A NEW EVIL, PART 1 "How can we be lost, again?" asked Misty. "Well, see... heh, heh, I guess I was following the wrong trail and, well, um, that got us a little lost." Brock answered. "WHAT!?" cried Ash and Misty together. Pikachu slapped his forehead in frustration and then sighed. Either Ash and Misty are going to start arguing or there both going to yell at Brock, Pikachu thought to himself. "I can't believe this Brock!" Misty yelled. "I thought you knew where you were going." sighed Ash, not as mad as Misty. Pikachu suddenly spotted hope. "Pika! Pika!" Pikachu pointed ahead down the path. They all saw it. A Poke'mon Center. "Were saved!" cried Misty happily. "Were we ever in danger?" asked Ash. Misty fell, anime style. Pikachu laughed and raced ahead of them. They made it to the Poke'mon Center and found that they were pretty close to the next town called, Fire Rock City. Thanks to Nurse Joy's direction, the three Poke'mon trainer's made it to the city with ease. After getting a place to stay for the night, they decided to look around. Pikachu ran from store window to store window, looking at the dress's, jewel's, toy's and other things. They then came across a Poke'mon pet shop. They all went up to the window. Five baby Growlithe's rolled and tumbled over each other. "Aw! Look! There so cute!" Misty said. "They are cute." Ash admitted. Pikachu went up to the glass and looked in. A Growlithe saw him and leaped, forgetting about the window. SMACK! The baby Growlithe hit the window and was thrown back on his back but the force. They all laughed at the site of the confused Growlithe. Ash then noticed one baby Growlithe in the back. It was smaller than the other's and sat in a corner alone. It had a bad scar on his back left leg near its paw. "Hey, look at that Growlithe. Over by itself." Ash pointed out. They all looked over at it. "Is it sick?" asked Misty. "It look's more like it's the runt of the group." Brock said. "Poor little thing." Misty sighed. The little Growlithe looked over and saw them. Waging its fluffy tail, it came over to the window. Pikachu again stuck his face up to the glass. This Growlithe may have been small, but it was smart. It sniffed the glass in front of it and then jumped back. It blew a little ember from its mouth and made the window black with suet. The baby then wrote the word, "Growl!" on the black. "Wow! Smart little fella." Brock said. The Growlithe erased the suet. Pikachu waved by and they left. The baby Growlithe watched them leave with sadness. * * * That night, all the Growlithes slept quietly and peacefully. The guard dog, a fully grown Growlithe, slept near by. Suddenly, that guard yelped in horror and pain, then was quiet. There was a sudden burst of noise from the other Poke'mon in the pet shop. The sound of glass being shattered rang out in the little Growlithe's ears. The puppy stood up and yelped. A dark figure moved over the puppies. It reached down with it's jaw's and pulled the little runt from its litter. The little Growlithe yelped wildly as the creature ran from the shop. Alarms suddenly went off, but it was too late for that. The creature had escaped into the forest. The Growlithe was suddenly thrown onto thick grass. It looked up at its attacker. It was too dark to tell what it was. All the little Poke'mon saw was two red eye's, the color of blood, stare at him. Hate suddenly filled in him and raged. He suddenly grew into full grown Arcanine. He was bigger than normal and was strong. The difference, he was filled with hate of this world. "Go to the base." the red eyed creature commanded in a very evil like voice. The Arcanine was gone in a flash. The dark creature smiled and it's eye's stopped glowing. It flashed a toothy smile and disappeared after the Arcanine. * * * The next morning, Ash and his friends got up and got ready for another walk. They left the town after gathering items, food and potion for the Poke'mon. "That was nice to sleep in a nice bed for once." Misty commented. "They were comfortable." Brock agreed. "Pika!" Ash was thinking. For some wired reason, he kept thinking he herd a yelp from that little baby Growlithe. This thinking caused him to lag behind with Pikachu on his shoulder. "Pikachu pikapi?" "Huh? Oh! Sorry Pikachu." Ash said. He caught up with his friends. "Are you all right, Ash? Your being awfully quiet." Misty asked. "I'm fine." Ash lied. The continued on. Gary watched them. He had secretly been following them ever since the met again at Sky's gym. He had earned two badges while still following Ash. Gary had his eye on two things. Misty and Ash's two Poke'mon, Tiger and Phoenix. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends came to a four way cross. "Well, which way?" asked Ash. "This time, chose the right path." Misty sighed. "If you think my way's always wrong, you chose then, Misty." Brock said. "Yeah! You say I'm wrong to! Why don't you chose." Ash agreed. "Well, uh, I guess right." Misty guessed. "Watched this, if your wrong, we get to yell at you." said Ash. "Oh, shut up and come on." sighed Misty. On there way down the right path, Brock checked the map and was amazed to find out that Misty had chosen the right path. So the whole way, Misty teased Ash and Brock for doubting her. Pikachu thought it was funny the way they always bicker and fight. Pikachu was happy just to listen to the conversion rather than join in. Even when Ash asked for his support. After an hour, they stopped to rest. Ash let Tiger and Phoenix out, since he had promised them both back at the Poke'mon Center. While Pikachu, Tiger and Phoenix played, Gary planed and was ready to attack. Ash thought about the Growlithe for a while when an Arcanine attacked from the trees. Spraying flame from its mouth at Tiger. Tiger leaped and dodged it quickly. "Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." Tiger commented. "Pika." "Well, so you can talk." a sly voice answered. "Don't tell me." Ash whispered. Gary came up next to the Arcanine. With him was his Ninetales, his Nidoking and his Pidgeot. "GARY!?" they all cried. "what do you want?" asked Ash. "Your Phoenix and Tiger. So, hand them over." Gary demeaned. "What!? Gary have you gone insane?" asked Ash. Gary smirked. "No. I just want what I came for." he answered Ash's rude question. Gary pointed forward. Pidgeot hoped next to him. "Get that Phoenix." he ordered calmly. Pidgeot flew at Phoenix. Phoenix flew up into the air and they went on an air attack. But before the battle really begun, Pidgeot was already being the best out of Phoenix. "Arcanine, you get the trainers. Ninetales, get Tiger." Gary ordered again, still calmly. "Gary wait, can't we just-" Ash was interrupted Ninetales leaped at Tiger. Tiger jumped away and Ninetales hit the ground good and hard. Ninetales was up and flamed Tiger here and there. Tiger dodged many and got hit by many as well. Burnt and injured, Tiger forced all his power on one attack. "You've gotten on my last nerve!" Tiger growled. Tiger leaped into the air. Clear water bubbles suddenly circled Tiger. Ninetales watched. Tiger landed hard on the ground as the bubbles seemed to go into his closed mouth. Tiger opened his mouth to revel a large blue ball of light. The ball exploded suddenly in a stream of white, purple and light blue water. It was a dead center hit. Ninetales was thrown back and to the ground. She lay there, shaking from pain and dripping wet. Up in the sky, Phoenix suffered blows from Pidgeot as his speed was an advantage against Phoenix. Phoenix let out a blast of flame that missed Pidgeot. Pidgeot attacked with Quick Attack and sent them both shooting to the ground. Arcanine growled at Ash and his friends. Nidoking also tensed for action. "Like I said, Arcanine, get the trainers." Gary said. The burst of flames from Arcanine's mouth were big. Ash, Brock and Misty ducked quickly as the fire blew over head. "Gary! Stop! What are you doing!" cried Ash over the roaring flames. "What I want to do. Nidoking, get Tiger." Gary ordered. Gary's Nidoking charged at Tiger. Tiger was too fast. He shot snow and ice out his mouth in a powerful Blizzard attack. Phoenix was already pinned to the ground by Pidgeot. That's when Ninetales made her move. She got up from the puddle of water she had made and go ready. She used her Body Slam on Ash and his friends and knocked them out cold. It was a full blow. Ninetales attacked again on Tiger. Tired from battling Ninetales already, Tiger fainted along with Phoenix. Gary returned his Poke'mon and looked over Ash and his friends. "You deserve it." Gary sneered. He then took two Pokeballs and put Tiger and Phoenix in them. He walked away, happy with himself. In the shadow's, a Poke'mon saw it all. With that attack fresh in its mind, it turned, blood red eyes growling. "Now, the real fun begins." the Poke'mon growled in an evil voice. Then, it disappeared into the forest. * * * Misty slowly opened her eyes. Her head hurt and she couldn't tell herself that what had happened was real. She pushed herself off the ground and sat up on her keens. Pikachu ran up to her. "Pikachu! Are you okay?" Misty asked the Poke'mon. Pikachu ran over to Ash. "Pika pi!" "Ouch. I fell like I was hit by a truck." Brock complained, sitting up and rubbing his head. Misty scrambled over to Ash and shook him. "Ash! Wake up!" she pleaded. Brock came over. Ash opened his eyes and sat up. "Are you okay?" Misty asked, a hint of sacredness in her voice. "My head hurts but other than that, yeah." Ash answered. They all stood up. "Gary has finally lost it." Brock said. "He's lost it and taken my Poke'mon! Tiger and Phoenix are gone!" Ash cried. "Gary has turned into a thief." Misty said. "Pika!" Pikachu pointed into some bushes. A very large Arcanine stepped out. Pikachu jumped on Ash's shoulder for protection. The Arcanine had a dark face and had the small face look that Pikachu had when he was overtaken by that Drowze. They didn't notice. The Arcanine made some growls and barks. Pikachu translated and Ash understood. "Arcanine says he'll help me find my Poke'mon." Ash told his friends. "How'd he know that?" asked Misty. "Maybe he just saw what happened." Ash shrugged. Arcanine put his noise to the ground and began to follow Gary's scent. Gary, meanwhile was walking in the woods. he wanted to let his two new Poke'mon out but was afraid they would be angry. He did anyway. Tiger and Phoenix appeared and looked around. "What the-! Where's Ash?" asked Tiger. Phoenix screeched with anger when he saw Gary. Tiger pulled back his lips to revel white teeth. A low growl rumbled in his throat. "Is this your idea if a joke? How dare you steal us from our trainer!" growled Tiger. Gary shrugged. "Your mine now. I suggest you get use to it." Gary answered. Tiger leaped with speed and landed hard on Gary, pinning him to the ground like he had once done to Ash. "I will never, no matter what, obey you! Stealing Poke'mon makes them mad and a killer! You should be lucky that I have learned not to! You are ruthless, Gary Oak. You will never become a Poke'mon Master. It doesn't matter how good you are or how many Poke'mon you have. What matter's is that the trainer loves his or hers Poke'mon and has a good heart. You have neither." Tiger said, growling and snarling in his face the whole time. He let Gary up. "Come Phoenix. Ash and his friends can't be to far." Tiger said. Tiger took off into the dark forest and Phoenix followed in the air. Gary got up. He was shaken and Tiger's words gave him deep thought. He shrugged it off and walked away. Arcanine was close now. He had lead them to a cave. He sniffed and pointed inside with his nose. "In there?" asked Misty. Arcanine nodded, that mean look never leaving his face. "Pikachu?" "Well, I guess we go in." Ash said. "What do you mean we?" asked Misty backing up. "Your coming, right?" "They are your Poke'mon, so we'll wait right here." Brock said, backing up with Misty. Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder an joined them. "Some friends you are. Come on Arcanine." Ash said angrily He stormed off into the cave with Arcanine leading the way. The cave was dark and cold. Arcanine seemed to really know where he was going so Ash trusted him. Pretty soon, Arcanine found and stick and lit it with his flame. That helped Ash a lot as it began to get darker. Ash lit the way in front of him as he walked. Ash suddenly noticed something. The Arcanine had a bad scar on his left leg near his paw. Just like the little baby Growlithe! "Hey Arcanine. Are you, by any chance, a baby Growlithe that was a runt and lived at a pet store?" Ash asked. The Arcanine tensed but didn't stop or make any movement. He snorted and Ash kept quiet. Arcanine finally came to the end of the cave. It was a big open space that was like a circle. Arcanine went in and Ash followed. Arcanine suddenly turned around towards Ash and growled. Ash stepped back. "You aren't leaving anytime soon." said a voice that sent a chill down Ash's spine. Ash quickly turned around to leave. A rock suddenly just appeared in front of the door. "Like I said, you aren't leaving." said the voice again. Arcanine stepped away and a dark figure that moved like Tiger approached Ash. Ash held out and light and saw what the creature was. It looked like Tiger except it was as black as midnight. All black. The only white was the tip of its tail. It's horns were solid black. It had red eyes, the color of blood. It growled and showed white teeth. "Ghost the wolf type Poke'mon. This Poke'mon loved to play tricks and is rarely seen in day time. It's howl and blood red eyes can make even the toughest Poke'mon run in fear." the Pokedex said. "Ghost?" asked Ash. "That's my name, don't you just love it?" Ghost asked. "What do you want?" asked Ash. "Under orders of Mewthree, I must kill you." Ghost answered. Mewthree? That name rung a bell but Ash didn't know exactly why. "Why kill me?" asked Ash. "Just because. Except I won't kill you, I'll let your friends kill you." Ghost said coolly. "What!? How?" asked Ash. "By turning you into something your not." Ghost taunted. Arcanine growled at Ash as he backed up. "If your a Poke'mon, I can capture you!" Ash yelled, trying to sound brave. Ghost smiled with evil. "You underestimate me, Ash. I have power's beyond any other Poke'mon." Ghost growled. Ghost's blood red eyes suddenly began to glow. The red glow surrounded Ash and Ghost. "I will turn you into something your not, by making you and trainers best friend!" Ghost yelled. Arcanine backed away and whimpered. The red glow engulfed both Ghost and Ash. Then, a huge explosion of red light blew. Outside the cave, red light shot out and then disappeared. Misty, Brock and Pikachu all stood up quickly. "Ash!" Misty cried. They all ran into the cave. Ghost looked down at Ash, no longer the same. "Have a nice nightmare." Ghost whispered. Arcanine stepped into the light of the now dropped stick. He gasped at what he saw. Ghost suddenly herd foot steps. "We must leave." Ghost said. With that, he and Arcanine disappeared in a flash of white light. Misty, Brock and Pikachu entered the room, the rock now gone. "Where's Ash?" asked Misty. "He's gone." Brock guessed. They looked around and Pikachu saw it. On the middle of the floor. "Pikapi!" Pikachu ran to the lifeless form. The form of a Poke'mon. It was a Wolflithe. The Poke'mon didn't move. Pikachu ran up to it. "Pikapi." Pikachu whispered. "What's wrong Pikachu? That's just a Wolflithe. We have to find Ash." Misty said. "Pikapi!" Pikachu pointed to the Wolflithe. "What? That's not Ash." Brock said. A red item caught Misty's eye. It lay beside the Wolflithe. Misty went over and picked it up. She gasped. It was Ash's Pokedex. "Brock, look." Misty whispered, hardly able to speak. Brock saw what she was holding. "Then that must mean... oh my-!" Brock gasped. They both looked at the Wolflithe. "Pikapi." Pikachu whispered again. To be continued... Author Note: Sorry, no summery for the next story. It's a surprise! =) I know you can't stand it. Come on, you can admit it...;) Okay, maybe all you have to do is read my next story.