Chapter Seven: Eclipse With a bandaged arm and a scared feeling of never venturing outside again, Apryl Robbins left the Saffron City hospital. With concern for their friend and their own fear, Jenn Frost and Bobby McGovern went with her. On one night when there was supposed to be a lunar eclipse, Apryl decided she wanted to go to the movies. "I'm not going to let any psycho killer bring me down! I'm gonna go and have fun!" Jenn blinked. "Oh, no. I refuse to go to the movies. I'm still getting over that time when the cashier at the concession stand spiked me and Apryl's drinks and we got drunk and I started singing 'I'm a Little Teapot' really loud in the middle of the theater and we got thrown out," she recalled and shuddered. "We'll bring our own drinks! Come on, Jenn!" pleaded Bobby. Jenn shook her head no. "I'll be okay. I'll stay at home and clean," she said, smiling. The younger girl had discovered a love for cleaning recently and now she had a good excuse. Bobby and Apryl had been over so often and the trio hadn't picked up at all. The house was a mess. "Okay..." said Bobby, who was a little worried about leaving his best friend home alone with a killer on the loose. But he listened to her and left her home alone, while he and Apryl left, chattering excitedly about going to see "Godsend" Jenn got some Windex out of her cleaning supplies cupboard and started cleaning windows, mirrors and everything else glass. She was scared about staying home alone but she was going to have to get over it. "It's almost time for the eclipse," she noticed aloud. Suddenly a thump rang through the house and then an "aw shit!". Jenn could swear she stopped breathing for a moment. "H-Hello?" Jenn stumbled. "A-Anyone here?" She bit her lip. Crap crap crap. She had to get out of here FAST. She ran to her front door. Locked. She wanted to scream but resisted the urge. A person in a ski mask came out of her bedroom and ran towards her with a knife. Jenn screamed, but no one was next door to save her this time. She ducked the blade of a knife that was coming at her like a train. She ran to her bedroom, locked the door and put her bigscreen TV in front of the door. She was safe at last. But wait! Her window was open. She stood paralyzed in fear as the killer climbed through her window. she tried moving the television. She couldn't get it. Jenn noticed something peculiar. The killer had had a knife. So where was it? He had a beer bottle now. She collapsed. "Please! Leave me alone!" she cried. The killer was even deaf or didn't care because he was advancing on the auburn-haired girl. Jenn started to cry. He grinned from inside his mask. He had made Jenn cry... again. He felt accomplished, but still raised the beer bottle over his his head and started lowering it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :( How sad... Anywho, review us all! The Mudkip Princess's chapter will be next!!