******************* Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Chapter XXV Saga VI- Team Rocket Saga Chapter V- A Scenario to Die for. ******************* Tom looked at his watch. The little blue glow on his wrist said the time was three-thirty. Tom sighed. "Where is Sabre?" Tom asked himself. "She was supposed to meet me here half an hour ago." Tom leaned against a nearby tree. Tom looked down on Porygon, who remained silent, as it always has. "He sure doesn't talk much," Tom thought, "The strong silent type, I guess." Then, Tom's thoughts turned to Team Rocket. He thought about all the horrible crimes they were committing, using Pokemon as mere disposable puppets. The very thought angered Tom. "Damn those Rockets." Tom snarled in his mind. Tom began to wonder whether he was doing the right thing in helping Sabre with the Rockets. Maybe she was right, maybe he should not have shoved his nose into Team Rocket's business after all. Hell, he could have already gotten a new badge by now, and be on his way to the next Gym. But the thought of him just sitting down and letting those Rockets have their wicked ways with Pokemon, Tom could not stand it. He had to do something about it. And this was it. Tom then thought about just how evil the Rockets really are- pulling weapons on trespassers, robbing innocent trainers of their Pokemon at gunpoint, all for a few thousand measly dollars in profit. What if Sabre was right? What if Team Rocket was really as evil as he initially thought? Tom sure didn't want to have his bullet-ridden body floating dead in a lake somewhere. One false move, and he could be stone cold dead by the end of the day. Tom had no idea how right he was. Suddenly, a blinding flash of red streaked by Tom and Porygon. The two both followed the crimson blur, where it came to a sudden halt in the middle of the dirt road they were standing by. It was a Pokemon, a Pokemon Tom had seen before. "No mistaking it," Tom thought to himself, "That's definitely a Sizor." the Sizor then turned around, facing Tom and Porygon. Tied around its left arm was a white band, sporting a large, red letter "R" on it. When Tom saw this insignia branded on the Sizor, he instantly recognized that the Sizor was part of Team Rocket. Porygon recognized this too, and drove in front of Tom, seemingly ready to protect his human friend. The Sizor then took a few steps forwards, glaring straight at Tom and Porygon, a look of utter hatred in his eyes. "Porygon," Tom began, "If he gets too close, attack him with a Fire Blast." Porygon nodded. "Al-righ-t." Porygon said, confirming Tom's orders. The Sizor slowly gained ground towards Tom and Porygon, step by fear-inducing step. Then, Porygon's beak began to glow a reddish hue, preparing a Fire Blast. Before Porygon could strike, a voice called out from behind Tom. "Sizor, Submission!" The Sizor suddenly dashed towards Porygon with blinding speed. The Sizor then grabbed Porygon in his massive claws, lifted Porygon up, and then flung Porygon to the ground. Porygon landed with a large thud, knocked off-line by the blow. The Sizor then glared at Tom. "Nice work, Sizor," the female voice said again, this time closer than before. Tom spun around, only to see two figures, one male, one female, dressed all in black, slowly walking towards him. Tom recognized them instantly. Unmistakably part of Team Rocket, the blazing red "R" on their black shirts proclaimed. The male Rocket walked up to Tom, his large, blocky figure towering a good three inches over Tom. "We'll give you a chance to live," the Rocket said. "You hand over all your Pokemon to us now, leave the city, and we'll let you go," the Rocket threatened. "My friend Laura, here," The Rocket said, looking over his shoulder to his female partner, "has a well-trained Sizor. I'm sure you don't want to find out just how strong he is," The Rocket said, stretching an insidious smirk across his face. Tom stepped back, right past his off-line Porygon and the Sizor. "Larry," Laura said to the Rocket, "Feel free to kill him any time now." "Aw, come on," said Larry, "Let's have some fun first." "Fine," Laura replied, rolling her eyes, "But make it quick." Larry nodded, then looked back to Tom. "Well? Are you gonna' give us your Pokemon or not?" Larry snarled. Tom quickly reached onto his belt, and grabbed a Pokeball. Larry quickly pulled out a gun from his belt, and shot at Tom's hand. Tom yelped in pain, gripping his hand, which was spraying blood everywhere. The bullet had gone right through his palm; a fact Tom noticed when he was able to see Larry through his hand. Laura sighed. "I'll take that as a no. Sizor, kill him," She ordered her Pokemon, with a cold, unfeeling tone. Sizor began to advance on Tom, his claws rattling open and closed, as if ready to seize Tom with them. Tom slowly began to back off, still holding his bloody hand. Then, with a lightning-quick movement, the Sizor rushed at Tom, pushing him over with his claws, knocking Tom to the ground. Sizor then buried his knee into Tom's gut forcefully, leaving Tom wheezing in pain. Then, the Sizor pulled back his left claw, opened it wide, and slowly lowered it, as if to grasp Tom in its unforgiving steel clutch. Sizor slowly moved his claw downward, destined straight for Tom's throat. Tom, bearing the agonizing pain in his left hand, put his hands to the edges of Sizor's claw, and tried to pull them apart, but it was of no use. Tom's hands were slowly being ripped and cut by Sizor's serrated vice grip claw, as it was slowly being lowered towards Tom's throat. "Sizor," Laura sighed. ",just kill him already, would you?" As soon as she said this, Sizor's claw shot itself down, and wrapped around Tom's throat. Tom tried in vain to pry himself free from the Sizor's cold grip, but to no avail. Sizor's razor-like claw buried itself deeper, and deeper into Tom's throat, digging itself under Tom's skin and into his flesh, his blood pouring out of his punctured throat. And then, with a quick, fluid movement of his arm, Sizor gripped Tom's throat harder, and violently pulled his arm back. All Tom felt was an intense pain before all turned to black. -The End....? *****************