hello again, this the second chapter of part 1, a triple threat match to decide misty's fate, it'll be a long chapter. now...(impersonates the guy who says "lets get ready to rumble") LEEEEEEETSSSS GET RRRREEEEEADYYYY TO RRRRRUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMBLEEEEEEE! (Eric bishoff's office, 8:15 pm) Ash: Eric. Eric: what? Ash: i-i-... scorpion: Kane has misty. Eric: What do you want me to do about it? Ash: a match. Eric: ok. It will be you, scorpion and kane, in a triple threat match. scorpion: and to get misty back, only me or Ash have to win? Eric: yeah. later... "this match, is a no DQ triple threat match. Introducing first, from Chicago, IL, weighing at 328 pounds, the WWE Hardcore champion, Scorpion! (The crowd goes insane as "rollin" by limp bizkit plays) "and his opponents, first, from Pallet town, weighing at 350 pounds, the world heavyweight champion, Ash Ketchum!" (crowd goes madly insane as "down with the sickness" by disturbed plays) (as Ash comes down the ramp, he does his 2-fingered pose and a whole ton of pyros come from the sides, and from behind ash) (Explosion) "weighing at 370 pounds, Kane!" (bell starts) JR- and the main event is underway, who will come out on top? we'll be right back as we take our last commercial break! (start promo, wrestlemania 25 Ash Ketchum vs. Triple H) "he's got the game in the crippler, OH MY GOD! THE GAME IS TAPPING! THE GAME IS TAPPING! ASH KETCHUM IS NOW THE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THIS WORLD!!!" "he kept it for 5 years now, but can he stay champ, or will fate betray him, Ash Ketchum, the undertaker, one hour, ironman match for the wwe heavy weight title." (back) JR- we are back, here comes scorpion, oh, but kane with a massive suplex. King: this is not going to end well. JR: kane, setting up ash for a chokeslam to hell, Ash counters with a DDT, scorpion, getting ready, he's got kane... DEATH BRINGER! SCORPION WITH THE DEATH BRINGER! Oh my god, Kane is back up, I cannot believe what I'm seeing! King: me either! JR- Ash on the top rope, here comes the atom b-- OH NO, KANE HAS ASH, AND KANE JUST SENT ASH TO HELL! King: What a chokeslam! JR- scorpion again behind Kane, And he's got him, Kane's going up, over, AND DOWN, CHOKESLAM FROM THE NETHEREALM! King: Look at this, how kane just flops right off the mat. JR- what's scorpion up to, he's got Kane again, but now a spine buster from hades, I think he's going to try Hell's special! King: It's all over if he gets the death bringer, AND HE DID, HELL'S SPECIAL!!! (1...2..3!) "Here is your winner, Scorpion!" JR: WHAT A MATCH! wait a minute... The Undertaker is right behind scorpion, uh- oh... The Undertaker has Scorpion, TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! He has his sights on Ash, HE HAS ASH, AND ANOTHER TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER! THE UNDERTAKER, SENDING A MESSAGE TO ASH, HE WILL GET THAT TITLE! Well how was that? now you can review, I changed my mind about having 5 parts for part 1, tomorrow, part 2 Bye everyone!!! and remember, review!