********** Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Darkbadge Saga Chapter 2: Porygon, Stray or stay? ********** Tom and the Porygon were in the midst of Halla town, searching for the Pokemon Center. Search as they might, however, neither one of them spotted one. "Funny, I could've sworn there was one around here somewhere," Tom muttered to himself, rubbing the back of his head as he and the Porygon wandered the empty streets. "Porygon, do you have any idea where one is?" Tom asked. The Porygon mechanically shook its head. "A Pokemon Center?" a voice behind them said. Tom and the Porygon turned around too see a late-teeneaged girl standing behind them. Although a little shorter than Tom, she was about a year older. Her dark sunglasses matched her short brown hair perfectly, wearing the hair long in the back. "Tell me your joking," she said sarcastically. "I'm not," Tom said flatly, "Isn't there one around here?" "Oh yes, there's one here. Right over there," She said, pointing to a worn-out building across the street. "That? That's a Pokecenter?" "Mmm-hmm," she nodded. The building had looked like a miniature atom bomb had hit it. Broken windows, holes in it's walls, and whatever remained of the paint was slowly peeling off. "What happened to it?" Tom asked the girl. "Didn't you know?" She asked, "there hasn't been a trainer here for years." "Then I suppose your not one then, are you?" "You kidding?" The girl snorted a laugh, "I love Pokemon!" "Then what are you doing here?" She swept her ponytailed hair to the side. "I heard that there was some rare Pokemon hanging around down here. Speaking of hanging around, I havn't seen you anywhere around here. Who are you?" "Tom. And you?" "I'm Jennifer, but people call me Jen." Tom extended his hand to her in a gesture of freindship. Jen just stood there, paying it no mind. As Tom retracted his hand, Jen looked down at the Porygon. "Nice porygon. Where'd you get it?" she asked, taking off her sunglasses, revealing her crystal blue eyes. Tom and the Porygon looked at each other. "Well, he's really not mine," said Tom. "Oh?" Jen asked, "Who's is he then?" Tom looked at the Porygon again. "Say Porygon, you never did tell me who owns you-" Just then, Jen gasped. "You bastard, you stole it, didn't you?" "Stole it?" Tom gasped, surprised. "I did not steal it!" "Oh, then where'd you get it?" "I found it on the way here." "Really. You think I believe that?" "Yes. Because I did find him." "You can only buy these things." "Look, I didn't steal him-!" "Then he's yours?" "No, I-" "-Lemme guess, 'You found him.'" "Yes" "What kind of fucking stupid idiot do you think I am?" "I dunno. How many kinds are there?" Jen slapped Tom hard across the face. The Porygon bumped into Jen's leg angrily as Tom groaned, rubbing his welted cheek. "Whe-re do you get off st-ri-kin-g the hu-man?" Porygon demanded. "He called me an idiot!" Jen snapped. "Not necc-e-sar-il-ly," the Porygon output. "He as-ke-d ho-w man-y ki-nd-s of id-i-ots th-ere ar-e-" "-Hey, what are you doing sticking up for someone who stole you?" Jen flared. Tom looked angrily at Jen. "The hu-man did not st-ea-l me," the Porygon replied blankly. Jen looked up at Tom, realizing Tom had been telling the truth. "Um, sorry," Jen apologized, her face flushing a blush red. "Serves you right, bitch," Tom muttered under his breath. "What did you say?" Jen asked angrily, her anger flaring once again. Tom looked down. "Nothing" "You said something about me!" "I said nothing," Tom said again, looking up into Jen's face. If Jen had any less self-control, she would have ripped off Tom's head and tore out his liver from his neck. Crossing her arms, Jen turned away. "Some trainer you are," she taunted, "your only Pokemon isn't even yours!" Tom looked at the Porygon, then looked back at Jen. "Yeah, well if he was mine, I'd beat you in a match any day!" Tom retorted. Jen smirked. "Then why don't you?" She reached around her waist, brushed aside her jacket, and plucked one of the three minimized pokeballs from her belt. "C'mon, Tom, I'll take you on!" "I don't have a Pokemon yet-" "Then why don't you use that Porygon over there? It seems to like you enough." Tom and the Porygon looked at eachother. The Porygon strode up to Tom. "Su- re," the Porygon said. Tom looked up at Jen. "Okay, Jen, send out your best!" Tom challenged. Jen could not contain a plotting grin. "Okay," she said, dropping her Pokeball to the ground, "Go, Clefairy!" A red beam of energy shot out of Jen's Pokeball, which materialized into some shape, then into a Pokemon. "Clefairy!" the Pokemon cried. Tom pulled out his Pokedex. "Clefairy, the Fairy Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said. "Clefairy is one of the rarest pokemon in the world. It uses its bulk to use attacks like Pound and Body Slam. It's signature move is the Metronome. However, like it's relative, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff, it can use the Sing technique; singing a mysteriously relaxing melody which may cause any Pokemon or humans around it to fall asleep." "Clefairy, huh?" Tom mused, "Well, it's nothing this Porygon can't handle! Porygon, Tackle attack!" Tom commanded. The Porygon drove towards the Clefairy at full speed. Just before the Porygon could ram into Clefairy, the Pokemon managed to catch Porygon by its beak and swing herfelf onto the Porygon's back. clubbing her hands into tiny fists, the Clefairy began to Pound away on the back of the Porygon's skull. "That's it, Clefairy! Pound that Porygon senseless!" Jen cheered. "Porygon! Buck it off!" Tom commanded. The Porygon reared up and thrust itself in a controlled nosedive, throwing the Clefairy off a good three meters in front of him. The Clefairy slowly got up, only to have the Porygon tackle her in the mouth. Clefairy wiped the trickiling blood coming from her broken gums off her chin. "Clefairy!" she snarled angrily. Almost as suddenly as the fight began, the Porygon was now rushing towards the Clefairy again, nailing her in the gut. The Clefairy coughed up a little phlegm before collapsing to her knee. Jen could see that her Clefairy was getting outclassed. "Clefairy! Sing it to sleep!" she ordered. The Clefairy took in a deep breath, and started to hum a sweet melody. Tom could see the Porygon starting to go off-line, as its eyes were starting to dim. "Porygon, don't listen to it!" Tom urged. The Porygon shook it's head violently, trying to resist the Clefairy's Sing tactic. And then, the Clefairy began to sing. Tom yawned, feeling the effects from the Clefairy's song. "Don't, give up, Porygon" Tom said as he struggled to stay awake, shaking on the spot. But it was of no use. The Porygon had gone completley off-line. The Clefairy stopped singing, and walked over to the Porygon. "Okay, Clefairy! Finish him off!" Jen called, "Doubleslap!" The Clefairy raised her hand, about to administer the final blow. Just before the Clefairy could strike, the Porygon came back on-line, and rammed her with its beak, right into the Clefairy's midsection. The Clefairy staggered back, fell to one knee, and coughed up some blood. The Clefairy fell flat on her back, winded and defeated. "Oh no," Jen gasped, "Clefairy!" Jen rushed to her Clefairy's side, couched down, and zapped the Clefairy back into his Pokeball. Jen stood up and looked at Tom. "Look what you did to my Clefairy!" she snarled. "You're the one who started the match. It's not my fault this Porygon's better than that weak Clefairy." Tom smirked. "Weak?" Jen roared. Jen's face turned red, boiling with anger, and then almost immediatley she cooled down. "This isn't over, asshole!" She growled at Tom as she stormed by them and into the down the street. Tom kneeled down at the Porygon. "I'm sorry I had to use you in that fight, Porygon. Now you're even more damaged than before." "That-'s ok-ay," the Porygon replied. "Well, there's definitly a Pokemon center at St. Baers," siad Tom, changing the subject, "I said I'd fix you at one, and I will. Okay?" Tom proposed. "Al-righ-t. -End *******