Betrayal Part 2 After Misty left, Ash began to sink into depression. Day after day he refused to eat, wash, or resume being social. He even shut out talking to his mom, Delia. His only companion was Pikachu, and slowly he started to reject Pikachu also. Worriedly, Pikachu sought help from Delia and the two of them decided to find Misty. After days of searching, it became obvious that they could not find Misty. Ash began to drink and smoke, something he swore of years ago. Then one day, Pikachu found something that brought him and Delia hope. It was a newspaper clipping that read, ¡°Local water pokemon master, Misty Waterflower,is headed for the water pokemon regional championships. Mayor of Cerulean, her hometown, says Cerulean is behind her every step.¡± After showing this to Ash, Delia and Pikachu started out to the championships. After weeks of traveling, they finally reached the championships, and gained hope about Misty. With a bit of questioning, they managed to locate the hotel where Misty was staying. Gathering up their courage, they traveled to the Horsea Inn, room 361, and knocked. Mist appeared at the door and quickly invited them in. As soon as the duo came inside, Misty burst into tears. ¡°I can¡¯t, Ms. Ketchum, I just can¡¯t! I won¡¯t face Ash no matter what! He hurt me, and he broke my heart. So I don¡¯t care a bit about him. If he¡¯s suffering, it serves him right!¡± she cried, shaking with anger and sadness. Delia stroked her softly, and crooned, ¡°Poor baby, I had no idea.¡± After several minutes of comforting, Misty dried her eye¡¯s and said, ¡°So what brings you here?¡± Ms. Ketchum looked uneasily at Pikachu, and began to tell Misty how Ash had gone into depression after she had left, and how he began to drink heavily, smoke, and stop social contact. ¡°He looks at your picture day and night, Misty,¡± she admitted, ¡°and he sometimes hallucinate that you¡¯re there at just stumbles around his room moaning, ¡®Misty, I¡¯m sorry! Please forgive me! I¡¯m SORRY!¡¯. He needs to see you, Misty. I¡¯m afraid much longer, and he¡¯ll take his life out of desperation.¡± Misty stared at Delia in shock, saying softly, ¡°I didn¡¯t know. I didn¡¯t know.¡± Then she seemed to regain her composure and said, ¡°Of course I¡¯ll go.¡± The next day, they set out for Pallet Town.