The Dragon Master V: Chapter Fourteen I twisted the doorknob that opened the prison facility. Luckily, a part of the guard's uniforms were hats, so we all could hide our eyes from other people seeing them. William was standing guard at the door. As we walked down the dank corridor, some people were staring at us. Some were staring at us with hate, others with triumph in their eyes. Either way, Bruno was leaving with us. I would make sure of it. The four of us weaved our way to Bruno's cell. We turned corners, and went down many stairs, until I realized that we were going the wrong direction. "Hey you," a guard yelled at me. I froze and thought about calling my katana and fighting our way to Bruno. "You're going the wrong way. Bruno's cell is that way." He pointed at a door. I sighed a sigh of relief. "Thanks," I said, disguising my voice to make it sound deeper as not to be found out. The four of us walked through the door, and I was in the same room that I was in before when I spoke with Bruno the first time. He was pinned down to the table with lasers, like his bars were made of. We walked into the room, and I saw that there was a window on one side, so that people could watch the execution. In the front row, I saw Lance sitting there, arms folded, waiting for the execution. I wasn't sure how I was going to pull this off now. Lance was our excuse that we could take Bruno. Bruno was lying on the table, completely conscious, and looking at the ceiling. I went over by him, looking at the sad expression on his face. He knew that he was going to die for something that he didn't even do. I couldn't stand that. I walked over to Duplica. "Duplica," I whispered. "Shut off the lasers once I take out that stone ceiling to block the window so Lance can't follow us." "Right," Duplica nodded. She went over by the switch and stood idly. I walked over to Bruno to inform him of my plan. "Bruno," I whispered to him. "Bob," Bruno asked. "What are you doing here?" "What I promised," I replied. "I'm busting you out of here." A smile flickered across his face. "Now, Duplica's going to shut off the manacles holding you down. Erika will take you to William, and you guy will head. Duplica and I will catch up." Bruno nodded. I stepped over by Erika, and told her what was going down. I then charged a Hyper Beam, and let the massive attack fly towards the wall above the glass. Big rocks fell down from the ceiling, covering us from Lance's view. Duplica flipped the lasers off. However, alarms went off, and steel bars went over the door. Bruno got up off of the table, and used his Fighting Mastery to break through it. The four of us ran the same way that we came in, sprinting all the way. I was cutting down League guards that tried to stop us. The four of us burst out the door, and William was waiting for us, leaning against the opposite building. "William," I cried. "Let's go! We've been seen!" The five of us ran down the street as fast as we could, heading for New Bark Town again. Now we just had to race to Indigo Plateau to stop Ash and Misty from getting married. Once we were a long ways from Cherrygrove City, the five of us ducked into a clearing to sit for a bit. After all, it was only six thirty, so we had plenty of time to stop Ash and Misty from getting married. "Bob," Bruno said. "Thank you for saving an innocent man." "Anytime," I said. "I'm sorry for not being on your side the first time," Bruno apologized. "When Lance first accused you of killing Delilah, I should've known. That look in your eyes...I'm sorry, Bob." "It's okay," I forgave him. "You've suffered enough." "Where are we going next," Bruno asked. "Indigo Plateau," William responded. This was the first time the Bruno had met William. "Ah, I'm William." William extended his hand and Bruno to shake. "Um...I don't want to be rude or anything," Bruno started. "But are you-" "Blind," William cut out, smiling. "Yes. But, on the plus side, I'm an Ice Master. I also have incredible accuracy with any sort of weapon. That is based on my other excellent senses." "Would you look at that," Bruno said, apparently in awe of William. "But why are we going to Indigo? Just so we can be caught?" "No," I said. "We're going to stop Ash and Misty from being married." "When is that at," Bruno asked. "At noon," Erika replied. "We'd better get moving, then," Bruno said, standing up. "What route are we taking?" "Actually," I said. "I'd thought that we'd fly, if that is alright with everyone. Everyone have a flying type pokemon?" Duplica nodded, because she could just use Ditto to change into anything she wished it to. Erika nodded, and then released her Jumpluff. Bruno shook his head. "I don't have a flying type," Bruno said. "Here," I said, throwing him Aeroy's pokeball. "I know that you like rock types, too. I'll fly with my wings." I called my wings, and took off. Bruno released Aeroy, and hopped on. Erika released her pokemon, Jumpluff. Duplica changed into a Pidgeot, and William hopped on. We all rose into the sky, and zoomed off towards Indigo Plateau, soon to stop Ash and Misty getting married... We landed on top of the roof of the League chapel. It was nearly noon, so I recalled my wings back to me, and everyone recalled their pokemon and Duplica changed back. Bruno gave me back Aeroy, and I put the teal pokeball on my belt. "Everyone ready," I asked. They all nodded. "Duplica, give me your bow. I'm going to take the shot." Without any complaining, Duplica called her bow and a pink arrow and handed them to me. "You only have one shot," she reminded me. "Once you use it, get out." I nodded. "Dragonbreath," I whispered, blowing the rooftop. The acidity of the dragonbreath melted it enough for me to slip in on the rafters. I clambered across a support at the very back, and squatted down. I looked up at the altar, where Ash was standing, along with Brock, who was apparently the best man. Misty's mother was sitting in the front row, along with Ash's mother. I saw the minister come in through the side door, and I saw who it was. It was Professor Oak. I was shocked. He had told us that if we took out the minister, that Ash and Misty wouldn't get married. Music started playing, and a figure that was dressed in white walked down the aisle being escorted by a Pokemon Master in a blue cloak, Marcus Waterflower. I could take out three Masters at once, I thought to myself. But I'll settle for ruining the wedding for now. Misty reached the altar, and her father removed her veil, and kissed her on the cheek. He wouldn't have dared so in my reality. Misty then stood up closer to Ash, and Professor Oak started the ceremony. He knew of my presence, because he was looking right at me when during the procession. At this time, he looked at me again, and nodded. Unwillingly, I strung the arrow in the bow, took up my aim, and looked at him again. "I'm sorry," I mouthed to him, and he nodded again. I let the arrow fly into the right side of his body, parallel from his heart. Professor Oak fell down, bleeding profusely. Brock looked directly from where the arrow had come, and saw me. I looked him in the eyes for a second, and then ran out the same way that I had come in from. Once I came out of the chapel, Duplica came towards me, and I gave her bow back to her. I just kept on looking sad for a bit, until Erika finally asked what was wrong. "Bob, what's wrong," Erika asked me. "It was Oak," I said. "Professor Oak was the minister, and I shot him with an arrow." "Did you kill him," Bruno asked. "No," I said. "But we need to get out of here. Brock will be looking for me. He saw my face..." "Bob, this is bad," Erika said. "Once Brock tells everyone that you were the one who shot Oak, they're going to figure it out! They're going to know who to look for! This is bad!" "I've figured that out already," I said. "But we need to find a place to lie low for the next few days. We just need to have little to no activity anywhere until the Pokemon Master meeting." "Where can we go," Duplica asked. "The police are going to be looking for us everywhere!" "First of all, we have to find Brock," I said. "We have to tell him what's going on. We have to bring him on our side." "Are we going to extract him," William asked. "As you did with the rest of us?" "No," I said. "We're going to do with him what we did to Janine. We're going to ask him to side with us at the Pokemon Master meeting." "What if he tells Ash," Bruno piped up. "It could be devastating." "Brock won't," I affirmed. "He'll believe me." "So where do we go," Duplica asked. "Where else would Brock be," I asked. "He'll be at the hospital along with Ash and Misty." "How are we going to get past them," William asked. "Ash knows that everyone on this roof except Bruno is on our side. And if Bruno walks out there, then I think that it'll cause a bit of a panic." "We'll say that Brock has a call from Flint, his dad," I elaborated. "That way, when he comes, we'll take him into a closet and explain what's happened." "We won't be able to get a nurse to tell him," Erika said. "How are we going to tell him that 'Flint is calling him?'" Duplica cleared her throat rather loudly. "Um...hello," Duplica said, waving to the rest of us. "I could transform into a nurse, tell Brock and lead him to us." "That would work well," Bruno agreed. "It may be our only choice." "Then we'll do it," I said. "Soon, we'll be getting out of this damn reality." I jumped off the roof of the chapel, landing gracefully on my feet. William did the same, surprising Bruno. Bruno grabbed Erika and Duplica, and jumped off so they wouldn't have to. Bruno set them down on the ground, and the five of us ran towards the hospital using the alleyways. After hours of wandering through Indigo City, we reached the hospital where Professor Oak was staying. There were eight hospitals in this city, and we had to search every one before we found out that he was here. The five of us were sitting in the alleyway, and looking for a window that didn't have any lights on. "There," Bruno exclaimed, pointing at a window with no lights on. William nodded, and started twisted his cane. William turned his cane a quarter turn, making his cane retract to the length of one and a half feet. He then turned it a three quarters turn, changing it into the smaller, nine-inch version. William turned his rod another quarter turn, and two grapples popped out of the sides, making it a grappling hook. "Hold on to me," William said, shooting it up towards the window. The top inch that contained the grapples shot off of the handle and it caught on the side of the building, digging into the brick that the hospital was made of. "Here, let me take it," Bruno said. "You can all hold on to me." We all held on to Bruno, who pushed in the end of the handle, retracting the wire that connected the two pieces. Once we reached the window, I opened the lock using Dragonbreath, and I slid it open. The five of us entered the room. Luckily, there was nobody in there. William retracted his grappling hook and turned it back into his cane using a series of twists. "Should I," Duplica asked, referring to her metamorphosis. I nodded, and her form blurred. When she stopped changing, she was an attractive blond nurse holding a clipboard. She winked at me, and walked out of the door. I followed her to stay just behind the corner. Duplica-nurse walked around the corner to the lobby. I was waiting just on the other side of the corner. I could hear a doctor talking to Ash, Misty, and Brock. "Professor Oak is going to be fine for the meantime," the doctor said. "But..." "But what," Brock asked, very worried. "But he's got a punctured lung," the doctor said. I bowed my head, knowing that I had caused that. "He'll need to stay here for several weeks." I heard Ash silently curse. "When can we see him," Misty asked the doctor. "Right now as a matter in fact," the doctor said. "He probably won't talk much, though." Duplica-nurse chose this time to act. "Phone call for a Mr. Brock," Duplica-nurse said sexily. "I'll catch up," Brock said, his hormones getting the better of him, and he followed the attractive nurse. Duplica-nurse led him around the corner, where I pounced on him, grabbing him by the shirt, and pushing him against the wall. "Hey, Brock," I said, pushing him farther up against the wall, while Duplica-nurse opened the door that everyone else was in. "What the hell," Brock asked as I shoved him into the room and onto the bed. Duplica changed back into herself and flicked on the light switch. "You! You did this to Oak! I'm going to kill you! You're going to-" He stopped once he caught sight of Bruno. Then Brock froze completely. "Hi," Bruno said, waving one quick time to Brock, making him freak out. "AHHH," Brock screamed. "AHHH! Stay away from me! AHHH!" I punched him across the mouth. "Shut up," I said. "We're not going to hurt you." "Not going to hurt me," Brock repeated. "That punch just kind of hurt!" I punched him again out of frustration, but stopped in case I would have gotten carried away. "Are you going to stop screaming," I asked. "Yeah," Brock said, calming down. "Are you going to stop punching?" "Yeah," I said. "Unless you start wasting my time again. In that case, I'm going to start punching again." "What do you want, Bob," Brock asked. I let him go and sit up on the bed. "I need your help," I requested. "With what," Brock asked. "I need you to side with us at the Pokemon Master meeting," I asked of him. "We're going to kill the League Champion and the Elite Four." "Why would you want to kill Ash," Brock wondered. "It's a long story," I said. "But he has done far worse than what I did today in the chapel." "What did he do," Brock asked. "Brock, listen to me," I explained. "This reality isn't the same one that I know. In mine, Ash is evil. If I kill the Elite Four and League Champion, then everything will go back to normal." "You've gotta be shitting me," Brock said, not believing me. "I'm not," I replied. "What am I like in your reality," Brock asked, now curious and half-believing me. "You're pretty much the same," I explained, wondering where this was going. "Do I have a girlfriend," Brock asked, now smiling. I sincerely wanted to hit him again. "Yes," I lied. "And she is hot! But in my reality, Misty and I are getting married. Ash is dead because he has a secret alliance with Lance." "You're not shitting me," Brock realized. "I'll do it. Just tell me what I need to do." "We'll start it at the meeting," I told Brock. "When this happens, you come over by us and fight with us. Got it?" "Yeah," Brock said. "I'm going to go talk to Misty about this." "NO," I said. "For some reason, Misty doesn't remember any of this. I'm the only one that does. Besides the Elite Four and the League Champion. Ash has lied to you all this time. Don't tell anyone about this." "Okay," Brock replied. "I won't tell anyone. But I have to go. I promised Ash and Misty that I'd be right back." He left without saying goodbye because he knew that it wouldn't be for good. As he stepped out of the door, I heard Ash say something about the pretty nurse that told him that he had a phone call. As they walked out of the hall, my companions were ready to leave. "I need to talk to Oak," I said. "I need to apologize." Nobody protested as I went into the room that Professor Oak was staying at. I stepped in, and he was awake. "Bob," Oak said as I walked in. "Come, sit, and talk with me." "I can't stay long," I said. "But I just want to apologize." "No need," Oak replied, waving it aside. "I gave you the clue to shoot the minister. I thought that you were going to kill the minister." "I was," I admitted. "But I couldn't kill you." "So you just put off their wedding until I get better," Oak said. "Had you just killed me, they would've had a long grieving period. But, now they only have a couple of weeks before they get married." "This will all end on the twenty-fifth," I told my old friend. "That's when this reality goes back to normal, and you won't have any idea that this happened." "How do you even know that," Oak asked me. "For all you know, everyone will remember this." "Just trust me," I said, starting to walk out of the door. "Wait," Oak said. "Bob, you and Misty belong together. Good luck." I nodded, and left. I walked back to the room where everyone else was waiting for me. When I entered the room, everyone was sitting around in silence. "Is this what usually happens when Bob leaves," Bruno asked everyone, not realizing that I was in the room. "I don't know," I answered him, walking into the room. "Yeah," Duplica said. "Nobody really talks." "Great, grand, wonderful," I said. "But we have to leave. We'll go somewhere where Ash will never find us. Go. Us. Out. Window. Us. Now. Yes. Window." I was very nervous. "Okay," William said, clapping his hands once. Duplica walked over to the window, and a blur formed in her hand. A rope formed in it, and she tied it to the edge of the window. The five of us then took turns climbing down the rope and out the window. Once we reached the alleyway, we headed for the Route leading to Victory road, so we lie low there for a while. We stopped halfway to Victory road on our way through the dark route. The five of us found a little clearing that could serve as our area to rest for the night. While Duplica and Erika went to look for firewood, Bruno sat down with William and I, asking us questions about what had all happened since he was locked away. That was William's area. On the other hand, Bruno was asking me about what he was like in my reality. "Not much has happened," William admitted. "Until now, when Bob Shepardson is bringing together Pokemon Masters once again to take on the League." He smiled at me. "Well, what's happened in your reality," Bruno asked, turning his attention to me. "Just the usual stuff," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "I guess I've been taken on many times by challengers, and I've never even come close to losing. Except to John Flargini..." "The first of the Elite Four in this reality," Bruno inquired. "Not to mention my half brother," I replied. Bruno looked shocked. "Just let it go. It doesn't hold any relevance to what we're doing." "Are you kidding," Bruno asked. "Flargini is one of the people that we have to kill! Will you be alright killing your half-brother?" "I won't be," I said. "I'm going to be busy fighting Lance. One of you four will fight him. It's up to you guys to figure out who will." "I'll take Ash," Bruno said. "I have an advantage against dark types." I nodded. "I'll take John," William replied. "I then assume that Erika will take on Marcus and Duplica will take on Mya." "That would benefit us most," I replied. "In this fight, we're going to need to advantage. So far, it's five on five and Brock against all of the other Pokemon Masters in the world. So we'd better take out the Elite Four and League Champion quick." "You're done collecting Masters, then," Bruno replied. "We don't have time to get any more," I replied. "But if some people want to come on our side...well, Brock can use all of the help that he can get." There was an awkward silence, in which at time, Erika and Duplica came back. "So where are we headed next," Duplica asked. "Victory Road," I replied. "No one will even dare to look for us there." "How long are we staying there," Erika asked, setting all the firewood down on the ground. Duplica had come back not carrying any. "Until six o'clock on the twenty-fourth," I said. "Then we head non-stop through the night to the place where the Pokemon Master meeting will take place. We'll camp out on the roof of that building if we make it there early enough." "That's a long time to be staying in a cave," Duplica complained. "Not really," I replied. "We won't make it there until tomorrow night. That's if we don't run into any trouble." "A single day without trouble," Duplica said, clasping her hands together and looking wistfully at the sky. "I gave that up the day I joined you and your 'rebellion' to take over the League." Then she started laughing. "Shut up," I said jokingly. "But we should all probably get to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day of walking." "Better than running," Erika said, smiling. I let out Flare to start a fire, and then returned him. I laid down next to the fire, and was asleep faster than this entire thing had started, which was the moment that it took to get me sucked into this reality. I woke up the next morning before anyone else was up and awake. I gently got everyone up and observed his or her morning behavior. Bruno and William pretty much acted the same. They each got up without complaining, and just got ready. Erika did the same, except she fell asleep occasionally while she decided to cook breakfast over the fire. Duplica hardly even got up. Bruno had to threaten her before she finally got up. But her excuse was that breakfast was ready. She didn't want to admit that an assassin of her status was afraid of anybody. When we finally got on the road, we weren't donning our cloaks because all of the Pokemon Masters were going the other way. Bruno had a forest cloak on just in case somebody noticed him. With any luck, we would reach Victory Road without any disturbances. That, however, was not going to happen. We passed numerous Pokemon Masters on the way, but we hid our faces once we saw a large group of ninjas dressed in red and blue suits. Unfortunately, one of them recognized us. "HEY, STOP," one of the ninjas yelled. I didn't even stop to turn around. I just started to sprint in the other direction. However, we came to a fork in the road, so I chose left. Team Aqua and Team Magma followed us down the left path. "Oh, shit," Duplica cursed as we hit a dead end. All that was left was just a mountain blocking the path. "We're going to have to fight our way out," I replied. I turned around, and saw all of the Team Aqua and Magma members blocking our way out of there. "We would have had to anyway," William replied. "No one can know where we are." "By order of the Pokemon League Champion," a Team Magma member said. "And Marcus and Mya Waterflower, we have orders to dispose of you!" "You go ahead and try," I said, calling my katana. Bruno whipped off his forest cloak and cracked his knuckles. Erika created her ebony staff, twirling it around her fingers. Duplica generated her bow, while William revolved his cane a quarter turn, shrinking it to half of its three-foot size. He then rotated it a three quarters turn, making the smaller, nine-inch size. William turned it another quarter turn, and a blade shot out of the end of his rod. "ATTACK," a Team Aqua member shouted from behind that mass of ninjas. They all rushed towards us, and we braced ourselves. "DYNAMIC PUNCH," Bruno shouted, striking ninjas and making them fly over fifty feet away. I went slicing away with my katana, ninjas falling on the ground in pain. Duplica drew and arrow and fired it quickly. She kept on repeating this, taking out a ninja in the heart each time. William was listening to their footsteps, and shoving his sword through their bodies with a single, swift motion. He then withdrew his sword, ready to strike again. However, some more powerful ninjas were gaining the advantage on us. One such ninja was the same size as Bruno, and was beating the living hell out of him. The ninja kicked Bruno into the wall, and we started to hear a rumbling. Rocks were falling from high up on the mountain, but all of the ninjas were dead except the one that was beating on Bruno. Duplica drew three arrows at once, and shot them all at the heavily muscled ninja. The arrows stuck in his back, and Duplica drew more arrows. She shot about twenty arrows total until the ninja died of over-bleeding. However, we now had a new problem to face. The ground below us was giving away. The side of the mountain was also giving way. Before any of us could do anything, the ground beneath us and the wall of mountain behind us crumbled, making us fall deep into the depths of Victory Road... - End of Chapter Fourteen -