could be out there battling trainers too. But—(yawn)—thanks to this stupid chibi form, I can’t do a thing. I feel so sleepy….” Landon yawned again and rubbed the tear water from his eyes. without warning, he drifted over to May and landed on her head; he curled up like a little animal, biting the tip of his tail. “Grrrr….” WHACK!! “Yah!” May sent him fluttering back into the air from a sharp hit from her fan. “Hey!! You didn’t have to do that—I’m not heavy at all.” Landon said, rubbing his head. “I can’t have you resting up there. Now if you took my shoulder, I wouldn’t mind.” May said. Landon landed beside Toya and folded his arms. “I think I’ll pass, thanks.”


                    “Poke’mon  All-Stars” (Theme Song)

No telling what kind of

busy life I’ll try to lead for me

Light-years away, my power’s

star shines down on me

Just like those late-night memories

I’ll take a prophecy with my goal and dreams

Just like a star

I’ll be the best this game has ever seen


Those memories keep flowing

from in my spirit and in my soul

With a release from my hand,

I’ll never face the challenge alone

We’re always there to save the day

I’ll make a destiny star to light my way

My victory is

racing near—

I’m gonna’ catch it!


I’ll search them out both far and wide

make an effort just to try and

reach the other side

There’s no fear

In this lucky year

To bring back those late-past memories

I’ll search through the desserts and valleys,

across the mountains, and

the treachery of seven seas

We’ll never know just how far we’ll go

to see the nights of home

Be my All-star tonight


Chapter 35: “A Hot Crush!”


       “Solrock, us Flamethrower!” Natt exclaimed, pointing forward. “Solll!” Solrock’s north-pointing ridge burst with a stream of flames that heated the air. waves of intense humidity surrounded the traveling attack. “Hah! Not hot enough for us. Charmander, counter with your Ember!” Zeru shouted. “Char!” Charmander clenched its fists and opened its mouth; a machine-gun burst of flames fired hotly. The attack collided with each other, fizzling out in puffs of white smoke. “Wow, Zeru, you’re good!” Natt stated. Zeru flashed him a thumbs-up, “If you think that was good, wait till you see this next move. Charmander, Dizzy Punch attack!” Charmander raced forward, its sleeping cap swaying from the breeze. It drew back its fist, which started to sparkle with spinning stars. “Solrock, Tackle!” Solrock forced its body through the wind at a whistling speed. “Char!” Charmander frowned. If Solrock’s speed increased, it would totally deflect the pain of the Dizzy Punch. It kicked across the brick ground to launch its body faster. “Char!” SPEESH! Charmander winced—punching Solrock’s rock-hard body was no joke. “Char!” “Solrock!” The two jumped back from each other. Landon held Toya close from the suspense of the battle. He must have hugged too tight because she struck his cheek with her tail. Now, he had a thin red mark on his face. “Charmander, it’s time to heat things up with Dragon Breath!” “Charrrr!” Charmander jumped into the air and spat out a burst of blue flames. SOlrock started to spin in a clockwise motion; a thin screen of transparent light was created in front of it, blocking the burning attack. “Good job, Solrock. Now let’s catch it with Psywave!” Natt stated. Solrock’s eyes started to glow. Form its body, a blast of ring-shaped waves shot through the air. Chyarmander crossed its arms to try and block them. The waves hammered its body, slowly pushing it backwards. “Hang in there, Charmander!” Zeru called, starting to sweat.

       “I don’t think so. Flamethrower!” “Solrock!” Charmander winced as it was swept off its feet by a burst of flames. It hit the ground with small black scorch marks on its body. “Charmander, are you okay?” Zeru ran towards his Poke’mn. Charmander shook as it got back to its feet. when its trainer came near, it held its claw out to stop him. It wanted to fight this match no matter what. Its obsession to become stronger showed that it was becoming more and more like its trainer. Zeru frowned, sweating anime style. “Fine, go on,” And who was he to stop it? If it could go on a little longer, he didn’t mind at all. Natt was actually impressed. “Wow, Zeru—I’ve gained an all new level of respect for your Charmander. But that only means we’ll battle harder. Solrock, let’s wrap this up with your Solarbeam!” The north-pointing ridge atop Solrock started to glow dimly. Shimmering beads of solar energy drifted from the sky and gathered to it. Zeru frowned and clenched his fists again. He had to find a way to stop the attack. With Charmander in its weak and panting state, it very well could take a Solarbeam. “Zeru, you have to take head-on.” “Huh?” Zeru glanced back at Landon. The chibi samurai folded his arms, “Solarbeam always takes time to attack. Use that time to your advantage.” he said. Zeru nodded, “You heard him, Charmander. Flare Tail, go!” Charmander stopped holding its aching arm to put its fists up. It clenched its teeth and launched forward. Solrock’s point lit up like a light—it had retrieved enough energy to attack! This was bad. It was as if Charmander was rushing straight into a punch. “Fire Solarbeam now!” Natt ordered. Solrock’s north ridge forced the glowing power to the tip; in a shaking force, a beam of solar energy fired heavily. “Do it now, Charmander!” “Charman—!” Charmander didn’t slow down, but jumped into the air. It winced slightly; even though it flew over, the beam still grazed its stomach. “Flare Tail Attack!” Zeru thrust his fist through the air. The flame on Charmander’s tail increased in size, sparking wildly. “Char—char!” It spun around, swinging its tail viciously; Solrock’s eyes widened as a whip of flames beat against its face. “Solroooock!” It crashed to the ground with a harsh thud. Charmander landed more softly, but fell to one knee. It was pretty banged up and panted from the fight.

       “Alright!” Landon jumped, snapping his fingers. “Charmander!” Zeru’s serious face turned sympathetic and he dashed to his Poke’mon. He picked it up and cradled it in his arms. “Nice job, Solrock. Return,” Natt called Solrock back to its ball. He then adjusted his backpack onto one shoulder. “Is Charmander going to be alright?” He asked. “Yeah, it will. I’ll get it to Nurse Joy as quickly as possible.” Zeru assured him. Natt nodded and started away. Before he left, h glanced at Landon with a skeptical look. Landon folded his arms and frowned right back. Even though no one asked about his strange appearance, he still hated it when they stared at him. Natt shrugged and walked off. May got off the bench and went over to Zeru. “Well?” She asked. “Let’s hurry and get it to Nurse Joy.” Zeru told her. The three friends nodded to each other and ran off down the street….or rather, one flew and everyone else ran.


       Landon didn’t mind carrying Toya through the air in his arms, though she was almost as big as him. She was so light though, she didn’t pose too heavy for him. Landon focused on Charmander to make sure its condition didn’t worsen. Zeru raced either around or through anyone who got in his way. He was so determined to get to the Poke’mon Center, he ran down any and all obstacles. Phanpy and Phealine ran at his ankles. “Wow, Charmander is really tough. It took a banging and kept on going.” May complimented. “Thanks,” Zeru half spoke. The dome-shaped form of the Poke’mon Center came into view at the end of the sidewalk. The sun gleamed off the red roof and polished windows. Zeru smiled at the sight before him. “Don’t worry, Charmander; you’ll be there shortly.” He thought. Charmander’s tail flame shrank slightly. The tough Poke’mon frowned and forced its fire-tip to increase right back. The kids burst through the glass doors of the medical facility. They zoomed by the various trainers and up to the counter. The Nurse Joy typing behind the counter was a little different that the others. For one, she wore a black shirt underneath a white lab coat and a white mini skirt. The hat she wore was the same, though. “Excuse—me, Nurse—Joy,” Zeru panted, “Please, can you help—my Charmander?” Nurse Joy looked up at him through her glasses. She stopped typing and stood up from her chair. “Your Charmander is in rough condition. What happened to it?” She asked in a concerned voice. “My Charmander got pretty banged up in a battle. Could you help it out for me please?” “Dah!” Landon and May took a shocked gasp. Zeru actually said please! “I guess when it comes to Poke’mon, not even Zeru can keep his tough demeanor up.” “Sure, I’ll help—it’s what I do.” Nurse Joy glanced behind her, “Ruby, can you get the stretcher for me—we have to get this Poke’mon to the ER.” The doors to the ER opened, followed by the sound of moving wheels. The Poke’mon the kids were expecting was a Chansey, but what they got was something completely different. Her eyes were pink, but the rest of her body was unmistakable. Ruby was, in fact, a Charmander wearing a white nurse’s skirt and red cross hat. She pushed the white stretcher a across the orange-tile floor with a serious expression on her face.

       BADUMP! Charmander’s chest gave a sudden bump and it sat up completely. Ruby’s pink eyes made its stomach feel both hot and cold. It tried to hold it back, but couldn’t keep itself from blushing. Nurse Joy took Charmander gently and sat it on the stretch. Both Charmander stared at each other, until Ruby winked and Charmander had to turn away as its heart thumped louder. “Ruby, could you get it to Radiology first?” “Charmander char!” Ruby saluted Nurse Joy before pushing the stretch through the door. Charmander was too busy blushing to remember it was in any pain. Nurse Joy smiled at them, for she knew exactly why Charmander was blushing. “Nurse Joy, is my Charmander going to be okay?” Zeru asked out of concern. “Of course it will. You can wander around the lobby until it’s back.” Nurse Joy stated. Zeru stared at the ground for a second, then nodded to her. There was no use getting worked up; Charmander was his Poke’mon after all.


       Landon took his backpack form May and started rummaging through it on the cushioned bench. His tail wagged happily when he pulled out a rice star. “Alright—I’m starving!” He bit into it, breaking off a  piece for Toya to share. “…Dah!” “So, how long are you going to stay like this?” Zeru pulled at Landon’s wing, which tried to swat at him. “Stop it—that hurts!” Landon yanked it back, massaging the tip gingerly, “And to answer your question, I don’t know. I hope it’s soon, though; this form makes me feel sleepy sometimes out of the blue.” “Well, Syorin did say you’re like that because you used too much energy. Maybe you should just go to sleep.” May suggested. Landon shook his head and took a bite out of another rice star. Phealine and Phanpy just helped themselves to any goodies they found in his bag. “We can’t stop. We have to get to the contest hall so you can beat the pants off those other coordinators.” Landon told her. “Thanks,” May smiled. “Don’t mention—Yo!” Without warning, Zeru grabbed Landon by his tail and held him upside-down. “That’s just so weird—he’s like a plushie or something.” Zeru pulled at his wings again. “Zeru, you’re getting on my LAST nerve! STOP!” Landon kicked free and flew up towards the ceiling, way beyond Zeru’s reach. The good thing about his chibi form—and possibly what he liked most out of his sorry ordeal—was the fact that he could fly. “….huh?” May blinked at the nurse’s counter. Taped to it was a pink poster marked with the words “Super rank” across the top. “…a contest poster…about the Super Rank? I’ve gotta’ check this out.” She got up and started for it to gain a closer look. Phealine followed close at her heals (to Landon’s relief—he was running out of food). May knelt to read the poster aloud to herself. “…the  contest starts tomorrow. I hope Eevee and I can do this.” She stared at Eevee’s Poke’ball on her belt. She felt pretty confident of her abilities, and yet, something still troubled her that she wasn’t quite ready. Landon floated down safely from Zeru onto May’s shoulder. “So…are you ready for the contest?” “I think I am, but I’m kinda’ nervous.” She answered him. “Don’t worry, May; I’m positive you’ll do great.” Zeru came out of nowhere and stated. May smiled to her friends; she knew she could always count on them.

       Just then, there was a ringing sound from the opening door. The guy who came through the door had short brown hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a brown shirt and white pants. The Poke’mon behind him was a large chameleon-like lizard, crimson in body color. Its stomach and claws were as white as the snow and stood out against its other body color. The tip of its tail burned with an orange-red torch. “Hey, cool—it’s a Charmeleon!” Landon whipped out his Poke’dex and flipped it open. Cli-ick! “Charmeleon, the Flame Poke’mon. When this Poke’mon gets mad, it burns everything around it. This makes it difficult for inexperienced trainers to handle.” The machine spoke. The guy and his Charmeleon walked up the front desk with a wide grin. “Hiya, Nurse Joy! You look nice today.” Without looking away from her computer screen, which she was using for Charmander’s check-in, Nurse Joy let out a sigh. “Hullo, Chase,” She really didn’t seem that enthused. “I just want you to know that I’ll be winning that Poke’mon contest all for you. I hope I can find you in the stands.” “I’m one of the judges—you’ll see me regardless.” Nurse Joy told him, sweating anime style. “Char-char!” Charmeleon blushed. “Yeah, Ruby will be there too.” She answered just as airily. She never made eye contact with them, just sort of kept to her computer screen. Zeru wished she’d hurry so she could get to Charmander. Without warning, Chase wrapped his arm around Nurse Joy’s neck; the nurse gave a shocked look and had to adjust her glasses to keep them from falling off her face. “Ms. Joy, wanna’ go out for a pizza or something?” “Oh, God—help me!” Joy muttered under her breath. “Huh?” Chase blinked for her to repeat her statement. He relinquished her, but just when she was about to type, he gently grasped her hands. “Chase…stop it please. I’m at work.” Nurse Joy said, trying not to hurt his feelings. But her rejection only made him try harder. “Ms. Joy,” He smiled, revealing his pearly white teeth, “Please allow me to take you out to dinner.” “How about moving as far away from me as possible?” Nurse Joy mumbled again, “Chase, I have an injured Poke’mon to tend to. So if you don’t mind…” With a forced smile, she nodded to her hands trapped in his grip. “Oh, right; I’m so sorry.” Chase let her go. Nurse Joy got to her feet and started towards the ER in a somewhat eager attempt to get away. As the doors shut, Chase gave an airy sigh.

       “You must really like her a lot.” “Yeah….dah!” Chase suddenly jumped back from Landon, who was floating in front of him. He looked pretty shaken up. “Wha-what kind of Poke’mon are you?” He asked. “HEY! I’m no Poke’—mmph!” May and Zeru reached out and clasped their hands around Landon’s mouth. The last thing they needed was a regained temper to blow his secret. “You’ll have to pardon my toy doll—it’s designed to mouth off at people.” May lied, sweating anime style as she held Landon by the waist. It wasn’t her best lie, but it was better than nothing. “Doll? I’m no—” “BAN!! “Ugh,” Zeru quieted Landon by striking him on the head quickly. “Didn’t you say you were going to get it fixed, May?” “You’re May?” Chase stood up and May nodded. “So, you’re the one who cleared first place in Verdanturf Town. Didn’t you have a partner who made last place?” “Grrr!—” Once again, May had to shut Landon up, “Yeah; he’s about somewhere.” Landon gave up struggling and just sat there with his arms folded. “Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Chase.” Chase held out his hand to May, who smiled and shook it. “I know who you are. You’re one of the top beginner coordinators. You also have been nick-named the flame juggler because of how good your Charmeleon is.” She pointed out. “So, do you really have a crush on Nurse Joy?” Zeru asked curiously. “Well, of course. I’ll do anything to win her over. My Charmeleon would do the same for her Charmander too.” Chase answered, “It’s what fuels us to win these Poke’mon contests; whenever we feel like we can’t win, we think of Ms. Joy and Ruby.” “How romantic!” “Oh, please!” Landon and Zeru snapped after May’s comment. The two boys were all but interested in the coordinator’s love life. As a matter of fact, they weren’t all that interested in staying in the Poke’mon center all day long. Zeru hoped Nurse Joy would speed it up. May, on the other hand, was eager to learn more about her opponent. “Chase, I look forward to facing you in the Super Rank Contest.” She said. “And I you,” Chase replied. Landon rested his head on his hand; he wished May would let him go because he was getting very bored.


       There was a strange chiming sound that came from the speakers above. The wait was so long that Landon cuddled with Toya and fell asleep. Zeru was standing with his arms folded. He tapped the ground with his foot in a spit of impatience. In an attempt to mimic her trainer, Phanpy did the same with her paw. May and Phealine were the only patient ones; they sat reading a book quietly. The doors to the Emergency Room came open. Ruby lead the way our, followed by Nurse Joy. At that, Chase and Charmeleon perked up. Charmander walked behind with its arms folded. “Charmander!” Zeru dashed towards his Poke’mon. “Char-char!” Charmander dashed off towards its trainer, jumped onto his shoulder. It was as good and energetic as new. “Charmander was just banged up a bit, that’s all. You’ve done a good job in raising it.” “Thanks,” Zeru said to Nurse Joy. “Charman,” Ruby walked towards him and held out her claw, “Char-char!” She winked at the Poke’mon on his shoulder. Charmander jumped a little and started blushing again. It wasn’t hard to see it had developed a crush on her. “Charmander, Ruby would like to shake your claw.” Zeru smiled and knelt down. Without getting off Zeru’s shoulder, Charmander reached out and shook with Ruby. Its insides tensed up with butterflies. “Erm….” Landon slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and rubbed his face. “….ice cream…let’s get some.” He stated lowly. “Huh?” Chase examined Landon curiously. Landon glanced at him, frowning. “I could’ve sworn I heard this toy say—” “That’s because I’m no toy!” He blurted in somewhat o a shout that shook Toya awake. “Terrific, our cover’s blown.” May covered her face with her hand. Chase blinked at Landon, then grinned. “I knew you weren’t—just waiting for you to admit it. Haven’t you noticed that you don’t strike anyone as weird?” “I don’t?” Landon got to his bare feet and scratched his head. “Of course not—you’re the one who stopped that dragon. Fallabor Town owes you a big thanks.” Chase told him.  Landon grinned—he felt like a real hero. “C’mon, let’s go get some of that ice cream. Landon has the right idea.” Zeru stated. Charmander never let its eyes leave Ruby’s pink ones. She didn’t seem to mind and even kept her smile. May nodded and they started to the door. “Bye,” Landon waved to Chase as he flapped away. Before the friends left the center, Ruby gave Charmander another wink. “Dah!” Charmander froze up. Once the three friends were out of the building, Chase and Charmeleon made their move. The two grinned with a sly glint in their eyes. They rushed up to Ruby and Nurse Joy, holding their hands (claws) gently. Nurse Joy and Ruby took a shocked step back, forcing a smile and sweating anime style. “So, how ‘bout that date, Ms. Joy?” “Char-meleon?” The two boys flirted. The girls started to growl. “LEAVE-US-ALONE!” They shouted loud enough to shake the building.

       Outside, Landon sat on the fountain in the town square. He shared his chocolate mint ice cream with his Mudkip. Zeru and Phanpy enjoyed their own strawberry and, for a strange new twist, May helped Phealine take on a coffee-soda banana split. Charmander was the only one not enjoying its ice cream. It sat on the fountain, stirring the water with its foot. The sadden look on its face melted its ice cram. “Hey, buddy, what’s wrong? ‘You get the wrong flavor or something?” Zeru asked his Poke’mon. “Char…” Charmander sighed. “What is it?” May sounded concerned as well. “Char-char, Charmander. Charman-char-char.” Huh?” May and Zeru looked to each other in confusion. They couldn’t understand a word the Poke’mon said. “It has a crush on Ruby and wants to do something nice for her—loosely translated a little.” Landon said simply. As one of his chibi-form characteristics, he could understand Poke’mon speech perfectly without the use of his Crystal Bell. “Oooooh!” May and Zeru grinned a sly grin. Landon sweated anime style. If he knew his friends, they were only going to make this situation worse. “Well, if you wanna’ impress her, you’ve gotta’ get her something nice. Girls love getting gifts and stuff—dah!” “Excuse me; since when were you an expert on impressing girls?” May pushed Zeru off to the side. “Since I was coaching my Poke’mon, little girl!” Zeru pinched May’s cheeks. “You’re so naïve, little boy!” May returned the favor. “At least I’m no Krabby!” “You jerk!” The two broke out into a pinching fight. Their actions weren’t helping Charmander’s situation at all. “…” Landon’s eyebrow twitched, “I guess…this is what they call a lovers’ quarrel.” At that, May and Zeru turned from their fight and knocked Landon on his head. “Owww…” Landon rubbed his head and finished his ice cream. “My advice to you, Charmander, is to be yourself.” “Oh, you’re so plain.” Zeru told him, then turned to Charmander, “I’ll help you out, buddy.”


       Charmander stood in front of the Poke’mon center doors, shivering out of nervousness. In one claw was a bouquet of flowers and in the other, a box of candy. “Old fashioned, yes, but still effective.” Zeru grinned. “…char-ar,” Charmander backed into its trainer’s legs. For once, it couldn’t be its brave and bold self. “It doesn’t think it can do it.” Landon stated, hovering in the air. Charmander could see Ruby through the glass doors. She was sitting on top of the counter, gazing at the pictures in a medical textbook. “Don’t be afraid, Charmander. Fighters must be brave and face their fears.” Zeru told it, holding up his fists. Charmander nodded and closed its eyes. With a deep breath, the Poke’mon rushed forward blindly and burst through the doors in a blind race. The wind caused water to drip from its eyes. “Well…it’s moving, that it is.” Landon stated as he and his friends stated as he and his friends sweated anime style. “I hope this’ll work…” Zeru clenched his teeth, praying that his Poke’mon could achieve its goal. Charmander closed in on its target—it was almost to the counter! “Char!” BANG!! “What?” The three friends jumped. From out of nowhere, Charmeleon landed on Charmander, causing its gifts to jump in the air. It caught them and walked towards Ruby deftly. Charmander was left on the ground with its eyes swirling dizzily. “Charmeleon,” “Char?” Ruby looked up from her book innocently. Charmeleon grinned and passed to her the gifts it had caught. “Char!” Ruby smiled to it. Charmander frowned and struck the ground with its fist. It was so close and yet so far. “Grrrr!” Zeru growled angrily. “Now, that was dirty.” Landon stated.


       “Now it’s my turn.” May stated as she took off Charmander’s hat and tied a black bow tie around its neck. Charmander stood with its arms folded. To tell the truth, it thought it looked ridiculous. It thumped its tail on the ground impatiently, but stayed still enough for May to do her work. Zeru stood with his hands on the back of his head, sweating anime style. “May, Charmander’s not a doll. What’s dressing it up gonna’ do?” He asked. “It certainly will get her attention, that it will.” “Mudkip!” Landon and Toya giggled. “Zeru, you had your chance. Now, it’s my turn.” May told him, folding Charmander’s sleeping cap. “But what are you going to do?” Zeru asked again. “I’m not going to do anything. Charmander is going to sing for Ruby.” “Dah!” “Ah!” Zeru and Charmander both gasped. Was she really serious? (to the reader: “I’m dead serious!”) “May…” Suddenly, Zeru put his hands on May’s shoulders. What really freaked her out was how emotional his eyes became—he was actually serious. “I think…” He continued in a calm voice, “That this…IS THE DUMBEST PLAN IN THE HISTORY OF YOU!” He suddenly shouted. “Oh, shut it up.” May pushed him away to focus back on Charmander. “Why can’t it just be itself?” Landon asked again. “You’re so plain, Landon. No wonder you don’t attract any girls.” May stated. “Now, I wouldn’t go that far.” Landon let his mind wonder. May pushed Charmander up to the door of the Poke’mon Center. Once again, it gazed into the glass to see Ruby again. She was dusting the books on the lower bookshelf with a feather duster. Charmander could feel its insides become seized by a hot-cold feeling. “Don’t be so nervous.” “Charmander!” May pushed the Poke’mon through the doors. Like a stiff board, Charmander froze. This was one battle field that it wasn’t good at. It slowly walked up to Ruby and tapped her shoulder. When Ruby saw that it was Zeru’s Charmander, she smiled and winked at it again. “Char!” Charmander shivered in its spot. Now, it couldn’t move, let alone sing for her. It rocked nervously, not uttering a sound. “Do something!” Zeru hissed. The humans sat in eager anticipation. “….ch-ch-ch,” Charmander tried to speak, “…eh,” Ruby stood patiently, scratching her head. “Char…ch—” BANG! “Charrrr!” Charmander was suddenly sent spiraling into the air and crashed into the ceiling. Charmeleon took its place in singing, though no one was sure if it should’ve been legal. “Grrr! This is so STUPID!” Zeru unintentionally grabbed Landon and tossed him through the Poke’mon center doors. “Whaaa!” BANG! He landed right next to Charmander. The two slid down the wall and landed on the ground. “Bad enough I have to look like a toy…” “Heheh…” Landon’s fray ears twitched at the sound of laughter. His tail lay still, as if displaying his sharp dislike. He glanced to the corner of the room to see Chase’s grinning face


Poke’mon All-Stars:

                   Forbidden Memories


Part 1 of episode 35