.,< Problems With Evil >,. By: The Flying Snorlax I do not own Pokémon. If I did, I would have a assistant write this. And I would be rich. Oh, and any comments you have, any at all, send to mdavidbennett@hotmail.com. If I update this story, you will find the update first at Flying Snorlax's Pokéfan. In chapter 2, this is going to start to become a AAMRN, just to let you know. Ok! Here's the story! Chapter 1! ******************************************************************* We find our heroes, Ash, Misty, Brock (who is visiting), and Tracey on their journey with Ash in hope to become the greatest pokémon master of all time! But of course Ash soon got every one lost… "You dope! How could you get us lost like this!" Misty yelled as she took Ash's Pokédex and hit him over the head with it. "Hey! Give me that back! That was a gift from Prof. Oak!" "It was not! All pokémon trainers get one!" "Well that pokédex is special to me!" "Is not!" "Is to!" They went on like this for 10 Minute when Ash finally said, "Shut up will ya! Your voice is annoying!" Misty was shocked by what he said. Her face got bigger and bigger and redder. When smoke started to come out of her ears Ash said, "Well it is. You got to admit that." Brock thought "Smooth move, idiot!" Misty exploded! "Well at least I don't go around being a empty headed idiot thinking I'm the best pokémon trainer ever! If I were comparing a slowpoke to you, it will win a IQ test by a million!" Mid way through Misty's speech, Ash lost interest and look through the forest they were in the middle of. "That's nice, Misty." He said when he walks off to check out a ratata. "You weren't even listening, Ash!" she said as she hit him over the head with her shoe. "That's for losing the map!" she yelled. "Misty! Why did you beat Ash up like that? It was Brock who lost the map!" Tracey declared. "It was? OK. Sorry Ash. Please come here Brock!" Said Misty. "No way! Stay away from me you demon!" Brock yelled as he started to run through the forest. "I'll get you for that Brock!" Misty yelled as she ran after him. "Do you still like her even after she tried to kill you?" Tracey asked Ash as he got up. "I don't know what your talking about, Tracey." Ash said. He glanced over to Pikachu, who was baby sitting Togepi. Togepi was eating popcorn with Pikachu. They watch the big fight. "I see you and Togepi are enjoying your self." Ash said to Pikachu. "Pika pi chu pika pikachu. (I see that Misty really got ya that time)" "I guess so" Ash replied. …Elsewhere… "Looks like the little brat really did a number on the little tweerp." Jessie said as she watched from a tall hill. James sat down on a picnic blanket that they were eating on "I haven't had this good of fried farfetch'd in a long time! What is the secret, Jessie?" James asked as he took a bite from the drum stick he had. "Oh nothing." She replied. "Oh please tell me." He begged. "Oh it's just a little salt, pepper…" She lowered her voice "… and a big pidgey." She whispered. James heard her. "A PIDGEY!! Yuck!" He yelled as meowth took James's plate. "Pidgeys are what meowth likes best!" he said joyfully. "Well at least somebody likes my cooking!" she yelled as she hit James over the head with her frying pan. "Ow! That hurts!" he cried. "That's why I hit you with it, dumbo!" she yelled as meowth got up and scratched both of their faces. …Somewhere in Japan… "I'm getting strange vibes from the forest, Serena!" meowed Luna. "I'll get the rest of the sailor scouts to Ray's temple." Serena offered. "That won't be necessary. They been their for an hour waiting for you! Remember how we planed a study buddy meeting for today? I had to come here to get you!" Said Luna "Ohhhh. Now I remember!" She said as they left to go to Ray's temple. "Where have you been, Serena! We've been waiting here for what, 2 hours? You need to stay on top of things!" Ray yelled. Serena was not interested with what Ray said and was putting her full attention on watching a flock of birds. "What did you say Ray?" she ask. Ray looked like she was about to blowup. She grabbed a broom and whacked Serena across the head. Serena got up and kicked Ray. Just then a strange vibes hit all the scouts. "There is trouble in the forest, sailor scouts! We must go!" Luna meowed as they ran to the far side of town to enter the forest. …Back With Ash… "What?" Ash said as he looked up. " Hey look! A helicopter!" "Yay! We're saved!" Misty said. "No we're not. That helicopter has team rockets big R on it. It must be Geovoni's." Brock said. "This could lead to big trouble." Misty added. "I agree." Said Ash. (Author's note: One of the strange, magical times Ash and Misty agrees.) Brock and Tracey's jaws were on the ground. "They agreed on something." Brock said. "It's amazing." Said Tracey. "Pika Pika Pikachu. (This is very, very odd.)" "Togepireee? (Are you okay, Mommy?)" Misty blushed a bit. "Quit staring! Come on! Lets go!" Misty said. …Up In the Sky… "Blasted! The fools saw me!" The man in a dark black uniform said. "Set your heading that hill over there." The dark man said to the driver. "My men are down there." The driver changed his coarse to the big hill that Jessie, James, and Meowth were sitting on. Geovoni pressed a button on his laptop computer. The hill flipped inside out and turned a silver color. This is Team Rocket's secrete base. "Land there." The man in the black uniform said, pointing to a flat top marked "H". …Back To Jessie, James, and Meowth… "Ahh. This is the life! Meowth!" Said the cat pokémon. "What is that sound?" James asks Jessie. "It sounds like a helicopter." They look up to see a black helicopter with a big, red "R" on it "Gasp! The boss!" They all said at once. "We have no pokémon to show him!" James said. "We better run!" Jessie yelled. Before they could go anywhere, the ground below them started to move "what the…" before James could finish, he was pulled in a gap. The ground disappeared. "…Heck!?!" He finished. Jessie, James, and Meowth were in a silver room full of computers. "Where are we?" Jessie asked. She saw a man in black with a red "R" on his shirt. "Sir?" Jessie asks. "What do you want?" he grumbles. "Where are we?" "You're on the Team Rocket secret base. Go to the hanger! The boss will be there any minuet." He said, then ran off. "I wonder where the hanger is." Said James. …To Sailor Scouts… "Luna, what exactly are we looking for? We've been going around in circles for an hour!" Complained Ray. "The negavers can be anywhere! Search every where!" Luna said. "Luna, my computer says there is life forms over there." Amy said as she points to a small path. "Good work, Amy." Luna said as Amy shut down her computer. The scouts walk to the path. They made their way to the end of the path. "Amy! There is nothing here!" Sailor Moon said. "What is that sound?" asked Amy. The sound was a boy speaking with a girl, and two men. "I'm going to take a look." Said Sailor Moon. She climbed a small tree to get up high. She climbed down and reported what she saw. "There was two guys about Darian's age, a red head with a bad sense of fashion, and a boy with a monster by his side." "We should check it out." Said Luna. The scouts went to Ash and his friends. …Ash and co.… "Man, I'm getting hungry!" said Ash. "Pika! Pika! (So am I! Let's find a town!)" Said Pikachu. It was now getting dark. "Hey, are those street lights?" Ash asked Brock, pointing to a bright light. "I think they are." Said Brock. "Good. 'Cause I'm hungry." Said Tracey. "Hold it right there!" A voice out of nowhere said. "I stand for love and justice! I will right wrongs!" Continued the voice. "Her motto is worse then Team Rockets! Right Pikachu?" "Pika! (Right!)" The voice continued "And triumph over evil! That means you! I am Sailor Moon!" The voice stopped. A spotlight was thrown down on 5 young girls dressed in super hero out fits, and 2 cats. "They're so pretty." Brock said in his ga-ga voice. "Shut up!" Misty said as she elbowed him. "I'm Sailor Mars!" "I'm Sailor Jupiter!" "I'm Sailor Mercury!" "And I'm Sailor Venus!" "We are the Sailor Scouts!" They all said at once. "We will send you back to the Negaveres where you belong!" Said Sailor Moon. "What are you talking about? Negaveres? Sailor Scouts?" Tracey asked. "Be quit! Tracey! They're from the show Sailor Moon! I watch that on cartoon network!" Misty said. "Wow! We're TV stars! Cool! What is your name?" Sailor Moon said. "I'm Misty." "I'm Brock! Will you go out with me? Ow!" Misty elbowed him. "Shut up!" She said. "I'm Tracey." "And I'm Ash. And this is Pikachu." "Pikachu! (Yeah!)" "Oh how cute! Can I pet it?" Asked Sailor Venus. "Sure!" "Pika! Pika! (Pets! Yeah!)." All the Scouts gathered around Pikachu and petted him. "Pikachu! (Thank you!)" "So where are you all from?" Asked Sailor Jupiter. "Pikachu and I are from Pallet town. We are pokémon trainers." Said Ash. "I'm a pokémon breeder from a city called Pewter. I'm also single." Said Brock. Misty elbowed him. "Don't mind him." She said. "What is this pokémon stuff you all are talking about?" Said Sailor Venus as she got up from petting Pikachu. "Where we come from, we capture the animals in a little ball called a pokéball. We then train the animals that we catch and use them to battle other pokémon. It's very fun." Said Ash. "I breed pokémon. I try to find the best way to raise pokémon." Said Brock. "I draw pokémon in my sketch book. I could draw anything." Said Tracey. "Where is the nearest city at?" Ash asked. "It's that way." Said Sailor Venus. "Thanks!" With that our heroes ran through the forest to the city of Tokyo. To be continued…