The Dragon Master III: Chapter Three I had to do something before Lance succeeded in killing me. I called my wings and took off. Lance threw his lance. The baby and his lance were hurtling towards each other, the lance sure to win. Only a little bit farther. Inches from the lance, I grabbed the three-month old me and took off for Goldenrod City. I was safe...for now. I landed on top of the Goldenrod City Radio Tower. I pulled the cell phone out of my cloak that Will had given me. I dialed his number. It rang three times. "Hello," I heard Will's voice say. "This is Will, the first of the Elite four." "Thank God," I said. "Will, it's Bob. I have the little me, and I almost failed. Lance almost killed him." "Bob," Will said. "I've been checking all of the newspapers from around that date, and there's something that you have to do." "What is it," I asked. "I was reading the paper from that day," Will said, "and this is what it said: 'Mysterious Teal-cloaked man defeats major crime boss, while saving three-month old girl at Cerulean Cape.'" "Great," I said sarcastically. "What time?" "Can you be there tomorrow at 4:00 P.M.," Will asked. A thought entered my head. "Bob? Did you hear that? Bob? Are you even there?" "Yeah," I said. "I'll take the Magnet Train." "I hate to break it to you, Bob," Will said. "But there's no Magnet Train built yet." "I'll just take the S.S. Fast Ship," I said. "It only takes about five minutes." "That's not built yet, either," Will said. "The only way that you can get between Kanto and Johto is the S.S. Anne. Plus, it will take you a day. What time is it there?" "It's about noon," I said. "You'd better hurry," Will said. "The next one doesn't leave for another week." "Thanks for the information," I said. "I'll call you later." I hung up the phone, called my wings, and took off for Olivine City. When I got there, I headed directly for the dock. I was walking on, when the guard stopped me. "Excuse me, sir," the guard said. "You can't enter here without a pass." I handed over my pass. "Is that okay," I asked impatiently. Back in 2004, I was the Pokemon League Champion, and I didn't have to worry about this stuff. "Um," the guard said. "This pass is for the S.S. Fast Ship, which doesn't exist. Also, it said that it was issued in the year 2002. That's 14 years from now." "Very good," I said. "You can add." I grabbed my pass from him. I was going to have to sneak on board. After the guard left, I ran up the ramp as fast as possible before he saw me. Luckily, he didn't. I was walking to see if I could find an empty room. I snuck into a room and closed the door behind me. I saw that there was somebody in the room. "What are you doing here," Lorelei asked me. "Isn't someone trying to kill Bob?" "Yeah," I said. "And I'm working on that. I just have to get to Cerulean Cape and soon as possible." "Okay," Lorelei said. "But how did you get on board?" "Uh," I said. "I snuck in, to tell you the truth. I ran up the ramp when he wasn't looking." "It feels like I know you," Lorelei said. "Not when I met you from the orphanage, but some other time." "You're most likely right," I said. "I know where you met me, too. But you wouldn't believe me. Not for a second." "Try me," Lorelei said. "Okay," I said. "The thing is-" CRASH! The ship tilted sideways. Lorelei and I were whacked against the wall. I, however, held the little me tight against my chest to protect him. "What just happened," Lorelei asked me. We were standing on the wall, as it seemed that the ship is sideways. "I think that we were just hit by something," I said. My cell phone rang in my pocket. "Bob," Will said as I answered the phone. "Be ready for this. The S.S. Anne will sink." "You think," I asked sarcastically. "We were just hit, and now Lorelei and I are standing on the freaking wall! As for the baby, he's still asleep. How fast will we sink?" "You have two hours," Will said. "After that, you're done for. And why is Lorelei in the room with you?" "She's heading back to Kanto after dropping off her son at the orphanage," I said. "Where did you find this?" "An old newspaper," Will said. "It says here that nobody died, thanks to a mysterious stranger in a teal cloak." "Great," I said. "How many lives did I save?" "Well," Will said. "There are 500 people on the boat. About five minutes after the ship was hit, 498 of the passengers make it to the lifeboats. You and the little you are the only ones that don't make it to the lifeboats. Get moving, Bob. You don't have much time." "Right," I said as I hung up the phone. "Thanks for this little bit of information." I hung up the cell phone and shoved it in my cloak. "Who was that," Lorelei asked, her eyes alive with fear. "Um," I said. "One of my contacts. He's helping me save Bob. Given the status of the ship, it will sink in two hours." Lorelei put her hands to her mouth. "We have to get out of here," Lorelei said. "Whatever you do, just save Bob." "Yes," I said. "Anything. Let's just get out of here." Being on the wall furthest from the door, I had to jump to reach the door. I pulled it open, and lifted Lorelei out. I handed her Bob, and climbed out myself. We ran through the sideways corridor, looking in each door for any people. There were none. "What are you doing," Lorelei asked me. "Nothing," I said. "Get to the lifeboats. Now. Don't worry about Bob and me, I'll take care of him." I ran down the hallway, when I felt the ship shift downwards. There was no one left on the ship besides mini-me and me. I had to get out of here, and fast. I sprinted down the corridor, looking for an exit. The three-month old me started to cry because it was getting dark in here. I heard the intercom turn on. "Hello, Bob," came Lance's voice over the intercom. "I am the reason that this ship is sinking. However, I am already off the ship. It's just you and that little version of you. You'll both be down in your watery graves. Goodbye." The intercom clicked off. "Dammit you, Lance," I cursed. In my rage, I sent a Hyper Beam at the intercom on the wall. That was my first mistake. As the intercom was on the outside wall, water rushed in to meet the baby and me. My next mistake was running into a room that I had no idea what was in there. There was a laptop on the desk, which was on top of a nuclear warhead. I turned on the laptop. A clock appeared. It started to count down from thirty seconds. "30...29...28...27...26," the computer beeped. I ran out of the room as fast as I could, while sticking a breathing apparatus in the baby's mouth. I had to get out of there. The numbers were now being broadcasted over the intercom. "Holy shit," I said. "10...9...8...7...6," the computer said. I fought my way through the current that was coming into the ship. "5...4...3." I was swimming as fast as I could, with my wings to propel me. "2...1." Then, there was silence. That is, until a huge explosion sounded behind us, blowing us into oblivion. Though the baby's mouth was open, I heard no crying. I myself was yelling, though no sound was coming out. I couldn't hold on anymore, and I passed out. When I woke up, I realized that I was on an island, and the little me was fine, content playing with some sand. Not really playing, he was just messing around in it with his toes. "Where the hell are we," I asked to nobody in particular. The little me looked at me questioningly. "I forgot that I'm traveling with someone that can't talk." I picked up the little me, and I pulled out my PokeGear. While I was waiting for it to turn on, I looked around. There were three other islands that I could see. I wondered where in Johto or Kanto that I could be. "You are located in The Whirl Islands," my PokeGear beeped. "These four islands are said to be the home of a silver-winged creature unknown. However, only a few people have said ever to see it. The only reason that this theory is accepted is because that a silver feather has been found at every scene." I suddenly remembered something from a while ago. A man in Pewter City had once given me a silver feather. I pulled it out of my backpack, and I stared at it for some time. The three-month old me started to grab for it, so I gave it to him. That entertained him for a while. As I had nowhere to go, I put my PokeGear my in my cloak and entered the cave. It was quite dark in there, but a flash of light came up real fast. A wild pokemon had used flash, and then it ran away. I walked in there for some time, before I came to some water. "Scarlet, surf," I said as my red Gyarados popped out of his teal pokeball in a flash of teal light. I hopped on, and we were surfing downstream. Through where we were going, I didn't know. We came to a waterfall, and Scarlet looked confused. "Gaoysh," Scarlet said as it looked to me for instructions. "Scarlet," I said. "Use your waterfall, but carefully." Gently, we descended down the tall waterfall. Once we reached the bottom, I returned Scarlet, and we entered a cave. All that was in there was a large pool of water. Suddenly, bubbles arose from the depths of the water. A whirlpool formed. White light appeared, blurry under the water. An enormous pokemon drifted out of the water, and looked at the silver feather that the little me was holding. It looked at it, and then it screamed what seemed like a scream of rage. It was powering something in its mouth. I dodged out of the way right when it shot an aeroblast at me. I returned fire with a Hyper Blast right in its face. I pulled out my PokeDex to see what it was. "Lugia," my PokeDex beeped. "The Dive pokemon. This pokemon is said to lie at the bottom of the sea, in a deserted cave, because it cannot hold in all of its power." "That can't be good," I said as I dodged another aeroblast. I didn't seem to like the Hyper Blast that I had sent into its face. It appeared that its eyes were almost red. I thought that I had enough problems. I was wrong. "Give me the baby," Lance said as he entered the cave with Lugia, the baby, and me in there. "Could you pick a better time," I asked angrily. "Because I'm kinda preoccupied." I sent a twister at the wild Lugia. "No," Lance said. "Right now is perfect." He lunged at me, his hands outstretched. I dodged him, and he fell in the pool of water inside the cave. "Bye, Lance," I said as I took the silver feather that the little me had, and I gave it to Lance. I ran out of the mini-cave, with the little me in my arms. The Lugia fired another aeroblast, this time at Lance. Evidently, the one that possessed one of Lugia's feathers, that was the person that had to give it back. "Get back here, Bob," Lance yelled at me. "I'm not finished trying to kill you yet!" "That's nice," I said. I looked at my PokeGear to see the time. It was 3:30! I had to get to Cerulean Cape in a half-hour! "Why does this shit have to happen to me?" I let out Flare, my Charizard, in a flash of teal light from his teal pokeball. "CHAR," Flare yelled. "Uh-huh," I said to Flare. "I know that it's dark in here, but you have to dig us out. Dig, now!" Flare flew his way over to a wall of the cave. With his claws, he started to dig through the rock. After about five minutes, we were out of the Whirl Islands, and we were flying at breakneck speed to Cerulean Cape. We landed in Cerulean City, without causing many people to stare at us. There was only about five or six people that even noticed that we were here. "Flare, return," I said as I held out Flare's pokeball. I thin teal beam of light hit Flare, and he went back into his teal pokeball. I sprinted as fast as I could to Cerulean Cape. I looked desperately around for Misty. I asked around, but nobody said that they had seen her. I sat down on a bench, when I saw three little girls running by. One had blue hair, another had blonde, and the last one had pink. Was it really them? "Violet, Lily, Daisy," I yelled out. The three of them stopped running and ran over to me. "Who are you," Lily asked. "Are you mean," Daisy asked. "Are you gonna kidnap us, mister," Violet asked. "My name is Bob," I said. "And no, I'm not mean, and no I don't want to kidnap you. I was wondering if you felt guilty leaving your sister here all alone?" "Uh-oh," Violet said. "How did you know?" "I have my ways," I said. "Anyway, I won't tell your parents, if you tell me where she is." They seemed to hesitate about telling me or not. "Okay," Daisy spoke up at last. "Go all the way to the end of the cape, and then take a left. She'll be on the bench." With that, they ran off for home. I., with the little me in my arms, ran off to find the three-month old Misty. I had no trouble getting there, and just like Misty's sisters had said, she was right there on the bench, crying. I picked her up, but somebody caught my eye. It was Giovanni. He was with four or five other men. One looked like it could've been his father. And my grandfather. It looked like three of them were all stroking guns. "Dammit, you, Giovanni," I cursed under my breath. With two three-month old children in my arms, I really couldn't do anything about it. But I had to do something. So I hid mini-Bob and mini-Misty under the dock, where nobody would find them. I had to do something, and fast. "So do you know what to do, Giovanni," the elderly one asked. I was right underneath of them, so I could hear every word. "Yes, father," Giovanni replied. "Just hope that his girlfriend doesn't show up, Carl," another of the men said. Judging by his hand movement, he was talking to my grandfather. "Shut the hell up, Lenny," Giovanni said. "She went off to be one of the Elite Four. I'll probably never see her again." "Yeah," the one they called 'Lenny' said. "But you knocked her up. She can't do anything while she's pregnant." "She had the baby three months ago, Lenny," Giovanni said. "And you gave it to the Cherrygrove City orphanage, right," the fifth member said. "Well," Giovanni said before he trailed off. "Well, what did you do with him," my grandfather asked. "This guy, about sixteen, said that somebody was trying to kill him," Giovanni said. "And he offered to protect him until the psycho was caught." "And you believed him," Lenny asked. "You're dumber than you look!" "That guy came," Giovanni said. "And he possessed some kind of superhuman power. Luckily, Lorelei's Lapras blew him away with its Blizzard." "Enough of this," my grandfather said. "Let's get down to business. Now, we hold up all of these people for their cash and jewelry. We run off and we head for Viridian City. Do you all have your guns?" "Yeah, Boss," the other four said. "Let's do this thing," my grandfather said. The five of them turned to the crowd at the cape and pulled out their guns. "Holy shit," somebody yelled. "They've got guns," another bystander yelled. "Yes," my grandfather said. "Hopefully, we won't have to use them if you would all be cooperative and just give us all of your cash and jewels, we will leave you peacefully." I had to make my move, and fast. I called my wings, and I sent a Hyper Beam where they were standing. The five of them flew all over the cape, and I shot up through the hole that I had made. I landed aside from the hole and I faced them. "Um...could you just give me your guns and you five can go to prison," I asked politely. All that I got back was bullets zooming by me. They did not have good aim. I dodged all of the bullets while all of the hostages ran away to Cerulean City. Soon, they were all out of bullets. Everyone except Giovanni, who was just standing there with a blank look on his face. "What the hell do you think that you're doing, son," my grandfather asked Giovanni. "Shoot him!" Instead of shooting at me, Giovanni dropped his gun and took off towards Cerulean City, like everybody else did. "What should we do, boss," Lenny asked my grandfather. "Get him," my grandfather yelled. The three remaining men all ran at me. I jump kicked one of them in the face, knocking him out. I then used Hyper Blast on the second one, who shot back and broke the bench behind him. "I'm gonna kill you," the last one said. "That's what they all say," I said. "Boy, people in 1988 are sure whacked up. This is like the tenth time that I've been attacked." He came at me, while I used his momentum against him, and smashed him in the nose. That knocked him out and gave him a broken nose. "Who are you," my grandfather asked. "I'm kinda related to you," I said. "But not by choice." I then swung my fist as hard I could towards his face, but I stopped short about an inch. He then just fainted, his eyes rolling back into his head. I heard a whistle blow. "Stop right where you are, mister," Officer Jenny yelled as she ran at me with a pair of handcuffs. I held up my hands. But I had to get to the little me before Lance could get to him. Time was running out... - End of Chapter Three -