The Dragon Master V: Chapter Twelve "What's the matter," William asked me as I ran to Duplica's aid, and sat down by her side. "I don't know," I said, slightly panicking. Erika went down and opened Duplica's eyes with her fingers. "She's out cold," Erika said. "It seems to be some sort of poison." I thought back to the Gym. I remembered what Aya had said about making her bleed. "Aya's blood," I said. "It got all over the bows, and when Duplica picked one up, she got poisoned." "We need to get her to a PokeCenter quick," Erika said. "No," William cut in. "If we do, we'll be found out. We have to do something else." "Well we have to do something," I shouted at my companions. "We can't just let her die!" "What do you propose that we do," Erika shouted back. "I DON'T KNOW," I shouted at Erika. "FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, AND I ADMIT IT!" I looked at Duplica's unconscious body. "We have to do something," Erika said. "The longer we sit here and argue, the less time Duplica has." "I realize that," I replied softy. A thought clicked into my head. "Erika, help me lift her." Erika did as I said, and we ran into Saffron City. Erika and William didn't know where we were going, but I knew exactly where we were going. We were running through the streets of Saffron City, people staring at us because we were holding a lifeless figure wearing bright pink clothes. "SABRINA," I yelled, bursting through the doors of the Gym. Two guards blocked our progress through the halls by stepping in front of us. "What's the matter," one of the guards asked. "I need to see Sabrina," I puffed. "Do you have an appointment," the second guard queried me. "No," I said. "But-" "I can't let you through," the first guard said to me. "Let me through before I make you," I said, eyes glowing silver because of my rage. Erika and I set Duplica down, and I called my teal cloak. "I won't ask you again." The two guards parted to let us through. I picked up Duplica again, and we ran through the twisted halls, and into a huge room. Sabrina was sitting on a large purple throne-looking chair in the middle of it. She had done some redecorating since I had last been there. "SABRINA," I shouted. Her eyes opened, and they were already a deep purple, because she was evidently meditating. We carried Duplica to Sabrina, whose eyes turned normal again. She was looking at us with that same expression that she always did, except, this time she had a hint of confusion in her look. "Sabrina," Erika said. "It's us. Please help us. Duplica has been poisoned badly. You're the only one that can save her. Please help us." Sabrina looked at us intently, as if she was still wondering why we were here. "Be on your way," Sabrina said, pointing at the door. I was shocked. This was not the Sabrina that I had known when she had helped us take on the League. "What," I exclaimed. "You're just going to let Duplica die? She helped us take on the League! She's our friend!" "Your friend, perhaps," Sabrina said. "I am one hundred percent loyal to the League. You, on the other hand, are not and shall never be. However, we were friend at one point in time. For that reason, I am sending you on your way without contacting the League about you being here." "Why won't you help a dying person," I asked. "Go to Bill's grandfather on Cerulean Cape," Sabrina said. "He should help you." "She's not going to make it that far," I protested. "Why won't you help her?" "Why should I," Sabrina queried me. "Out of the goodness of your heart," I pleaded. "Leave me be," Sabrina requested, her eyes turned deep purple as she went back into meditation. "HELP US," I shouted. Sabrina pointed her palm at me, and I flew back at fifty miles an hour into a stone wall. "Don't threaten me," Sabrina said in the same tone that she always used. "You have no right." I got up, and started walking back towards her. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT DO THIS TO US," I shouted at her. She held out her hand again, and once more, I was thrown back into the wall. "Be on your way," Sabrina said, pointing to the door again. "There's the door, in case you can't find it." "WHY WON'T YOU HELP US," I shouted at her. "Why should I," Sabrina asked me again. I was getting frustrated now. "HYPER BLAST," I shouted, shooting a tiny beam of energy at her. The attack zoomed towards her, but she flicked her wrist once, and it rocketed back towards me. Right before the attack hit me, it erupted into a powerful beam, just as I knew that it would do. I was thrown back into the wall again. "BOB," Erika yelled, running towards me. "I'm not quitting," I said, wiping some blood off of my lip and walking up to Sabrina once again. "You really want me to help her, don't you," Sabrina asked, with a flicker of a smile flashing across her face. "Yes," I said. "I will not give up until you do." "So be it," Sabrina said. She got up off her chair and crouched down by Duplica. Sabrina put her hands over Duplica, and started to mutter some words. "What's she saying," Erika asked me. I simply shrugged my shoulders. "STATUS REVERSAL," Sabrina yelled. Purple energy flowed both ways between Duplica and Sabrina. Once they stopped, Sabrina stood up and looked at us. "What happened," Erika asked. "I took the poison from her and put it into me," Sabrina said. "Recover." Sabrina's form blurred white for a second, and then it stopped. "And now, you may be on your way." I walked up to Sabrina. "Thank you," I said, holding out my hand. Sabrina extended hers also, and I shook it. "You're welcome," Sabrina said. "Now, I'm sure that you have many things to accomplish before you finally bring the League to its knees." "Yes, we do," I said, letting go of her hand. Duplica started to stir. I knelt down beside her. "Bob," Duplica said, regaining consciousness slowly. "What happened?" "You were poisoned by Aya's blood on the bow you used," I said. "Sabrina healed you." I helped her to her feet. "Thank you," Duplica asked. "You're welcome," Sabrina said. "After all, I couldn't just let you die." "But-but-but-but," Erika stuttered, not understanding. William did however, and put his hand on her shoulder, quieting her. Sabrina suddenly grasped her head with one hand. "You must leave," Sabrina said. "League guards are coming. Ash Ketchum is coming with them." "Can you teleport us out of here," William asked. "No," she said. "Ash has created a Dark Shield surrounding my Gym. I couldn't get myself out." "Get out of here," I said to her. "We don't need to be dragging you into all of this mess." "I'll go by my trainers," Sabrina said. "Teleport." With that being said, she flashed and was gone. Right after she had left, five League guards burst in. "DROP YOUR WEAPONS," a guard said. "What weapons," William asked, holding his cane behind his back, twisting and turning it. He turned it a quarter turn, withdrawing his cane and making it a foot and a half long rod. Twisting it another quarter of an inch, it changed into the three-feet long staff. William twisted the middle a half turn, and the staff bent, making his bow. Ash entered the room with a look of victory on his face. It was as if he knew the outcome of this fight. I called my katana, Duplica called her bow, William pulled his out from behind his back, and Erika called her ebony staff. "Bob," Ash said, his smile fading. "Give it up now, so you don't get killed in the fight." "Why should I give it up," I asked. "This is the fun part!" The four of us whipped off our cloaks at the same time, and threw them in front of us. The cloaks exploded into lots of smoke, the same color as the element of the Master whose cloak it was. Duplica changed into a small insect, and flew up on the rafters in the ceiling. William changed into pure ice, and dug through the ground. Erika dug through the ground using plants, and I followed William through the ground. The smoke cleared, and Ash and the League guards were left with nobody to fight. "WHERE'D THEY GO," Ash shouted. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE! FIND THEM!" The guards scattered the area, which just made it easier for us to pick them off. I was digging my way out through the door, so I could fight Ash one on one. When I emerged from the ground, Ash was standing with his back to me, and his guards were wandering around the "empty" Gym. In the distance, I could see guards getting sucked under by vines that were obviously Erika's. William was also freezing guards solid. He must have heard their footsteps through the ground. Duplica was flinging pink arrows from the rafters. I chose this as my time to attack Ash. "Ash," I said. He flipped around, forgetting all about his tens of guards being beaten by the second. "Bob," he said with hate in his voice. I called my katana, and he called his. "Are we going to finish this?" "Only if you don't disappear like you did last time," I said. "You never could take a real fight." "Let's do this," Ash said. I nodded, and the two of us went together and started to clash out swords collectively. I knew that this would soon turn into an elemental fight, so I started it off. "DRAGON SLICE," I shouted. I swung my katana repeatedly at Ash, sending beams of vertical rotating energy at him. Ash counted by doing flips and maneuvering his way through the mass of attacks. "You wanna play this way, Bob," Ash asked. "Fine by me. SHADOW BURN!" He held his katana down in one hand, and held up his other at me. Black flames shot out his hand, and I started running towards Sabrina's huge chair. The flames kept on following me, but I ran to the chair, put one foot on the seat, and another on the back, and pushed off. I could see Ash upside down. "HYPER BLAST," I shouted, pointing a simple finger at him. A thin beam shot out of my finger, and it headed directly at Ash. He must've not been ready, because it hit him full boar, the explosion of the impact throwing him back thirty feet into a wall. "You bastard," Ash swore at me. "Take this! SHADOW BLAST!" He shot an identical beam at me, except his was black. I did a back flip, and the attack missed me, blowing out a wall that it hit. We were causing sever damage to Sabrina's Gym, but nobody really cared. "TWISTER," I shouted, sending a full-boar tornado at Ash. He stood his ground, and was sucked into the tornado. When he came out, he came out directly at me. He tackled me, and we both were sprawled out on the ground. However, neither of us would turn our backs on the other, so we immediately got up again, not giving the other a free shot. The two of us circled around each other, katanas raised. At the same moment, we charged at each other, and started swiping and parrying, swinging and blocking at each other. "THIEF," Ash shouted at me. Suddenly, my katana glowed black, and then it was transported to Ash's hands. "HYPER BLAST," I shouted, holding both my hands together and pointing them at Ash. A thin beam of white energy shot out of my outstretched hands. "SHADOW BLAST," Ash yelled, dropping both katanas and shooting an identical beam to mine, except his was black. The two beams collided, each exploding into a monstrous attack. Black and white fused together, and a huge explosion took place. White and black energy shot everywhere, and I saw one such black beam hit Ash in his face. Defeated by the beam that he sent, I thought. That was my last thought until a white beam of my own origin pelted me in the side of the head, rendering me unconscious... - End of Chapter Twelve -