Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon, fin.


This is my first Pokemon P.O.V ever and the beginning is a bit sticky but please I’ll try to improve so endure with me. Anyway please review in order to improve I need feedback! Thank you!


P.S I have described a pichu as a field mouse in this fic and made it a lot smaller than it is in the anime and the game for realism purposes as well as a couple of other Pokemon eg: a larger girafirig etc.




.It Begins.


There it was. My distorted reflection in the water. The only evidence that I exist.


A few years ago before I became king I was a prince like most of my predecessors. My kingdom was a prosperous place like it is now. The land was green and there were many animals to eat: we never went hungry.


I lived a very secluded life with my father, mother and younger siblings. We were the royal family. My siblings and I were respected, praised and worshipped for being born resulting in my brethren and I harboring the fictitious idea that we were better than the rest of the kingdom.


And such we grew up, arrogant, cold and empty.


And then it happened one day. I began to rethink my life. At this point I had not done anything to prove my worth. I questioned why I was born.  I had no talents besides getting up in the morning and being served and waited upon while I gorged myself. And the questions kept on going through my mind: Why was I born? Just to live off others and follow in my parents footsteps, did I not have a destiny….?


My thoughts traveled deeper into my inner self. I felt a vacuum. Did I have a soul or was I just an empty vessel put on earth to take up room and steal oxygen from other kinds.  The only reason why anybody looked at me, talked to me, asked my opinion on anything was because of my linage.


And so I took a brave decision. By far the biggest and bravest I had taken in my short life. I distanced myself from the royal family. I needed to define myself, to fill that empty space in my chest, to give myself a reason to exist and to be alive.


Often, I would wake up in the morning, stare at the pink sky, and ask who am I?  I’d go to the water’s edge and look at the reflection, I wanted to see who the me was and who it was I was looking at. I had an empty feeling...





The night was dry. A constant where I live. Everything is always dry. The grass in the savannah, the leaves of the trees and before the rainy season our water as well.

There were many stars out that night, a particularly heavy cluster of them right down the middle of the sky.


About four times a week we all woke up around this time to go hunting. The females of course did most or all of the work only calling the assistance of the males when they were hunting a large prey as was custom with my species.


Tonight was no different, my father and I, and my siblings too young to hunt would stay behind. There was one old female left to look after the young. She was the oldest and didn’t have the strength to hunt anymore.


My father was sprawled out lazily on a large rock just in the boundaries of the tree’s shadow.  His fore paws were crossed with his head was perched on top, his eyes closed.

The stars provided just enough light to illuminate his dozing form, his thick mane framing his strong features.


In my youth I’d hoped to grow into a Luxray as strong and regal as my father. Though I’d soon grown out of that idea as I’d grown older. But even so the dream was coming true. I was looking more and more like my father everyday. His powerful jutting chest was becoming mine, his thick black mane sprouting on my head, his muscled shoulders and hind legs resembled my own as did my teeth, once small and pin like, now, thick daggers.


He didn’t stir as I slunk past.


I was already hungry before the females had set out for the hunt. My father’s unconsciousness left me free to do some hunting for myself.  If he had been awake I would have been subjected to a strong lesson in the royal duties.


I padded quietly into the tall grass, sparing a small glance for my father before disappearing into the night.


***(((-End Prologue-)))***