THE AMAZING POKE'MON COME BACK "Are you 100% sure this is going to work?" asked Ash in a whisper. "No, but I'm 50% sure it will. Just trust me." Saraya answered. "I don't think this is wise. What is you end up getting caught?" asked Brock. "Then I'm caught and I'll escape." Saraya answered simply. "Meewwwww?" "What if you can't get out?" asked Misty. "Stop asking me question's!" Saraya snapped. "For a little girl and princess, she sure doesn't acted like it." Ash whispered to Misty. Misty nodded in agreement. "Shh! Everyone down!" Saraya said. They all were down as Mewthree flew in Pixie's cave. Mewthree landed near Pixie, who stood facing cages. All had the Poke'mon in it. One of the cages had a pool of water for the water Poke'mon Goldeen, who couldn't be without water very long. "Very well done Pixie. I'm most impressed. You've done better than Ghost and Poison every did." Mewthree praised. "Thank you, master. As you can see, all the Poke'mon are here and safe. Whether the brats will give up Saraya or go Poke-less is up to them." Pixie explained. "Excellent. Report to me as soon as they make a choice." Mewthree said. "Right away Mewthree." Pixie said has he disappeared. Pixie smiled at the Poke'mon growling in the cages. "You won't get away with this!" Gray Wolf growled. "I already have. What makes you think your trainers would give up there only clue to stopping Mewthree for you?" asked Pixie. "Because Ash isn't like that. He cares to much about us." Tiger snarled. "Do you all feel that way?" Pixie asked and eyed Charizard. He was fast asleep. Tiger growled in angry. "You stupid fire lizard! Ash has done more for you than any of us, I'm guessing! You don't even care?" Tiger yelled. Charizard yawned in reply. Tiger snorted and looked away. "Well, that's what you think. But remember, they won't get away without a trade." Pixie said with a simply shrug. She turned and disappeared in the cave's deep darkness. The cave soon got dark. The sun was down and the only light was Charizard's tail flame. "This sucks. Where are they? Aren't they coming to rescue us?" asked Gato from the darkness of her small cage. "Flare." Flareolteon nodded in agreement. "They'll come. They must have a plan." Gray Wolf said. "In the meantime, what do we do?" asked Gato. "Pikachu pi?" Vaporeon and Jolteon nuzzled each other in comfort. "Vul." Vulpix shivered with coldness. Charizard yawned. "Well, while they plan, I'm going to bail." Tiger snorted. He lay down and began to chew on the cage bars. "That'll work. By this time, we'll get about mid-April." Gato sighed. "You've forgotten kitty cat, that my teeth can tear metal. If I work like this all night, I'll be out. Then I can get help." Tiger said. He went back to chewing. Gato sighed and lied down. "Good luck." she said sleepily. All the Poke'mon soon were fast asleep. Tiger herd Psyduck's snore and he kept saying 'psy' several times. Tiger worked all night. By two, Tiger was out. He saw everyone was a sleep and wasted no time, he had a plan. * * * The next morning, Pixie came out and saw Tiger's cage. He was gone! "What happened?!" she cried. "Don't ask us. We were fast asleep." Gato said with a little snicker. "You'll all pay for this!" Pixie cried. She opened her wings and was gone. "Too bad Tiger didn't stay. He could have gotten us out." Gray Wolf sighed. "There's a lot more going on in the old brain than you think bro." Tiger stepped from the shadows. "Tiger! You are good for something!" Gato cheered. "Oh shut up! I knew Pixie would look for me so I hid until she left to do so." Tiger said. "Cool! Now get us out." Gray Wolf said. Tiger went up to Vaporeon and Jolteon's cage. He began to chew. "I hope he chew's fast." Gato said. "We'll help." Gato turned at the sound of her trainers voice. "Misty! I thought I'd never see you again!" Gato cried. "Pika pi!" "Vulpix!" Ash, Misty and Brock walked in. "Hey! Where's the little squirt?" asked Gato. "She's fighting Pixie." Ash explained. He went over and began to pick the lock that was on Bulbasaur and Squritle's cage with a little metal tool. Misty went on breaking Staryu and Starmie's cage and Brock was trying to break Gato, Pikachu, and Vulpix's cage. It took some time, but soon, all the Poke'mon were free. Tiger worked his jaw. "I don't think I've ever chewed so hard." he commented. "You got your Poke'mon, and I have the girl. Good, we agree." "That can't be good." Gato said. Looking up, they saw Pixie standing at the cave mouth with Saraya in her hands. She struggled but it was no use. Mew was no where to be seen. "Pixie! Let her go!" Ash ordered. Pixie narrowed her blue eye's. "No one order's me around. Bolt!!" A bolt of lightning shot from Pixie's hands. Ash ducked and it hit the cave celling. The whole cave shook. "Let's get out of here!" Ash called out. Pixie flew away with Saraya suddenly. They all ran out of the cave and saw her flying away. "We won't let her get Saraya! Pidgeot, Phoenix! Let's go!" Ash said to his Poke'mon. Phoenix took of with a screech. Ash jumped on Pidgeot's back and he took off after Phoenix. "He always leaves us." sighed Misty. "Not this time. Get on Misty." Tiger said. "I'll take you Brock." Gray Wolf said. Misty and Brock got on there rides and then they all ran after Ash. Tiger, Gray Wolf, Jolteon and Vaporeon in the lead. Gato rode on Misty's shoulder and the other Poke'mon followed. All but Charizard. He yawned and fell asleep near the cave, not bothering to follow. Meanwhile, Phoenix caught on to Pixie fast. "Flamethrower!" Ash yelled. Phoenix shot a blast of flame from his mouth. Pixie dodged. "Thunder Bolt!" Ash shouted. "Pi-ka-CHHHUUUUU!!" Lightning bolts all shot at Pixie. Miss! "Whirlwind!" Ash called. Pidgeot flapped his wings and made a tornado. Pixie dodged. She turned around in the air and glowed blue. She stuck her left hand out, her right still held Saraya. "Take this you brave brat! Blizzard Blast!!" she shouted. A icy blue beam with ice and snow around it came shooting out of her hand. It hit Pidgeot hard and good. Pidgeot wobbled in the air and Ash was almost knocked off. Phoenix shot a blast of flame from his mouth but missed. Pixie got ready to attack again. Suddenly, "Torpedo!!" Blue lightning bolts shocked Pixie good before she attacked. Ash looked below and saw his friends. "You can't leave us like that Ash!" Misty called up to him with a little laugh. Ash smiled and looked at Pixie. "You've made your last straw! Phoenix, take her down!" Ash yelled. Phoenix screeched and flew at her fast. Pixie didn't have time to think. WHAM!! The echo filled the trees. Pixie cried in pain and dropped Saraya. She woke up and screamed. "This isn't a good time to wake up!" she yelled in between screams. Suddenly, she hit something soft and bounce. A pink bubble? Mew floated in front of Saraya and giggled. Phoenix flew at Pixie again and hit her hard and bad. Pixie cried in pain again as her right wing was damaged. She plumage to the ground. Phoenix flew down and got Saraya. They all made it to the ground safely. Ash and Pikachu got of there bird ride and Saraya did the same. Misty and Brock ran to there friends. "Your really brave Saraya." Misty said. "Yeah. Thanks to Mew, I'm okay!" Saraya said. "Meewwwww!!" "It's not over yet!" They all turned and saw Pixie. She stood weakly and her right wing was torn. Tiger and Gray Wolf bared there teeth and growled. "What is her problem?" asked Gato. "My problem is yours!" she cried. "You have hairballs too?" asked Gato. Pixie shot a blast of flame from her hand. Everyone ducked. It missed but caught a tree on fire. "Vaporeon, Psyduck Staryu, Starmie, Goldeen, Water Gun!" Misty ordered. All her Poke'mon did as told and put out the fire. Psyduck just stood there. Misty sighed. "Never mind Psyduck." Misty sighed and returned him. "Pixie, were warning you. Get lost!" Brock said. Pixie smiled. "Forget it! I'm not running away!" Pixie cried. Tiger stepped forward. "Then you'll be sorry." he growled. "No, you will." Pixie say. She raised her hand and suddenly, Ash, Misty, and Brock were lifted in the air with a blue glow around them. Pikachu and Gato were knocked off there trainers shoulders. "Put them down!" cried Saraya. "Not a chance! There the trouble makers, I'll just destroy them!" she said. She laughed with evil and suddenly was interupped A roar shook the whole forest they were in. Everyone looked and saw, Charizard? He roared again and shot a powerful blast of flame out his mouth at Pixie in a powerful Flamethrower. It hit her but she still didn't let them down. Pikachu jumped next to Charizard and aimed a powerful thunder Bolt that hit her. She still refused. Gray Wolf and Tiger joined in with there Torpedo attacks. Still, she didn't move. Vulpix and Phoenix joined in with Flamethrower. Jolteon joined in with a Thunder attack and Gato used her powerful Ray. Vaporeon, Staryu, Starmie, Squirtle and Goldeen used there Water Gun's and joined in the powerful blast's. Onix and Geodude used there Rock throw to help. Flareolteon joined in with her Mixed Beam. Pidgeot helped with Gust and Bulbasaur helped with Solar Beam. Mew floated near them and unlashed her powerful Psychic. Saraya pointed her middle and index finger at Pixie. "Poke'mon Pink Beam!!" she shouted. Her pink beam joined in. All these attack's hit Pixie. She finally cried in pain loudly and was thrown back into the trees. Ash, Misty and Brock dropped to the ground and landed on the ground hard. All the Poke'mon and Saraya stopped there attacks and ran to the trainers. They were okay. Tiger watched Pixie flee. "She's had enough." Tiger said. "Yes, but she'll be back." Ash said. "Yeah but were ready with our Poke'mon come back power!!" Gato yelled and gave a peace sign with her claws. "Pikaaaa!!" Pikachu did the same. Ash patted Tiger and Pikachu. "Well, it's good to know we have our own Poke'mon back and that they really care." Ash said. He looked at Charizard who slept. Well, maybe in that Charizard heart of his, he still is that small Charmander I saved, Ash thought happily. To be continued... Author's Note: Cool? Sucks? Okay? Send in comments! There greatly welcome. Tell me what you like and what you don't like. I just want to say to that everyone who has a Fanfic on The Poke'mon Tower Library or anyone else, they’re great writers!!! =^) <>