The Dragon Master V: Chapter Six When the three of us awoke in the morning, I extinguished the fire quickly and we were off. I made sure so it looked like no one had been there. I called my cloak, and put my hood over my head. Erika and Duplica did the same. I made sure that the coast was clear, and then we stepped out of the clearing. "There's one upside to this time around," I said to Erika and Duplica. "What's that," Erika asked. "We're not fugitives," I smiled. "Yet," Duplica said in her smart-alecky voice. "Besides, be quiet about that. You're gonna jinx it." She smiled, and I smiled back for the first time in days. The three of us reached Ecruteak City, and then I realized something. "What's Morty doing these days," I asked. "He's married," Erika said. "He got married right after that little scandal we all had to avoid any treason charges." "How'd the rest of us escape them," I asked. "Well," Erika said. "Since most of us were Gym Leaders, they couldn't find replacements. And as for you, you pled temporary insanity." "WHAT," I said loudly. Everyone in the streets stopped doing what they were doing and looked at me. Then they all went back to doing what they were doing. "You served time in a psychiatric ward," Erika said. "It was only a week, but in that time, Misty had gotten together with Ash." "This reality is more screwed up than I originally thought," I said quietly. I decided to go and visit Morty anyway. "Bob," Erika said. "What time frame are we working against?" "About six days," I said. "That's when Bruno is going to be executed. He doesn't deserve to die for what Lance matter what reality it is..." I stepped around the corner, and saw the Gym. I nearly broke the doors at the speed I was going to get in there. Morty was sitting cross-legged on the floor meditating. "Bob," Morty said without opening his eyes. "Come, sit down." "Morty," I said. "I don't have time. I just need to know anything that you know that I don't." Morty opened his eyes and stood up. "What would you like to know," Morty asked. "About Lance," I said. "And any other Masters that helped us try and defeat the League." "Lance," Morty muttered. "I don't know what I could tell you. You're his brother." "Please," I said. "Tell me anything about...well, anything. Any secret projects, scandals, any way for me to get him dead." "Why would you want him dead," Morty asked. "The same reason that I wanted him dead four years ago," I said. "Well," Morty said. "He is holding a meeting for all the Pokemon Masters of the world at Indigo Plateau next week." "I need an exact date," I said. "August 25th," Morty said. "And today's the fifteenth," I asked. "Yeah," Morty said. "Are you going to this meeting," I asked. "Yeah," Morty said. "If you see me there, don't talk to me," I said, walking out of the Gym. "But why," Morty called, as I walked out of the room. I ignored him. Duplica and Erika were waiting for me outside of the Gym. "What do we do now," Duplica asked. "We have six days to save Bruno," I said. "And we have ten days before this is all over." "What's that supposed to mean," Erika said. I lowered my voice. "In ten days, there will be a conference for all Pokemon Masters at the League Headquarters," I said. "All of the Masters that we need dead will be there." "Where do we go for now," Duplica asked. "Your contact in Olivine City," I said. "They'll be able to help us." Erika and Duplica nodded, and we went to Route 37. It was just morning, so I stopped to grab an apple off a tree to eat it. Erika and Duplica did the same. This was the first time that I had eaten since yesterday morning. I was used to not eating much, though. I had the odd feeling that someone was watching me. I called my katana underneath my cloak, just in case...and I was glad I did. "WATCH OUT," I yelled, pushing Duplica and Erika aside as something jumped out of the trees and landed on me. I rolled on my shoulders and kicked the figure in the back, forcing them to fly forward. I used my back to push myself up, and land on my feet. The figure also landed on their feet. I whipped around to take a good look at the attack. I couldn't believe was I was seeing. It was the same person that had attacked me that previous night! "Duplica," I cried. "Whip out your bow!" Duplica did as ordered, and the attacker came at me. I pulled out my katana, and leaped away. The assailant pulled out a disc, which became three-bladed like the other one. She threw it at me, and I threw my katana at it. The disc exploded, and my katana got stuck in a tree. The assassin pulled it out, and used it as her own. "Duck," Duplica said calmly, uncaring if I heard it or not. She let loose an arrow, and I dropped to the ground. The attacker blocked the arrow with my katana and charged at me while I was on the ground. "HYPER BLAST," I yelled, aiming my hand at the female attacker. A tiny beam came forth from my hand, and exploded into a massive bolt of energy once it hit the assailant. The attacker flew back into a tree, as my katana flew high into the sky. I used my back to jump to my feet, and caught my katana on the way down. I went over to the attacker, who was still on the ground, rubbing her head. "Ow," the assailant said, rubbing her forehead, where she had hit the tree. As she was lying on the ground, I ripped her mask off. I was surprised who it was, as I hadn't heard from this person in a long time. "Clair," I said darkly. She stood up to face me, even though I had a razor sharp katana in my hand. "Go on," Clair said. "Kill me. Kill me like you killed Delilah all those years ago." I picked her up by her neck. "For the record," I said. "I didn't kill Delilah, Lance did and framed Bruno. So don't talk about things that you don't know anything about." I put her down. "What are you going to do with me," Clair asked. "Get some information," I said. "If you don't give me any, you'll probably have an 'accident.' If you cooperate, then we'll see." "What do you want to know," Clair questioned me. "Who sent you," I queried Clair. "Who do you think," she asked back. "What did I say about cooperating," I asked firmly. "Fine," Clair said. "Lance sent me." "I see," I said. Erika tapped me on the shoulder. "What are we really going to do with her," she whispered. "Probably tie her up in a safe place," I spoke softly back. "We'll fake her death. The usual." Erika nodded. Then Duplica came into the conversation. "We could leave her at my contact's place," Duplica commented. "His wife could make sure that she doesn't escape." "Okay," I said. "What are you going to do with me," Clair asked, now scared. Duplica created some rope out of nothing, and tied Clair's hands together. "Shall we," Erika asked. "You guys didn't answer my question," Clair protested. "Let's go," I said, pushing Clair forward. "Oh, and Clair, about your question. Let's just say that you're not going back to Lance." She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Oh just shut up," Duplica said. The four of us walked down Route 37 to the MooMoo Farm. Before we reached there, Erika stopped us all and pulled us into the bushes. "The MooMoo Farm is run by the League now," she said. "What happened to the nice people that helped us," I asked. "They were arrested for harboring fugitives," Erika said. "We'll have to cut through the forest." I led the way, while Duplica was following me with Clair tied at the wrists. Erika brought up the rear, and Duplica seemed to be enjoying the fact that she had someone in her control. We came out the other way, where there was no one in sight. I stopped, and looked at the fact that Duplica not only had Clair tied up, but that Clair was a League official, and that had to be against the law. "Duplica," I said. "Change into something that will make you look like Clair's pokemon, yet you can still keep an eye on her." Duplica nodded, and her form blurred into that of a Bayleef. Duplica used Vine Whip to keep a hold of Clair's waist. "This good," Duplica asked in a squeaky voice. I nodded. "Take us to your contact," I told her. Duplica uttered a "Bayleef" because we were coming into a more congested area. Duplica led us up one street, down another street, right by the Gym, down another street, past the Light House, up another street, through an alleyway, and across the street on the other side. She came up to a house, made sure that no one was around, and transformed back into herself. "Whew," Duplica said. "I was getting tired." She knocked on the door, and after a while, a woman opened it. "Hello, can I help you," the woman asked. "Do you need your sink unclogged," Duplica asked, much to the confusion of everyone else. "Why yes," the woman replied, and moved aside so we could enter in. Duplica stepped in, and Erika, Clair, and I, still confused, stepped in afterwards. After the door was closed, woman turned to me. "Yes," I asked. "If you're wondering about what Duplica asked," the woman explained. "That's just a password that tells me or my husband that it's Duplica, and she's here on secret business." "Oh," Erika and I said in unison. "Angela, where's William," Duplica asked. "He's shooting in the backyard," the woman replied. Duplica nodded her thanks, and went out into the backyard, where a man was shooting a light blue bow and arrow at a target where the bull's eye was already riddled with arrows. He let the arrow fly, and like the other arrows, it hit the center of the target. "Bull's eye," the man whispered loud enough for us to hear. I stepped on a stick by accident, and he turned to us. As he walked up to us, he twisted the handle on his bow a half turn, an the curve was taken out of it as the bow straightened out, so the taut string loosened, and went inside the slit on the side of the now straight, three-feet long staff. He twisted the top inch a quarter turn, and half of the staff was sucked inside the other half. The man, obviously named William, turned the top inch a quarter turn again, and another two feet of thinner staff shot out of the bottom end, turning into a cane that a blind man would use. William walked up to us, and I saw his eyes. William was blind. He must have noticed that I was looking at his eyes, so he took some sunglasses with ice blue lens out of his pocket and placed them over them. "Hi," William said, extending his hand to me. I took it. "I assume that you know I'm blind." "Yeah," I said. "How did you know that you hit a bull's eye? And how did you aim?" "William here taught me everything I know about shooting a bow," Duplica explained. "He was blind from birth, but all of his other senses are sharp, especially his hearing." "Impressive," Erika said. "Yes," William agreed. He then turned to Duplica. "Why are you here, Duplica?" "We need your help on two accounts," she stated. "One, we have a League assassin that we need your wife to hide. Two, we need you to come with us." "Okay," William said. Clair looked about ready to burst. "Oh, come on," she blurted out. "He's a blind man! I don't want you guys to win, but what help can he be of you?" William didn't show emotion, but with lightening fast reflexes, his cane zoomed right up to Clair's nose, as if he was going to hit her, but didn't. "If I am right," William stated. "Then my cane should be less than an inch from your nose." He smiled. Clair mumbled like an idiot. "Right then." He put his cane back down on the ground. "Is there anything else that I should know about you, William," I asked. "Yes," William stated. "I am an Ice Master." His eyes glowed light blue under his sunglasses, and an ice blue cloak formed around him. "Neat," I said. "I have reservations booked on the S.S. Fast Ship," William said. "We have better go. Duplica can explain things when we're on the ship." William's cloak dissipated as he put a hand on Duplica's shoulder so she could lead him. "Tie Clair up in the basement," Erika told Angela. "Feed her if you want. But, you don't have to." Clair gave Erika an ugly look as we left William's house. The four of us walked to the dock, where the S.S. Fast Ship was just boarding. William showed the guard the passes, and we walked on. William and Duplica were in a room, and Erika and I were in a room, though we wouldn't be spending the night on the ship. "I'm going to my room," Erika said. "You coming? It's best to stay inside, as to not arouse suspicion." "I'll lie low," I said. "Suit yourself," Erika shrugged, as Duplica, Erika, and William went off to their respective rooms. I went to the back of the ship, and I sat down in a chair. I sat looking at all the people, thinking about what was going on. "Is this seat taken," William asked, gesturing to the seat next to me with his cane. "No," I said. "Need help?" "I'm good," William said. "It's amazing, isn't it?" "What," I asked. "It doesn't matter how young you are," William said. "I mean, I'm only 22 years old. And I'm blind." "Yeah," I said. "So, are just legally blind, or completely? "Completely," he said. "I don't even know what my wife looks like. I've been told that she's beautiful." "She is," I admitted. "You got a girlfriend," William queried me. "Had a fiancé," I told William. "In the other-" "Reality," William tried. "Yeah," I agreed. "Where is she in this reality," William asked me. "Well," I said, with my eyes wandering. I spotted a couple by the edge of the boat. One was dressed in all black with black hair, and the other in all blue with red hair. "She's right over there!" I immediately got up and walked over to them. Just as I was about to get there, Ash turned around. "You," he said in pure hatred. Misty also turned around. "You," she said in pure hatred. "Me," I replied sarcastically. "What do you want," Ash asked. "Didn't you get enough when you attacked me last night?" "You attacked him," Misty asked, enraged. "I'm glad I filed a restraining order against you!" "Get away from us," Ash said. "NOW!" "Can't do that," I shrugged. "And just why not," Misty asked. "There's five people I have to get rid of to end this nightmare," I said. "And you're one of them." I pointed to Ash. "You and what army," Ash said. From behind me, William got up from his seat, and made his way over to us, making it apparent that he was blind. At the same time, Duplica and Erika came over. "What's the matter, Bob," Erika asked. She then spotted Ash, who nearly fell over laughing. "This is your army," Ash laughed. "Two poor excuses for Pokemon Masters and a blind man." "I may be blind," William said. "But you couldn't take me on if you tried." "Let's go," Ash said. William took his ice blue cane, twisted the top inch a half turn, so it turned into the three-feet long staff. He then twisted the top inch of the staff one full turn, so the middle broke apart, so it became two separate pieces that were a foot and a half long each and was connected by the string that was used for the bow. William flipped his nun chucks over and over his back and his arms, to show that he was a formidable opponent. "Well, shit," Ash said. He stuck two of his fingers in his mouth, and a large amount of S.W.A.T. team members crawled up the ladders, causing a panic in everyone on the ship. "We'll take the cops," Duplica said, referring to her, Erika, and William. They left me alone with Ash. "Round two," Ash said. "Yeah," I replied. "Maybe this time, you won't run away like a little baby." "Let's go," Ash said... - End of Chapter Six -