The Dragon Master III: Chapter Two I fell out of the portal, dismantled and looking like a wreck. I didn't know where I was, but I did know when I was. I checked my PokeGear and it said that I was on Route 29. I was so close to Cherrygrove City. I sprinted as fast as I could to the orphanage between the PokeCenter and the PokeMart. It looked like it was still in the same condition in 1988 as it was in 2004. I went inside and talked to the secretary. "Excuse me, miss," I said. "But is there an orphan named Robert Shepardson here? It's very important." "Let me check the files," she said. She went back and looked through the filing cabinet. "I'm sorry, but there isn't even anybody with the last name 'Shepardson' here. Why don't you go and try the Lavender Town orphanage." "Dammit," I cursed under my breath. "Where am I? I thought that I was supposed to be here." "Um, sir," the secretary asked. "By the way, you're in Cherrygrove City. But, who are you talking to?" "No one in particular," I said. I was walking out of the door and bumped into a couple holding a baby boy. "Watch it there, kid," the man said to me. He wasn't that much older than me, though I'm 16 years in the past. "Sorry," I said. I took a closer look at him and the woman with the baby. It looked like...but no...Giovanni and Lorelei? "Do you need something," Lorelei asked me, because I was staring at the baby, which was me. "Um," I said. "Actually, could I talk to you two over here for a second." I motioned them over to the corner of the building. "This had better be good," Giovanni said. "I have some important business to attend to." "This is of the utmost importance," I said. "Someone is trying to kill that baby." "What," Lorelei exclaimed. "Who's trying to kill Bob?" "He's a 24 year old lunatic," I said. "He will stop at nothing until your little boy is dead. Please, let me protect him. I'm the only chance that he will survive." "What the hell is this," Giovanni asked. "Why would anybody want to kill him?" "If I told you, you'd think that I was crazy," I said. "I can't explain to you now, but call back to the orphanage in a week and I'll leave a note explaining everything. Please, Lorelei, do this for your son." "How did you know my name," Lorelei asked. She seemed to do some serious thinking. "Why would anybody want to kill him? He's just a three-month old baby. He can't do any harm." "Maybe not now," I said. "Please, you have to trust me on this one. Otherwise, he will die within the next 24 hours." "We'll let you have him," Giovanni said. "Plus we'll call back here in a week to verify that you're telling the truth, if you can tell me my name." "Easy," I said. "Your name is Giovanni. You're both seniors in high school, and Lorelei here, got pregnant with Bob at the beginning of the school year. That enough proof for you?" "Yeah," Giovanni said weakly. "Though that was more than I'd like for some people to know." "We're placing his life in your hands," Lorelei said as she handed three-month old me, to me. "You won't regret this," I said. "I will take care of-" BOOM! An explosion rang outside of the door. And Lance was standing there, his hand smoking from a Hyper Beam that he had just sent through the door. "You," Lance exclaimed. "How did you get here? I left you in the future. You had just killed the last Mysticman on the face of the planet. And yet you defy me! What the hell is up with that?" "I'm not just saving him," I said. "I'm saving the world from you ruling the Pokemon League." "Die, Bob," Lance yelled at me as he sent a Dragon Rage at me. I grabbed Giovanni and Lorelei, and dodged the Dragon Rage. "What the hell," Giovanni said weakly. Lorelei, however, was defending her three-month old son. "Lapras, go," Lorelei yelled. "Blizzard!" Her water/ice pokemon plopped on the floor and ice flew out of its mouth. The ice consumed Lance and blew him out of town. "Now do you believe me," I said to the both of them. "Protect my son," Lorelei said. "Hurry, leave now." "Okay," I said as I ran out of town and towards Violet City. All of the people that were just standing outside, minding their own business looked at me when I ran out of the orphanage. I finally slowed down when I reached Route 30. There was a trainer standing all alone on the path. He came up to me when I ran past him. "Hey, you," the kid said. "Cloaked guy, you wanna battle me?" "I'm sorry," I said. "I can't battle you right now. Or ever for that matter." I started to run away from him. "Wrong answer," he said. "You should have just let me beat the living crap out of you and your pokemon. But you had to do this the hard way. Boys, let's go." He snapped his fingers once, and about twenty thugs came out and surrounded me. "Oh my God," I said with a smirk on my face. "You've got to be kidding me. Twenty against one? Too easy." They all came at me at once. I roundhouse kicked the first guy in the stomach, with him piling up two or three more guys. I broke a guy's nose with my fist, and threw him into four more guys. The remaining guys charged at me all at once, so I sent a twister at them. They spun around for a little bit, before I sent them hurtling into a tree. "Holy shit," the trainer said. "I'm sorry to bother you. Have a nice day." He almost tripped over his own feet trying to run away. The three-month old me was laughing at what he was seeing. I ran all of the way to the Violet City PokeCenter. "O dear," Nurse Joy said when she saw me. "Why do you have this little boy? Isn't he supposed to be with his parents?" "I found him on Route 31," I lied. "Just check him over, and we'll be on our way." "I'm afraid not," she said. "This boy will be going to the Cherrygrove City orphanage where he belongs." "No he won't," I said. "I'm taking him with me, and that's all there is to it. He's only three months old. I can take care of him. Please, just check him over." "Fine," she said. "But don't tell anybody that I let you do this. My medical profession would be ruined." She took the little me into the back room for about five minutes. She came back out. "Is there anything wrong," I asked her. "Nope," she said cheerfully. "He's very healthy. Now get out of here before I get fired." I quickly ran out of the PokeCenter. I got on Route 32, and about five trainers came up to me and wanted to battle. "No," I said firmly. "How about I battle one of you just to show you my power?" They all agreed, and a hiker came forward to battle me. "How about a one-on-one battle," the hiker asked. "Go, Geodude. Destroy his pokemon!" "Go, Puff," I said as my strongest Dragonite came out of his teal pokeball in a flash of teal light. "Use Hyper Blast and get this over with." Puff sent a small beam of power at the Geodude. About an inch from the rock-hard pokemon, the beam exploded into a massive beam that was more than a normal hyper beam. "Dammit," the hiker cursed under his breath. "Geodude, return. Go on your way." With the little me snuggled safely in my arms, asleep, I went off to Union Cave, where we would hopefully hide from Lance. We reached Union Cave, and we explored it deeply. When the little me woke up, he started to cry, and I really couldn't figure out why. "Why are you crying," I ask him, trying to get him to stop. I saw a hiker that had some MooMoo Milk and was eating his lunch. I snuck up behind, him and grabbed the can right from underneath his hand. I gave it to the little me, and he stopped crying and started drinking. "This is gonna put me through hell," I said. "But, I have to get out of this cave sometime. So let's get out of here." I ran out of Union Cave, with me in my arms. But something caught my eye. There was something shining in the bushes. I went over there to inspect it. However, Lance popped out of the bushes, holding his lance. "Give him to me," Lance said. "I mean, give you to me. I mean, give me the baby." "No," I said. "We will fight this if we have to." With my katana in one hand, and little me in the other, I charged towards Lance. We clashed for a few minutes, when he took my legs out from underneath me. I threw the baby up in the air, and I was on the ground. The three-month old me was hurtling towards Lance. He was going to kill the three-month me... - End of Chapter Two -