LOVE IS ALWAYS HARD It was a dark and cloudy afternoon. Rain was soon to come, as Emerald had said. It was a drag. They couldn't do anything but stay cooped up in the "cave". Ash sighed and lend back agasined the tree he was sitting under. How boring. Persia said they should be due for another attack soon. Ash wanted some action. At least that would get them out of this place. Brock and Growly had left a little while ago to go scout the area. They would be gone all today and tomorrow. "I think I'm going to pass out form boredom." came Gato's voice from behind the tree Ash was sitting under. "I think I am too." Misty sighed. "Hopefully Persia is right." Ash said. "You want to fight?" Misty asked. "No, but it will get us out of this place." Ash answered. Pikachu hopped into his trainers lap. Ever since a couple days ago, Ash couldn't stop thinking about Mist. The white dragon that he met when he was dead. Luckily, he was able to come back. That was long story. Ash had told Mist that he couldn't be without Misty, which was the truth. Could he tell her that? "Let's play I Spy!" Gato suggested happily. "Oh no! Anything but that!" Misty begged. "Pikachu, go first!" Gato said, ignoring Misty's comment. "I'm leaving." Misty said quickly. She stood up and walked away fast. "Wait for me!" cried Ash. He ran after her. Gato laughed. "That always works. Now, about this plan of yours Pikachu. Think it'll work?" asked Gato. Pikachu nodded. "I hope so. If we can't get these two together, no one can." Gato said. Pikachu nodded in agreement. They then played I Spy. It ended with an insult from Gato and a mad Pikachu. Gato was soon a crisp and Pikachu left, very pleased with himself. Meanwhile, Emerald and her friends were having a talk. Ruby pawed the ground with her front hoof. "I've told you what might happen and you have to take caution." Ruby said. "I'm the leader here Ruby. I know that and I will. But I still say we help them and shelter them." Emerald part way agreed. "I don't know. They seem easy to turn on us." Ember said while swishing her tails. Tigress snorted. "Please! They wouldn't turn on us! No way! We've all seen how close they are as friends. It wouldn't make a difference now." Tigress pointed out. "That's what they want us to think. Then, wham! In the middle of the night we end up in a Poke'mon Zoo." Persia snorted in disgust. "Tigress still has a point. Why would they tell on us? You couldn't get money by turning us." Pichu said. "But that's not true. They could get millions of dollars to just turn one of us in." Persia protested. "Why would they want to be rich in money? There goal is to trainers, not millionaires." Mewgirl pointed out. "But if they were millionaires, they wouldn't need to be Poke'mon trainers." Sara said with a shake of her head. "But you have to remember, they want to be Poke'mon trainers. They don't have to be they just want to be." Icy pointed out to all. "I say we get them out of here and beat Mewthree without there help." Persia snorted. "We need them. While we fight, they have to turn off Mewthree's main power source, the Black Crystal." Icy said. "I agree with Persia. We don't need them to do that. One of us can do that while the others fight." Ruby argued. "I don't agree with anyone! They're humans and have Poke'mon! You've all seen how well they handle there Poke'mon! They all have wonderful relationships with there Poke'mon!" Tigress yelled. "Besides, where could they find someone to turn us in at? Were on an island." Pichu pointed out. "What do you think Emerald?" asked Ruby as she turned to her. "I say we keep them here. They want to turn us in, fine. We just continue on our way and hope they'll help us, not turn agasined us." Emerald said. She left with all the others. Some weren't happy with the choice, but lived with it. That night, Tigress couldn't sleep. After there talk, it had made her upset. Were they a danger to them? Would they turn them in to a zoo? After that, she couldn't sleep. She stood up and turned herself into her half human form. She walked out of the "cave" and into the night. Ash herd her leave. Curious, he followed. Gato also followed. She sinced trouble. Ash found Tigress standing at the end of a grass ledge. The wind blew back her dark blue hair and her ice blue skirt. Ash went up and stood next to her. Gato hid in some bushes near them. "What's wrong?" Ash asked her. "Nothing. I'm sorry if I woke you." Tigress answered. "Something must be wrong." Ash pushed. Tigress sighed. "A lot of things are wrong Ash. I wasn't born this way like Tiger said. I was a Wolflithe. A normal Wolflithe. I was captured and raised by a scientist. He also had a Rapidash, a Pikachu, a Ninetales, a Dragonair, a perfect clone of Mew, a Vaporeon, a Goldeen, an Articuno, a Growlithe and a Persian. They were all experiments. I was too. Then there was an accident. We were turned into people. Half ourselves and half a girl human. We quickly became friends and learned to be what we had become. Then, Mewthree came and lived on our island. We were mad and began an on going war. We always have fought him. Always will." Tigress told him. She broke down into tears. "I'm a freak of nature! My friends and I are all freaks! Emerald says its not true, it is!" Tigress sobbed. Ash put and hand on her shoulder. "That doesn't matter what you look like. It matters that your friends and you are fighting to save us. My friends and I along with other humans and Poke'mon. It doesn't matter how you were boring." Ash said to comfort her. "But that's not all! Ruby and some others believe you and your friends will turn agasined us and turn us into a zoo!" Tigress said while continuing to cry. "We would never!" Ash gasped, shocked at what she had said. "I know that! So dose Icy, Pichu and Mewgirl! Emerald isn't sure! She agreed to keep you here, but for how long?" cried Tigress. "Well, if that's there decision, fine. We won't care, but try and put us back were you found us." Ash said. Tigress wiped her eyes. "But that doesn't make it okay. What about this war? We can't fight forever. We still need your help." Tigress sobbed some more. "No you can't, but you can still win. With our without our help. I promise we'll help you if you don't throw us off the island. Is that a deal?" asked Ash. He stuck is hand out to her. Tigress looked at him and then his hand. She took it and shook it. "Thank you Ash. You made me feel a lot better." Tigress said taking her hand away. Ash smiled to her. "I'm glad." he said. Then, something weird happened. Tigress pulled Ash close and kissed him. Gato's eyes basically popped out of her head. When they parted, Tigress smiled and walked away. Ash was in shock. He followed. When they were gone, Gato slumped down into a sit. "This can't be good." she whispered. She ran after them on her four legs. The next morning, they all were up early. Rain was pouring hard. It was strange. The rain was visible and yet, it never touched them or the palce they were. Gato quickly found Pikachu and pulled him over to the side. "Listen Pikachu. Last night, Tigress kissed Ash." Gato told the Poke'mon. "PIKA!!" "Yup. It's true. Now we shall have a little talk with Tigress." Gato said. "Pikachu." They found Tigress sitting alone near the pool. They went up to her. "Tigress! We have something to discuss with you." Gato said. Tigress looked at her. "Yes?" "Tell Misty that you kissed Ash." Gato confirmed. "What!?" cried Tigress. "Hi Tigress." came Misty's voice. They all looked up. "Oh, hi Misty. We were just, um, talking." Tigress stammered. "That's fine. I just wanted to see where Gato was." Misty said with smile. Gato eyed Tigress. Tigress said nothing. Misty left. "How in the world could you not tell her! It's the truth, isn't it?" Gato said. "Yes. But I thought she loved Ash." Tigress answered weakly. Gato snorted. "That's why you have to tell her what you did! She needs to know! And if you knew that, how come you did what you did?" Gato continued. " I din't know. But wouldn't telling her break them up?" Tigress asked. Gato thought for a minute. "It would. I didn't think of that." Gato said. Tigress fell down anime style with a tear drop on her head. "What can I do Gato? I wasn't thinking." Tigress sighed. "Well, here's an important question, do you love Ash?" Gato asked. "Yes." Tigress whispered weakly. "Dose he love you?" "I don't know." Gato thought again. "We have a problem. If you love Ash and he loves you, what about Misty?" Gato asked. "Here's something to wonder, what if I asked, what's going on?" came Misty's angry voice. They looked up to see Misty. She looked angry. "Uh, good luck Tigress." Gato said quickly. She jumped away only to get caught by Misty by her tail. Misty held up Gato to her face. "Not so fast. I herd all of that." Misty growled. "This is not good." Gato yelped. Misty dropped Gato, who landed on her feet. "Now did I just hear you right?" Misty asked Tigress. Tigress forced a nod. To her surprise, Misty sat down next to Tigress. "I think he likes you too." she said. Tigress felt awful. " him, don't you?" she got enough courage to ask. Misty nodded. "But I guess its not the same for him, is it?" Misty said, beginning to cry. Gato's ears went down. "I'm...sorry Misty. I...sorry." was all Tigress could say. Misty wiped her eyes and looked up at Tigress. Her eye's were still filled with tears. She forced a smile. A very, easy to see, fake smile. "That's okay Tigress. Hey, I think he always liked you." Misty said in a small voice. She stood up and ran. Hands covered her face. Tigress was just stunned. Gato looked at Tigress. "That was a mistake." Gato said. Misty ran away and out of the "cave". Icy noticed this. Since she was Tigress's best friend and she had herd and seen the conversion, she flew down as human and landed next to Tigress. "Bad move my friend." was all she said. "What can I do?" Tigress asked. "Nothing. This wound can be healed by Ash only." Icy answered. She walked away. Tigress sat there when Ash came up. "Tigress, this is going to be hard but I have to tell you, if you like me, I'm sorry that I don't like you." Ash said. Tigress was thrilled instead of heart broken. After seeing Misty, she didn't care about that anymore and sort of lost her love for Ash. "That's all right. I was just a little to carried away and was to happy. I know you love Misty." Tigress said. Ash was hesitant but nodded. "I have bad news Ash." Gato said. "What?" he asked. Pikachu gulped along with Gato. "Well, I was talking to Tigress about that night and Misty sort of herd." Gato said. "She what! Oh great. Where is she?" Ash asked. "She ran outside." Icy said coming up behind them. "That's not good! Poison's out there!" Ash gasped. "You mean she just ran out there with Poison!?" cried Gato. "Misty did?" asked Emerald. "Yes. We have to find her!" Ash said. "I'll get everyone to help look. You go on a head and be careful." Emerald said. Ash nodded and ran to go find her. Meanwhile, Misty was still upset. She was crying near the same river they had been at when Ash was attack. Not a good place to be alone. Some bushes rustled and Poison came out. He growled. Misty sat up and scrambled back. "Please...leave me alone." Misty sobbed. "I won't hurt you." Poison said slyly. "What do you want?" Misty asked. "You seem sad." "What's it to you!" Misty snapped. "Sad yet full of hate. Mewthree has seen your hate and hurt. He would like you to join us. There, you'll never have heartbreak. You'll be pretty and finally find someone to love." Misty wiped away tears and stood up. "Forget it! I won't join Mewthree!" she yelled. "But you have no choice." Poison whispered in a growl. He advanced toward her. Suddenly, lightning bolts hit the ground in front of the led Scale. He jumped back and Misty tripped onto the ground. Poison turned around and saw Ash. He stood next to Tiger, who growled and snarled at him. Emerald and the others were with him as humans. Poison growled. "You came to save her? How noble. But I'm afraid your too late." Poison growled. He turned to leap at Misty. Gato was to fast. She leaped at Poison. "Tail Lash!!" she cried out. She slashed Poison hard in the back with her tail. He stumbled and fell to the ground. Gato landed on her two feet with grace. Ash ran to Misty's side. She didn't pull back but wasn't thrilled to see him either. "Your out numbered Poison. Give up." Ruby said. "Such bravery. But I pity it." Poison growled. He leaped at them. Persia acted fast. She slashed the air and red slashed marks appeared in front of her. "Slash of Death!!" she cried. The red slash marks jumped at Poison and hit him. He was hit and fell to the ground. "Finish him off Mewgirl!" Emerald ordered. Mewgirl shot her hands forward. "Elimination Beam!!" she yelled. A pink beam came from her hands and hit Poison. He cried in pain as he disappeared in a million pieces. "Whoa. Teach me your moves." Tiger gasped. "Sorry. Only for us." Pichu said with a giggle. "Are you okay Misty?" Ash asked. Misty waved him away. "I'm fine." she said without any emotion. She walked away from everyone. Ash watched her. "I don't think you can change it Ash. Her love for you is gone." Icy said. Ash nodded. He didn't blame her. It was over. It was really over. They had no love for each other. It was gone. Or was it? "It can't be! Misty still loves him! I know it!" cried Gato. She tore off after Misty on her four legs. Mewgirl giggled. "What is so funny?" demanded Persia. "Nothing." Mewgirl giggled. Persia sighed. Meanwhile, Misty was in the same place where Tigress and Ash talked. Gato sat down next to Misty who was sitting at the end of the ledge. Her feet dangled down. "You still love Ash." Gato said. Misty sighed. "That's my problem. I love him but he doesn't me." Misty sighed. That is not true. came a voice from behind. It was an echoing voice. Gato and Misty turned around to see a white dragon that was half bird almost. It was Mist. Misty and Gato didn't know that. "Who are you?" asked Misty. Mist was surrounded in white light. She was happier, unlike when she met Ash. Who I am is not important. What I must tell you is. Ash loves you. He couldn't live without you. He told me so. Mist said. "When did he meet you?" asked Gato. When he was killed. But that's another story. Forget that. I just have to say that he dose love you. It is Tigress who loved him. She still dose, but she see's that it can't happen because Ash dose not love her. If you don't believe me, ask Ash. Listen for a change instead of yell. Mist said. The light faded and disappeared. Mist did as well. "That was..... weird." Gato commented. "Piiiiii!" Pikachu's high screamed rung through the air. Misty and Gato ran to the noise to find Poison. He had them all backed up agasined the river. They all were beaten and looked horrible. Misty saw Ash and Tiger on the ground knocked out. They looked worse. "Ash! Tiger!" Misty screamed in horror. "You can't get me away that easy." Poison growled. To be continued... Authors Note: I hope you like this. I'm going to start writing more AAMRN. Try any way. Comments are excepted so send 'em in! =^) Until the next fanfic I write (which is soon) see ya! One more thing, here is some profiles of the ten half and half charters. Emerald and the gang. Profiles Name: Emerald Poke'mon: Dragonair Age: 15 Attack: Water Power Best at: Swimming Best known for: Being a leader Something about her: Emerald is the leader of this group. She is young but a born leader. She is the one to tell them when to attack and when to back down. She loves to race Sara and usually is careful. She is more of a tomboy than the other girls. Name: Mewgirl Poke'mon: Mew Age: 11 Attack: Elimination Beam Best at: Battling Best known for: Being the youngest Something about her: Mewgirl is the youngest in the group but the greatest at battling. She usually is the one sent into battle by the others. She is very playful, which makes her an easy target for Mewthree's troops. But with her powers, she drives them off. Name: Ruby Poke'mon: Rapidash Age: 17 Attack: Fire Kicking Spin Best at: Planing Best known for: Being the oldest Something about her: Ruby is the oldest in the group. She knows when and where to strike her enemies. Looks are one thing, but brains is her main source for the group. Without her plans and brains, they would be stuck. Name: Ember Poke'mon: Ninetales. Age: 16 Attack: Fire Tail Best at: Grace Best known for: Grace Something about her: Ember is very graceful on her feet. She isn't very pretty but has grace. Looks aren't important to her. She forces more on her attack power and winning agasined Mewthree. She seems to be ignored a lot but doesn't seem to mind all that much. Name: Icy Poke'mon: Articuno Age: 16 Attack: Icy Beam Blast Best at: Flying Best known for: Being the look out Something about her: Icy is, well, a charming person. She is easy to get along with and has a great friendship with Tigress. She never gives up and is always willing to try something new. She is the groups look out and battle instructor. She is also very graceful in the air and is strongly close to her friends. Name: Pichu Poke'mon: Pikachu Age: 12 Attack: Thunder Spark Best at: Cute looks Best known for: Being second youngest Something about her: Pichu is just plain cute. She has charm and is the second youngest of the group. She looks up to Emerald strongly and wants to be like her. She trains often to improve her skills as a person in the group. Name: Sara Poke'mon: Goldeen/Vaporeon Age: 16 Attack: River of Force Best at: Swimming with speed Best known for: Being two Poke'mon Something about her: Sara is a great swimmer. Better than Emerald! She has her Vaporeon tail, which helps a lot. She is two Poke'mon but only turns into a Vaporeon. On land, she has human legs and wares a white skirt that is tied on the left side in a knot. Name: Tigress Poke'mon: Wolflithe Age: 13 Attack: Icy Wave Best at: Speed Best know for: Beauty Something about her: Tigress was named after the great Tiger Of The Wind. She takes that name with respect. She is very beautiful and despite her tail and horns, often human boys fall in love with her. She is very speedy and agile like Wolflithe. Her motto, "Beauty is within not without". Name: Growly Poke'mon: Growlithe Age: 15 Attack: Fire Ray Best at: Guarding Best known for: Being friendly Something about her: Growly is a friendly person and a great friend. She is very protective as a Growlithe. Growly likes to trick people and pull jokes on her friends. That get's annoying to her friends because she dose it often. Never mess with her friends. You'll be sorry! Name: Persia Poke'mon: Persian Age: 15 Attack: Slash of Death Best at: Climbing Best known for: Being cunning Something about her: Persia is very cunning and pretty. She is a great climber and has the sharp claws of a Persian. She loves to battle and is very harsh. She talks back a lot to enemies and to her friends. This usually gets her into trouble.