********* Pokemon, Asylum of the Damned Chapter LXX Saga XIII- Master Battles Saga Chapter XII- Hurricane's Eye ********* Only two days now stood between Tom and the Pokemon battle to end all Pokemon battles. In just forty-eight hours, he would be facing off against the Pokemon League champion, and he was in for the toughest fight of his life. Sitting by himself at the dark, dimly lit bar of the Trainer Lounge, Tom sighed, thought to himself some more, and rested his cheek in his palm. After training all day long, he let Porygon Two and the rest of his Pokemon rest, and Tom knew that they had all gone down to the Pokemon spa for some much-deserved relaxation. Tom's eyelids began to droop, and he looked at his watch. It was ten 'o clock, and Tom began to think of heading back to his suite for the night. Suddenly, a short, wide glass slid down the counter, stopping right in front of Tom with the thin straw brushing past his lips. Tom looked to where the glass had come from, and saw the burly bartender cleaning out a hearty-sized mug with a small towel. "There's your martini," said the bald barkeeper in a thick, gruff voice. Tom looked at the drink, and then back at the bartender. "I didn't order anything," he said. "I know you didn't," said the barkeep, "she did for you." Tom looked over the bartender's burly shoulders to see a thin blonde woman sitting at the edge of the counter. She looked up at Tom, and almost as soon as they made eye contact, she dropped her sight to the counter. "Thanks," said Tom quietly, picking up his martini and moving to the blonde. As soon as Tom pulled up a stool beside the woman, he saw her cheeks flush a bright red as he brushed her shoulder-length fluffy hair out of her eyes. "Thanks for the drink," said Tom, batting the straw around with his fingertip. "It was nothing," she replied. "What's the occasion?" The woman weakly grinned. Tom could tell she was very shy when she meekly murmured, "You just seemed so lonely by yourself there." "Well, you should know who I am," Tom said, "What's your name?" The blonde hesitated before she answered, "Claire." Tom gingerly sipped on the martini. He never did care much for alcohol, but he felt ashamed not to take a sip. "So, are you a trainer?" Tom asked, bearing the odd tingling at the back of his tongue. "Yeah," said Claire quietly, brushing her hair off of her plain white shirt, "I'm not really that tough of a Trainer, though. My best Pokemon is my Pidgey." Tom had to struggle to keep his tongue from rattling off a barrage of bragging. "Well, we all have to start somewhere," said Tom. "When I started, I had nothing but a Pokedex and a few empty Pokeballs that someone gave to me." Claire giggled quietly. "Well, I just started a month ago," she said, "I watch the tournament for fun. The first one I ever watched was the last one." "I was in that one," said Tom. "I, well, sort of had to quit." "Yeah, I saw it all," said Claire empathetically. "Who knew that Team Rocket could be so daring?" "Certainly not me," said Tom, deciding to keep his escapade in Mega City between him and Sabre. "When I saw you battle," said Claire, flushing red again, "I decided I would try training Pokemon too." Tom beamed. "Really?" He asked. "Well, that Rocket guy scared me a bit," she said, "but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't run into one of them." "And I hope no one ever does again," Tom muttered silently under his breath. When Tom took a quick glance at Claire again, their eyes met once more, and it was not long before Claire sheepishly looked back down at the counter. "So, you've seen Moltres, right?" Tom asked. "Who hasn't?" "Want to know how I found him?" Claire grinned eagerly. "Sure I would!" Tom grinned back, gingerly taking another sip of the martini before shifting himself closer to Claire. "Well, it all started after I quit the last tournament..." -End....? ********