*HEY!* She's excited, lol. Her first fic is a co-fic. Go figure. *Shut up, Torchick.* Make me, Mudkip Princess. *That'd be, "THE Mudkip Princess", Torchick. Mudkips 4 life!* Whatever... *You're excited, aren't ya?* Actually, I am but this is NOT my first fic! It's like, my 83rd or something like that. *So what? This is a new CO-fic! Which means we all do less work!* Nuh uh... It's more work, in my opinion. And I should knock. I've done about 10 of them... Plus I'm part of the Co-Fic 5. And so is Pikachu... Hey, that reminded me of something... TMP, why are you here? This isn't even your chapter! *Well, I'm visiting you from NY, what else am I supposed to do?* Good point... Anywayz, here's part 1! Later! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1: Papercut (Torchick's A.N.: In case you haven't noticed, most of my chapter titles have been the titles of Linkin Park songs. -_- Unless you can tell me better ones, then get off my case! He he he, just kidding. So I don't own very many titles/chapter titles, not even the title of the story. Later!) A LOT of stories do not have happy endings. Most stories of life aren't even true, they're stories people make up to look away from a harsh reality. This isn't one of those stories. But I can't exactly say it has a happy ending, because that's too far from the truth. It was a long time ago. Or that's how it seems to me. Sometimes, time flies by without you noticing because time is all you have to heal the pain. But as it ticks away, you realize that it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. It really wasn't that long ago. Actually, it was only a few monthes ago. A few monthes ago when everyone was afraid to leave their homes. It was a few monthes ago that probably the one bold person in the city, the girl that seemed to never be afraid, the girl who was my best friend, well, she was murdered. But I guess we should go back to the beginning... The very beginning. And I, Apryl Robbins, promise to tell nothing but the truth. *** Brendan Birch was a name that most girls would squeal at or that most guys would look at their Pokemon at the mention of, and they'd vow to someday be as great as. But nobody really knew him before that time period. Well, no one except me. Brendan had been my best friend since I was 6. I lived over in Lilycove and he lived in the tiny town of Littleroot but yet we were still very best friends. Everything changed when I moved to Saffron at age 11. Brendan and I still saw each other but the visits became less frequent and soon enough, it was like I didn't know him anymore. It tore me apart but I convinced myself to forget him. After all, he was slowly being replaced by other people. None of them stuck around until I met Jen when I was 15. Jen was around 2 years younger than me, a 13 year old when I met her. She was the school clown, making everyone laugh constantly. She was a freshman when I was in my junior year and that's when we met. And then we met Bobby. He acted a LOT like Jen, always in a crazy mood. Both of them seemed to always be hyper, like clowns on crack (A.N.: I love that saying!). They always kept me giggling. Or they did. Bobby still makes me laugh but Jen just isn't around anymore, if you know what I mean. Everything changed in my senior year. The year that I had vowed to make my best. But it turned all around when the serial killer struck the very first time. *** Brendan was visiting me and Jen (who he knew from when Jen lived in Lavaridge) in Saffron for the first time on a crisp October morning. The night was chilly so Jen and I decided to hang out at the mall. Brendan said he didn't feel like going and that he'd catch up with us tomorrow. Jen and I went back to her house, both of us loaded with clothes and Jenn with a new cell phone. We collpsed in her room and then Jen decided to call her new boyfriend, Ty. (A.N.: Heh, I wish!). She had just gotten off the phone when the house phone rang. We were home alone so Jen snatched it off the hook. "Hello?" Jen answered, unaware of how awful the call was. The caller was the chief of the poice force to say that our friend, Brendan Birch, had been brutally murdered in his hotel room. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So whatcha think? Plz review us!!