Chapter 6 A Slip Of The Tongue Leads To A Slip Of The Tongue Two figures walked along a quiet path overlooking an open field. A small electric rodent trailed behind them not wanting to get in the way of the romance. Plus, Pikachu was getting kind of grossed out from the overall mushiness of the situation. Ash and Misty stopped in the open field and sat down on the lush green grass. “So all that time you really liked me?” “Duh! How could you not have noticed, it was so obvious. But then again look at who I’m talking to,” Misty stated as Ash gave her a playful angered look. “Oh your right, I should have been able to tell from the way you always insulted me, smacked me around, and basically degraded me any chance you got. How could I have been so blind?” Ash countered sarcastically. Misty giggled as Ash put his arm around her. “Well maybe I wouldn’t have done those things if you didn’t act so foolish all the time.” “Yeah okay, like you didn’t do those things just to let off some steam because you were to scared to tell me that you liked me.” “Maybe sometimes, but what was I supposed to do, it’s not like I could have just come up to you and said hey Ash I like you a lot, let’s go make out.” “All right, but I was ten. I really didn’t have much of an interest in girls then.” “I know that but we traveled together for 4 years. I figured at some point your hormones would kick in and you would start to notice me. But unfortunately it didn’t work out that way.” Misty sounded a little saddened. “What are you talking about? You know I liked you too.” “Now I know, but back then I was convinced that the only way you thought of me was as a friend,.....a best friend.” “Misty I...” “You were 14 and you had already hit puberty. You still acted the same way around me but anytime a pretty girl paid any attention to you, you’d go into Brock mode.” “Okay first of all I was never as bad as Brock, and 2nd of all girls always hit on me, I would never approach them first.” “Please, you would go crazy over any girl in a skirt,....any girl except me.” “Well maybe you should have worn a skirt,” Ash said jokingly but by the look on Misty’s face he knew that now was not the time. “Wait a minute, is that why you got upset that day? Is that why you wanted to leave?” “Yes, I knew then that you would never feel the same way about me that I felt about you. I knew then that you only thought of me as a friend.” Tears began to form in Misty’s eyes a she remembered the hurt feelings. “Misty, the reason I never told you how I felt was because I was convinced that you didn’t feel the same way. I didn’t want to risk losing you, risk losing our friendship. If you had only known how many times I would watch you swim early in the morning. How many times I’d catch myself staring at you and quickly turn away. How many times I wanted to kiss you and hold you...” “You watched me swim in the morning? I didn’t know that.” “You weren’t suppose to.” Ash tenderly brushed Misty’s bangs away from her face with his hand as he looked at her lovingly. “That’s when I thought you looked the most beautiful, so happy and free.” Misty stared into Ash’s passionate eyes as her tears began to subside. “Look Misty, it doesn’t matter what happened then, all that matters is that we are together now. All that matters is that I love you and I will always love you.” Ash and Misty leaned forward as their lips met in a declaration of love once again that day. They parted and both let out a content sigh as they stared dreamily into each others eyes. But their moment was soon over as another voice was heard behind them. “Chuuu,” the Pokemon also sighed contentedly. Ash and Misty slowly turned around to view the electric rodent who had been watching the whole scene. Ash raised an eyebrow as Pikachu gave the two love birds a big toothy grin. “Don’t you have someplace else to be Pikachu?” Ash asked in an annoyed tone. “Pikachu” Pikachu shook his head still smiling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A few yards away from our threesome a white-coated figure crawls on the ground in search of something extremely important. “Ouch my lumbago, wait! Is this it?!” The figure picked a leaf from the ground and examined it. “Damn it this isn’t the herb I was looking for, I was sure this was the area. How am I going to make my stew without thyme. Maybe Delia grows it in her garden, I should go ask her....huh?” “Pikachu, me and Misty would like to be alone. Can’t you go home or something, I heard mom say she was going to restock the refrigerator with plenty of ketchup.” “Pikachu?” The figure crawled over to the area where the voices were coming from making sure to stay low since the sun was still out and he didn’t want to be seen. He hid behind a bush and peered into a clearing where a young man and woman were sitting with their arms around each other and a Pikachu was sitting to the left of them. The two people were looking at the Pikachu who pulled a large ketchup bottle out of thin air and showed it to the couple. “Misty and Ash?!” The figure was in shock as he shook his head at the situation. “How could he do this, I can’t believe him. How could he be so irresponsible?” The figure decided that there wasn’t much that could be done right now. ‘At least not while Misty is with him’ The figure slowly made his way back and departed the area all together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ash rolled his eyes at the rodent with the ketchup bottle. “Pik, chu pikachu, pipichu” Ash shook his head and chuckled. “What did he say?” Misty asked. “Ketchup, don’t leave home without it.” Misty also giggled at the rodents antics. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The next hour was spent in relative silence. It was now almost nine o’clock and as this was the longest day of the year the sun had just started to set. Pikachu had fallen asleep about a half hour ago, He was curled up into a tiny ball and an empty ketchup bottle lay to the side of him. Ash and Misty held each other as they watched the sun start to disappear over the horizon. “Isn’t the sunset beautiful?” Misty asked. “Yeah, and to think this might be the last time we see the sun again,” Ash said sadly. “I know, but there has got to be some way to st....wait! How did you know about that?” “Hmmm, how did I know about what? Misty looked at Ash expectantly. Ash continued to stare cluelessly until his eyes widened realizing his big slip up. ‘Ooops!’ “Uhhh, well I-“ “What am I thinking, if your mom knows about the situation then you must know too.” ‘Good point.’ “Good point.” “So? Isn’t it horrible?” “Of course it’s horrible, but I’m sure you guys will be able to handle it.” “Well, I don’t know about us but I know the man in black will take care of everything. With him on our side how could we fail. He is so incredible,” Misty stated dreamily. Ash gave Misty an amused look. “You wouldn’t by any chance have a thing for this man in black, would you?” “Hmmm?” Misty snapped out of it. “N-no, not at all.” Ash gave her a questioning look. “Well, heh heh maybe I had a little thing.” Misty looked at Ash innocently. “But it’s over now that I’m with you.” Ash was about to question the sincerity of her statement when he was silenced by Misty leaning in and kissing him. She passionately tried to push away any of his fears of her being interested in any one other than Ash as she deepened the kiss by letting her tongue find it’s way into Ash’s mouth. The long kiss finally ended after a few minutes. They were both on an emotional high after they broke apart. Ash looked at her affectionately but his mood changed quickly as his gaze was turned downwards. “I feel wrong.” “Wrong?” “Yeah Mist, I mean here we are happy, kissing, in love.” “So? Why is that wrong?” “Because, we know what’s going to happen tomorrow, we know what’s coming.” “There is nothing we can do about it right now Ash. We should just enjoy the moment. Who knows when we will be able to be like this again. Neither you or I know what will happen with Team Rocket.” “They have become so powerful,” Ash said honestly. “I know, but like I said before, if we can’t stop them then the man in black will,” Misty stated confidently. “Yeah.” Ash’s voice wavered. “Why don’t you join us, it could be like old times. You, me, Brock, Tracey, kicking Team Rocket ass and saving the world together.” “Uh..” “Come on Ash, you can’t tell me that doesn’t sound appealing.” “Actually I’ve already been offered a spot in your group.” “I knew it, I knew Prof. Oak asked you to join. I bet you were one of the first trainers he asked.” Misty was proud of Ash for being included with her and the other elite trainers. “Uh Misty...” “We can’t fail with you on the Team already turned this down didn’t you?” Misty asked sadly. Ash didn’t answer as he simply gave her a soft kiss on the lips. He pulled away and gave her a tender look. “Why?” “Misty...” ‘God I hate lying to her’ “Don’t you think I’m sick of all that stuff. I had to go through it for years, I’m tired of it. Besides, you don’t need me, like you said you have Brock, Tracey, Duplica, Giselle, Gary,.......the man in black.” “Yeah, I guess I can see how you wouldn’t want to go through that stuff anymore.” “Thanks for understanding.” “So I guess this means you won’t be at the meeting tomorrow.” Ash shook his head. “I’m going to have to go back to the hotel soon.” “Just stay for a little while longer, please.” Ash gave Misty a hurt puppy look as the mood lightened a little. “Okay but just a few minutes longer.” “Kay!” Ash said happily as he held her in his arms. They both looked up at the sky staring at the stars. ‘So many of them, I wonder how many there are all together. 1...2..3..4...’ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “BZZZZZZZ” “AHHHHH!” Ash fell out of his bed as he desperately tried to reach his buzzing alarm clock. He finally reached the alarm clock as he pressed the button to silence it. His eyes winced in pain as he tried to shield himself from the sun. “God, why do I always forget to close the blinds before I go to sleep. I know the sun is going to be in my eyes the next morning.....SUN!” Ash hurriedly got dressed and ran down stares where Pikachu was seated at the kitchen table. Delia was preparing breakfast when she saw her frantic son run into the room. “Ash the sun-“ “I know mom.” “But you said that-“ “Don’t worry I’m going to get to the bottom of this, coming Pikachu?” “Pika” Pikachu said sadly as it looked from the food to Ash and back again. “I’m leaving without you.” “Pi” Pikachu decided it could eat on the way as it grabbed a ketchup covered pancake and ran out the door after Ash. Ash and Pikachu made their way towards Prof. Oaks lab. Ash was in a state of confusion. ‘I don’t understand this, they said it would happen today. Something must have gone wrong.’ Ash didn’t even bother to knock as he entered the lab. Prof. Oak was seated at his computer looking extremely fatigued. “Prof. the sun wasn’t blocked out!” The Prof. gave Ash an annoyed look. “You don’t say?” “Heh, heh, I guess that was kinda stating the obvious.” “Look Ash you said that it would happen today, you said the sun would be blocked out. You said that Team Rocket was going to make it’s first major move. You said that this will cause a widespread panic. Well guess what? You were right about one thing.” “And that would be?” Ash asked cautiously. “The widespread panic. My phone has been ringing off the hook all morning from mayors and city/town leaders asking me what happened. They are angry because they worried the public for nothing and now everyone is wondering what is going to happen now. This little slip up has caused even more panic and worry then before.” “But shouldn’t people be happy that nothing happened?” “Yes but at least before we knew what Team Rocket was planning. Now we have no clue what is going on, for all we know Team Rocket could attack at any minute. Everyone is confused and scared and angry. And you know who they are angry with? Me! Because I’m the one who gave them this information in the first place.” The Prof.’s voice was filled with anger as he lashed out at Ash. “Prof. I’m sorry but my sources told me that-“ “Well maybe you should get better sources! Did you ever stop to think that these sources of yours aren’t as trustworthy as you think? Perhaps this was their plan all along?” “No! I know who I can trust and who I can’t and I know I can trust them. They may not have always been on my side but I have known them for many years and they have changed.” The Prof. could sense the hurt in Ash’s voice. “Ash...” “I have not been played for a fool and I can prove it. I’ll get to the bottom of this. Everything will be sorted out. I’ll take care of it.” Ash turned to leave. “Ash wait,” the Prof. called out as Ash stopped and turned around. “There is another issue that I need to speak to you about. Last night I saw you, I saw you with Misty.” Ash’s eyes widened. “How could you?” Ash stared at the ground ashamedly. “I..” “You know better then this. You know of the great risk involved, how many people’s lives are in danger just with you associating with her.” “I know but..” “If they discover the link they will go after everyone you love, everyone you are close to, everyone she is close to.” “I know! But I love her!” “Then you have just sentenced everyone you care about to death. The first person they will go after is your mother and they will continue down the line until you give yourself up.” Tears fell from Ash’s eyes as he tried to hold the truth of the Prof. words at bay. “I’m assuming she doesn’t know this, she doesn’t know who you are?” Ash shook his head. “No.” “Well she will find out eventually.” “But she loves me too. Maybe we could both disguise ourselves...” “Ash could you really ask her to live your life? Could you ask her to give up everything she has accomplished, all that she has become? And what if she agreed? Wouldn’t they find out eventually that Misty is missing and you coincidentally have a new traveling companion. It is all too risky. Too many lives are at stake, there is no way of this working out-“ “I KNOW! I know.....okay...don’t you think I get it without you shoving it in my face. I can never be happy. I am destined to live out the rest of my life alone.....I get it.” Ash turned and began once again to walk away. The Prof. didn’t want to push anymore but he had to be certain that Ash was going to do the right thing. “Ash?” Ash removed a black cloak from his backpack and draped it over himself. “I’ll break it off with her.” Ash’s voice held no emotion as he swiftly pulled the hood over his head and exited the lab with Pikachu in tow.