*********** Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Darkbadge Saga Chapter III: A real 'Chop-up ********** "Sys-tem dia-g-nos-ti-c... sys-tem at forty t-wo per-cen-t po-we-r," the Porygon said blankly while running a system check. "That Clefairy must've really roughed you up some," Tom said as they continued up Route 43. Tom opened up his Pokedex and pressed a yellow button in the center. "Pokemon seen: seven. Pokemon owned: zero. Percent of full Pokedex-Trainer experience: 1.4 percent." Tom groaned. It had already been five days since he left Yorin town. At this rate, he would never get any badges, or his shot at Pokemon Leauge. Quickly shifting his eyes on the Porygon travelling by his feet, Tom wondered how having this Porygon as one of his own Pokemon would help him. Suddenly dismissing the thought as soon as it had happened upon him, Tom knew that it was not in him to thieve off of someone else. Deciding to keep optimistic nevertheless, Tom and Porygon continued forth down the forest trail. Just then, the Porygon came to a stop, making Tom halt too. There was a grayish-blue Pokemon lying belly-up in the middle of the trail. Tom pulled out his Pokedex. "Machop, the Superpower Pokemon," Tom's Pokedex said, "Machops are usually solitary Pokemon. While awake in daylight hours, the Machop usually spends its time exercising its mucsles, while at night they are almost always found sleeping. Machops are also known to take naps almost anywhere, similar to the rare Pokemon Snorlax. When on the attack, the Machop likes to use it's hands for fighting, and occasionally uses it's feet." Tom put his Pokedex back in his jacket pocket. "Too bad I can't catch it, it'd make a really good team player," Tom groaned. "Wh-y ar-e y-ou un-ab-le to ca-t-ch th-is Po-ke-mo-n?" the Porygon asked. "Well..." Tom started to explain to Porygon about his predicament. When Tom finished, the Porygon nodded. "A-ff-ir-m-a-ti-ve," the Porygon said, "Bu-t I w-ou-ld be gl-ad to he-l-p y-ou-" "Oh, no Porygon," Tom cut in, "you're already damaged as it is. And I promised I'd fix you. I can't." The Porygon blinked once. "We'd be better off leaving him alone." Slowly yet quietly, Tom raised his leg over the Machop, as not to disturb it. Just as he planted his foot on the other side of the Machop, a dry twig snapped suddenly, making a loud, dry cracking sound. The Machop shook awake and fixed a glare upon him immediately. Tom could tell that the Machop was not happy at all from being awoken, and before Tom could move a muscle, the Machop struck with a swift Karate Chop between Tom's legs. Tom yelped in pain and fell over, holding between his legs and groaning. The Machop rolled over backwards and sommersaulted to his feet, just seconds after being awoken. Still in pain, Tom looked up only to have the Machop slap him in the face with another quick strike. Tom collapsed on one knee, rubbing his tenderized cheek. The Porygon sped towards the two at ramming speed, only to have the Machop swat the Porygon in the face, toppling the Porygon to its side. The Machop then grabbed the Porygon's tail, and began to swing it around like a centerfuge motion, and threw it into the bushes with a Seismic Toss. By this time, Tom had gotten back up to his feet, wiping a cut on his cheek. The Machop suddenly switched his attention back to Tom, boundign up into the air with his hand wound across his chest, ready to land another Karate Chop. Without hardly a second to think, Tom sidestepped out of the way in the nick of time, quick enough to let the Machop sail through the air and hit a low branch on a tree around it's mid-section. The branch flexed backwards with the Machop, and then springboarded the Pokemon into the air. The Machop landed on his back and tumbled onto his belly, thoroughly stunned. As Tom looked at the Machop, his brain immediately switched gears. Pokeball time. Tom dug into his trench coat's pocket and fished out a Pokeball. "Pokeball, go!" Tom called and the hurled the red-white ball at the Machop. The ball struck the Machop, zapping him inside, and falling to the ground. The ball rocked back and forth along the ground violently, pitching with no end in sight. And after about eleven seconds, the ball fell still. Machop had been caught. Tom could have screamed with joy. Just as he scooped up the Pokeball, Tom suddenly remembered something. "Porygon!" Tom ran over to the bushes where Machop threw the Porygon. Tom searched the shrub, and pulled out the badly damaged Porygon soon after. "Sys-tem at tw-o per-cen-t po-w-errrrrrr...." The Porygon groaned as its voice and eye-lights began to fade. "C'mon, Porygon, I'll fix you for sure this time." -End *******