Zeru and Treecko stood just outside the big top facing Minako and Shroomish.  Treecko clenched its fists in confidence, but Shroomish let out a sigh. May, Landon, Toya, and Himiko stood on the sidelines, quietly watching in observation. Himiko had shown Zeru the routine she had worked out and he was now ready to put his own strategy into it. “I’ve taken a good look at Himiko’s chart and it seems that most of the performance comes from actual battle techniques. So, it’s only natural that Shroomish should battle to gain its confidence back.” Zeru stated. “I’m ready when you are.” Minako nodded. Landon pulled out his poke’dex and started scrolling down Shroomish’s suggestive attack list. “Interesting…” “I’m not gonna’ hold back just because you’re little.” Zeru pointed towards Shroomish, “Treecko, give it a Slam Attack!” “Treeecko!” Treecko responded by charging at Minako’s Poke’mon. “Umm…Shroomish, use a…use a Head butt, I guess.” Minako decided sluggishly. However, Shroomish didn’t even get a chance to carry out the attack; Treecko had thrust its tail onto Shroomish’s side and sent it sprawling. “Minako, you have to make Shroomish concentrate on its routine; use it as part of Shroomish’s attack pattern.” Zeru said, sounding more and more serious. “Is it me, or is Zeru really into this battle?” May asked without taking her eyes off of the fight. “He’s trying to not only teach Shroomish, but Minako as well, to react quickly—something that’s essential in both battling and performing.” Landon told her. “Treecko, use Quick Attack!” Treecko’s body turned into a blur of green as it sped like lightning on all fours across the brick road. Once again, Shroomish reacted too slowly and was struck so hard and fast, that it was forced to spin like a top. Over and over, Treecko crashed into it relentlessly. “Oh, Shroomish!” Minako cried, unable to think of a single option to choose from. May thought the battling was kind of harsh, but only Himiko and Landon saw the true nature of Zeru’s battling style. This battle is over. Treecko, do it now!” Zeru ordered and Landon let out a sharp gasp; he could’ve sworn he felt a jolt of strange power radiate from Zeru’s Poke’mon. Treecko’s speed became super-charged and it rammed its shoulder into its opponent. “Shroom-oooo!” Shroomish cried as it was sent flying into the air. “Ack, my Shroomish!” Minako’s voice nearly became lodged in her throat. Her Poke’mon soared, flailing in a helpless attempt to correct itself. “Ohaa…” “Mud…” The others blinked in amazement.

       It happened all too quickly; a wide teal-colored fabric burst through the air like something viscous. It cut through the sky and wrapped around Shroomish in mid-jump. “What the—” Landon frowned. “What’s that?” Himiko gasped and Zeru exclaimed, “Not them again!” From out of nowhere, two cloaked figures jumped up and caught the bag with their catch, landing on the opposite side of the kids. “That’s one for the bad guys—” “—and none for the good guys.” They removed the hoods from their heads to reveal their faces. (Background turns into a vast night jungle scene) “A stealth like dark, we’re shadows of the night.” “Blanketing over those who do things right.” –Yoshimari and Tsubimi performed a series of back flips—“Where treasure glitters, we’re there to claim.” “To higher riches, we’ll surely aim.” (Background turns to the picture of a triceratops in its Jurassic environment) Yoshimari and Tsubimi came to a stop, back to back, with their arms folded. “Tsubimi!” “Yoshimari!” “We’re Team Darkhorn, the pirate thieves.” “Don’t mess with us; you’re out of your league!”

       “Team Darkhorn! We thought we smelled something funny!” Landon and May growled. “Why are you always following us?” “Treecko—treecko!” Zeru and his Poke’mon asked them. “Can we help it if Miru is interested in your EX Poke’mon?” Yoshimari tucked a kicking Shroomish under his arm. “See ya’ later, losers.” Tsubimi waved to them ant the two disappeared into the crowd. “They’re getting away with my poor Shroomish!” Minako whimpered. “Not for long; C’mon, Gloom!” Himiko started after Team Darkhorn with her Gloom trotting behind her. “They’re getting on my nerves!” Zeru grabbed Treecko under his arm and dashed off, growling. For some reason, Zeru seemed really determined to help get Shroomish back. As a matter of fact, the only time Landon remembered him getting that mad was when someone talked about May behind her back. Zeru was already hot-tempered by nature—seeing him like that made one just want to stay out of his way.


       The sun was starting to completely sink behind the horizon. The sky was blending into violet, allowing the gentle wind of late evening to settle in. Yoshimari and Tsubimi gently sat Shroomish against a tree in a field of woods next to Wood Town. They sat down next to it and smiled surprisingly sweetly. “Hey, bro, with this Shroomish’s Sweet Scent attack, just imagine how many EX Poke’mon we could lure to us.” Tsubimi said and her brother knew she was, once again, thinking of a plan that would end in failure. “I don’t know, Tsubi…didn’t we steal the Shroomish just to lure Landon’s loser pack over here?” He asked. “No one said we couldn’t over-achieve.” Tsubimi picked up the whimpering Shroomish, “Could you use Sweet Scent for us?” “Shroo!!” Shroomish turned away angrily. “What!? You little fungus!” Tsubimi raged, nearly ready to toss the Poke’mon into the nearest tree, “You’d better start using Sweet Scent or else!” “Shroomish,” Shroomish grinned and let a yellow dust drift from its pistil. “Now that’s better—I thought you’d see things my way.” She let out a triumphant chuckle. “Erm…I thought Sweet Scent was pink.” Yoshimari blinked as he watched the yellow spores land all over his body. “Ack!” He croaked. His body started to shake a little and froze in its place. “This isn’t Sweet Scent—” “—it’s Stun Spore!” The two struggled to move freely, failing quite miserably. Shroomish leapt out of Tsubimi’s hands and started cracking up as if it hadn’t seen anything so funny—or stupid—in its entire life. “Four words for you, you little fungus!” Tsubimi snarled, “Cream of Mushroom soup! Where’s my spoon?” “There you are, Shroomish!” The bushes behind Shroomish fidgeted wildly and Minako came bursting out.  She flung her arms around her Poke’mon and held it close. Not too much later, Himiko pushed through the shrubs, followed by Zeru, May, and Landon. “What the heck? How’d you find us so easily?” Yoshimari managed to move his arm an inch. From behind Landon’s leg, Pikachu poked its head out before clambering up to its trainer’s other shoulder. “It was a piece of cake for Pikachu to sniff you two out.” He said. “Fine then; take that wimpy Poke’mon. It won’t do a thing we say, anyway.” Tsubimi wrenched her body free of her temporary paralysis and went over to help her brother move. “My Shroomish isn’t wimpy…” Minako stood up, staring at the ground for a moment, “And I’ll prove it by battling you.” “All by yourself? You’re a brave little girl.” Said Yoshimari, being able to make his body function again. “No, not alone.” Himiko stepped up. “Let me do it, Himiko.” Zeru said without looking at her. “But Zeru, she’s my little sister.” Himiko reminded him. “I know, but when Team Darkhorn stole Shroomish, they hurt the pride of grass Poke’mon everywhere. And when they hurt the pride of grass Poke’mon, they hurt the pride of my Treecko.” Zeru clenched his fists angrily, “So let me go instead. Ready, Treecko?”

       He let his Poke’mon leap out of his arms and onto the ground. “Tree!” “Let’s do this, Shroomish.” Minako put Shroomish down and clenched her fists. Yoshimari and Tsubimi pulled out a poke’ball from their cloak pockets and tossed them into the air. “Go, Tailow!” “Release, Loudred!” The Poke’balls burst open and revealed Team Darkhorn’s partner Poke’mon. “Treecko, use your Razor Leaf attack, now!” Zeru issued the first order and Treecko made a sharp clockwise spin, allowing two sharp leaves to spiral from its tail. “Loudred, Barrier attack!” Loudred held up its arms and the light of the sun glared off a transparent wall the just appeared in front of it; the buzz-sawing leaves merely bounced off the shield. “Don’t bother with the small fry. Take the loser’s Treecko!” Tsubimi said and both Tailow and Loudred turned towards Treecko. “Tree…” The grass Poke’mon clenched its fist as if ready to punch the lights out of them. “We can take both of you.” Zeru growled. “We’re in this battle too!” Minako shouted. “Shroomish, use a Head butt!” “Taaaaaiilowww!” Tailow screeched and started to flap its wings at ground level really hard and fast; it kicked up a gust of sand that swirled all over Shroomish.  “Shrooo-oo-mish!” The Poke’mon coughed. “Attack with Peck attack, Tailow!” “Tackle, Loudred!” Tsubimi and Yoshimari ordered. Treecko was forced to duck and roll from Tailow’s needle-sharp beak and Loudred’s massive fists. “Minako, you have to have confidence in your Poke’mon.” Zeru shot a glance at Minako. “You have to trust Shroomish and trust in its abilities—Treecko, dodge and slam Tailow!” Treecko jumped off to the side to avoid Tailow’s jabbing beak and slammed its tail onto the bird Poke’mon’s back. Minako watched Treecko take on Team Darkhorn by itself and couldn’t help but feel something stir inside her. She felt both angry and strong at the same time. Zeru’s words, however cross they may have sounded, seemed to give her a sense of courage and direction.

       “Okay, Shroomish,” A flame flickered in Minako’s eyes and she felt a boost of confidence flow through her. “I want you to spin real fast just like we practiced!” “Shroomish-shroomish!” Shroomish balanced on the tip of one foot and started to spin really fast; the sand could around its body spiraled away in swirling wisps. “Now, Shroomish, use your Stun Spore on Tailow.” Minako pointed. Shroomish fired a wave of yellow spores from its body. In the midst of nearly cornering Treecko, Tailow and Loudred soaked up Shroomish’s Stun Spore and were stopped in their tracks. “Thanks, Minako,” Zeru flashed Minako a thumbs-up, then went back to the battle. “Go for it, Zeru!” Landon shouted. “Treecko, attack now!!” Zeru exclaimed. Team Darkhorn jumped a little from the force behind Zeru’s voice. “Tree—” Treecko started rushing towards Loudred and Tailow with its fists drawn back. A wave of fear flushed through the two Poke’mon as they weren’t able to break free from the paralysis as easily as their trainers/ “—cko!” Treecko thrust its glowing fist into them and there was a loud banging noise. “Oh-no!” Team Darkhorn’s Poke’mon soared into them as sent them flying into the air. “Defeated again,” “Master Miru isn’t going to like this at all.” They told each other in mid-air. Landon grinned as he watched them sail away. “The only bad news is that they’ll be back.” “Mudkip-mud,” “Pika,” Toya and Pikachu shook their heads. “Great job, Shroomish; I knew you could do it!” Minako put her arms around Shroomish and it smiled. Zeru picked his Poke’mon up into his arms, “That was all too cool, buddy.” “Treecko!” Treecko flashed a thumbs-up to its trainer. “Thanks, Zeru.” Minako said to Zeru. “If you didn’t help me back there, Shroomish would’ve lost.” “No problem,”


       Later that night, the big top was literally packed with people and Poke’mon making loud noises in the bleachers. The smell of popcorn and cotton candy filled the air heavily. Landon, Zeru, and May sat in the very front row—the best seats in the house. Excitement settled in their stomachs and Zeru couldn’t help but feel a little proud knowing he helped the show go on. Landon didn’t notice what Toya was doing with his box of popcorn and when he reached down to get some, all he pulled up was an empty box. “Toya!!! Now what am I supposed to eat?!” He shrieked. “Mudkip,” Toya simply rubbed her body affectionately against his stomach in an attempt to work her cute-appeal. “Oh, whatever!” Landon pouted and folded his arms. The lights in the big top dimmed and indicated that the show was about to start. Landon smiled as he and his friends sat anxiously for their new two new friends to come out. The music started and Himiko came spinning out like a top followed by Gloom. The two spun in place for a while before slowing to a halt on one foot. Another spotlight shot onto the stage and Minako performed her mid-air pirouette feat, landing lightly on the very tips of her feet next to her sister. She gave the audience a big smile and held up her hands. From out of nowhere, Shroomish spiraled into the open and landed on one foot in Minako’s hand gracefully. The four took a quick bow as the two grass Poke’mon let out a roomful of sparkling pink dust. Even though the performance wasn’t over, the audience couldn’t help but clap and cheer loudly. (And so, our heroes watch their new friends perform their greatest. What lesson can be learned from all of this? If there is one, I sure hope Landon has learned it well. Join us next time for another exciting episode of “Poke’mon X”!)


Fast Fact answer: Landon wants to become the greatest Poke’mon Doctor in the world. Stay tuned for more Fast facts.


Shine the Sky” (Ending Theme)


Shine the sky!

Crystal power hit the high—

Flying current to my victory

Try and Try!

Never give the fight away

I’ll take every challenge that I can get in my hands


Prophecy I can’t ignore

Know what surprises that it has in store

Shine the sky!

A knew adventure I will face

Another chance at victory with Poke’mon!