Chapter 1 What Team Rocket Found Team Rocket was following Gary. After Ash died they didn’t really see the point in going after Misty or Brock. So they decided Gary would be a better choice. Their hearts just weren’t in it anymore though. All they had done in years was chase Pikachu and Ash. This just wasn’t satisfying. Today they figured they would give it one last try before giving up. Gary naturally beat them every time. They had sent Meowth to keep watch on the road Gary was going to be driving up on. What was a kid his age doing with a car anyway? Must belong to one of his cheerleaders. Anyway, Jessie and James were going to check on him, as it was a while after he was supposed to call in and report. They walked to the meeting spot they had picked out, and didn’t find him. “Where is he?!” Jessie yelled. “How should I know?!” James yelled back. Jessie grumbled as they started walking toward the road. “Knowing Meowth, he’s probably taking a cat nap.” James agreed. “You’re probably right Jess. I think maybe we should just pack it in. We just can’t seem to do a good job anymore. ….Yeah, that actually sounds like a good… HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!” James’ outburst was due to the sight he saw before them. Gary had already come, but he never made it past. His car was overturned and burning. All his cheerleaders seemed to be dead. Gary himself was not in good shape himself. They found Meowth lying unconscious, as well as bleeding in several places, to the side of the road in some bushes. “Oh my God.” Jessie said. Before she could continue she had to vomit in a bush nearby. James tried to wake up Meowth. He was still alive, but wouldn’t stay that way without some help. “Come on Jess, we have to get Meowth to a pokemon center fast!” He said. “”James…. Look, that Gary kid is still alive. What should we do?” Jessie asked, frantic. “Well, bring him. We can’t just leave him here!” James shouted. Bad as they were, Team Rocket wouldn’t let a person just die like that. They loaded Meowth and Gary up on their balloon and took off. In a few minutes, they made to the hospital and dropped off Gary. They didn’t bother with giving their names, it wasn’t their problem anymore. They weren’t that nice after all. They rushed into the pokemon center (in disguise of course, Team Rocket are criminals after all.) and shouted for Nurse Joy. She rushed out and gasped when she saw Meowth. “What happened?” she asked. “We don’t know, we left him alone at home while we went for food, and when we got back, we found him like this!” Jessie lied quickly. Nurse Joy took Meowth into the emergency room. After about two hours, she was done. She explained to Team Rocket that Meowth had sustained several broken bones, second degree burns, a fractured skull, and many electrocutions. He was lucky to be alive. In the morning Meowth awoke, and Jessie and James started asking questions about what happened, but at first, all he did was babble about a red eyed demon or some such nonsense. Eventually he calmed down enough to tell them what happened…..