Disclaimer - I Don't Own Pokemon. Author’s Notes – Alright Folks! Here is a stab at a multi – chapter fic for you, set as a future peace and although the beginning of the story relates to you the ending, please stay interested as I am sure you’ll discover as we go through there is plenty more of a story to be told. In life we think we have everything we could ever hope for and accomplish, however it’s not until the harsh reality of mortality bares down upon us, that we truly realize just how lucky we were, And hence forth a time for reflecting, and remembering those memories that we hold dear within our heart (Misty’s P.O.V). Reflections On A Summer’s Day Chapter 1 – It’s A Beautiful Dawn Misty I just stood there, watching the sun caress the horizon and break the darkness with its brilliant beauty. I glanced my gaze downwards at my watch briefly, 6.45am. I reverted my eyes back to the skyline, It had been an early rise from my nightly slumber, but I knew I just had to be here, I knew I had to observe the sunrise within this place just one last time. I tensed slightly as a hand came to rest on my shoulder and a voice was heard. "Mom? Are you sure this is the place?" my gaze shifted to find the youngest of my daughters standing before me a coat draped over her right arm, I merely nodded as a smile began to form on my lips, it was the first time I had smiled in nearly three days since it happened, three days since my world encased itself into this seemingly endless abyss of darkness, For it was three days ago that my husband of a little over 55 years had passed away. “Your sure now?” she emphasized observing her surroundings and taking a slight step away from me. "I could never forget this place Em" I mouthed to my daughter as I heard the car door click shut and a few footsteps before another voice echoed through out my ear drums, "Not one to belittle your memories mom, but the place isn’t exactly much to remember, I mean my god, a lake, a waterfall, and a succession of big rocks? This is it? This is the place that you both ranted and raved about, the place that you and dad first met?” I inhaled sharply as Casey my third child and only son had finished his sentence. I focused my eyes to the ground somewhat taken aback at the way he phrased the question, for although I realized he meant no malice within it, it could not help but be interpreted that way. I redirected my gaze to my son just in time to see his older sister swipe him atop the back of his head. “Dammit!...” He muttered reaching over at where Emily had slapped him. “What was that for?” he pouted as if he was a kid again. “Christ! For someone who’s in their late 20’s, and has a law degree, you’d think you’d have the presence of mind to bide your tongue to spare peoples feelings ya little twerp” Emily spat out bitterly, I could not help but let loose a contended smirk at the word she had just bestowed upon her brother, twerp, it was a nickname Jessie had rather begrudgingly assigned to Ash during her time on team rocket, however once both she and James had left the hassle and bustle of the pokemon underworld, behind she along with James had become two of our closest friends. And as a result the fore mentioned name had become more or a term of endearment for her to him. My hearing recoiled as I had just noted my two youngest children had became more embroiled in their war of words, “Enough!” I said razing a hand silencing them both, and just as when they were kids they did so without hesitation. I sighed dissolving my built up tension “I mean…. It’s alright….” I whispered taking a few steps from them and wrapping my small jacket around my shoulders and taking a moment to close my eyes and breathe in the fresh morning air. “I know this place doesn’t seem like much to you Case, but believe me it has more significant sentimental value than you could possibly ever know.” I explained. as I gazed over my shoulder at him. “I’m sorry mom…..I miss him…” he whimpered lowering his head to the ground. “We all do” Emily responded placing a loving hand on his shoulder. A few moments of silence ensued between us, As I reverted my eyes from them to the lake I trudged over and cast my eyes downward upon the water surface of the lake. I exhaled a Sharpe breath as I placed a hand to my cheek observing my still form, For father time had certainly weaved his magic upon me, gone was the red haired exuberant silk skinned tomboyish features of a 10 year old girl trying to find herself within the world. And in their place was a grey haired, elderly, all be it distinguished woman, whom you could tell just by looking at her carried a heavy burden upon her heart. Emily and Casey by this time had approached standing by my side and merely glanced around their surroundings. “Mother, this place really is beautiful in the morning sunrise” Emily beamed as I could detect a radiant smile creeping upon her lips. “yeah, you know mom, Em’s got a point, this place does sort of have a sensual feel to it” he said placing a gentle hand on my back while Emily Grasped my right hand in hers. I bowed my head momentarily while casting my eyes down at my wedding band upon my left hand. “Kids, tell me something” I whispered while pausing to revert my eyes between them both “Which do you believe in more, Luck or fate?” I asked. Emily bit her lip mulling over the question, as Casey wearily scratched his head a second. “Uh is this one of those rhetorical things?” Casey Asked probably a little afraid of upsetting me should he not give the answer I wanted, I observed Emily who merely glared at him in playful disgust. “No just curious” I assured, as I waved my hand dismissively with a smile “Well Mom, it’s been my experience in life that you make your own luck, as for fate” my daughter shrugged. “Can’t give ya a definitive on that, although there is nothing scientific about it, things just tend to get to complicated should you start thinking about scenarios and events in a coincidental manner” she explained. “This is really bringing out the PHD candidate in you isn’t it?” Casey mocked towards his sister while trying to suppress his laughter, without much success I might add. “Arrogant bastard…..” I heard Emily mutter under her breath as Casey finally spoke thus airing a valid question. “Why the whole Luck Versus Fate Debate mom?” I closed my eyes for a moment taking in another breath of oxygen from the fresh crisp air this mild summer morning had to give. “I just recalled a conversation I had with your father about it that’s all, I just wanted to get your take on it” I said folding my arms. “I never pictured Dad as much of a gambler” Casey mouthed as Emily slapped her head with her free hand in what I feel was astonishment. “Dear God! I hope your two kids got the higher percentage of Maria’s genes!” she mumbled referring to Casey’s wife of 5 years, Casey merely glared at her in response. “Cool it sis! Nobody likes a smartass” he responded. I sighed inwardly to myself, they had been like this since they were kids, guess it is a bit late to assume they will simply grow out of it now. I decided it best to explain as to why I had asked the question and at the same time hopefully bring a halt to their all be it playful, but can get irritating at times bickering “The luck of which I speak Casey, was referring to the fact, that I had told him once that we had met here on this day by accident, that it was pure luck that I happened to be sitting here” I explained. “What gave you that idea mom?” I bit my lip a moment before responding. “Basically everything, the fact that your father’s alarm clock was late in going off that morning, the fact that his stubbornness persuaded him to pick up a rock and launch it at a pack of fearows, or the fact that that myself being so pig headed and leaving home amongst the midst of muttering obscenities at your aunts, I simply plopped myself down at the first riverbank I found and engrossed myself in some fishing to get my mind off things.” My two kids stood there taking in my points. “So…” Emily breathed. “The fact that you met dad was nothing more than a chain of events going array?, a fluke?” she asked while worriedly casting her eyes at Casey. “In one sense yes, however in another sense, no….as your father once pointed out to me sweetheart sometimes destiny has a habit of cropping up when you least expect it, It was his theory that we were destined to meet, had we not met here that morning, then more than likely we would have at some point along the way considering the number of towns and cities we were going to end up in, admittedly our relationship would have started off very differently, but I suppose at times you can only play with the cards you are dealt” I surmised. Yet more silence engulfed us as I wrapped an arm around Casey’s waist for support allowing myself to gaze upon the radiant morning light just shimmering from the tree tops above, of the surrounding area, I stiffened slightly choking back a sob, a sob of which I knew my children could not help but detect. Emily reached forward and placed a kiss on top of my forehead, as if trying to exuberate what shred of comfort she could from her own body to that of mine. “This isn’t going to get any easier for you mom is it?” she whispered softly with a hint of dejection within her tone. I knew she was only looking for some shred of comfort at this time, but at the same time I couldn’t lie to her. I wearily shook my head as a small tear trickled down my cheek. “Waking up to an empty bed these past couple of days…who knew I’d…..god….please promise me…” I stopped and swallowed hard. “Promise me you’ll take your fathers example and cherish every second” I said as Casey laid his head to rest upon mine, I noted he cast his gaze to his left to Emily who simply nodded in reply as she laid her head to rest on my shoulder. “We love you mom…” he mumbled suddenly, speaking for them both, a small smile could not help but curve its way upon my lips “I know….” I replied my voice barely above a whisper, as I leaned back into my children’s embrace and continually observed the rebirth of yet another day originating from what can only be described as a beautiful dawn. To Be Continued Author’s Notes – Well guys, there we go were off and running, please bare with me as stated before, it might take some time to get this sorted in terms of the direction I aim to go, Hope to have the next chapter up soon, and by that I mean before the new year with some luck. Cheers for now guys. _TheBossGeo