Hey, I don't know why I thought of this a minute ago, but I did. This is like a very weird version of The Butterfly Effect, one of my favorite movies. I didn't even realize that when I started this. No more hiatuses for me! Here's part 3! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3: This is Gonna Be a LOOONG Night May slapped her hand over her mouth. Wasn't it in those weird movies that you're not supposed to reveal the future when you're in the past? "You're a freaking psycho! I'm out of here. Tell me when you visit a mental institution!" yelled Wally as he dropped May's purse and ran. Oh well. At least she would never have to marry him. He sounded like a total retard anyways. "What did you mean when you said 'married', May?" Brendan asked her. The poor boy was now probably traumatized to death. He had a right to be. It wasn't right for a thirteen year old girl to say she couldn't believe she married some guy. "You don't want to know. Believe me. Just drop the subject, okay?" She realized how harsh that sounded and rushed on. "I mean, I don't mean for that to sound so mean, but really, just don't ask." "Okay..." he said skeptically, giving her a weird look. "Hey, look, it's Petalburg!" "Okay, um, leave the Pokemon with the nurse and I'll get our rooms and everything, okay?" To her relief, Brendan agreed quickly and ran off from her. It was already almost 10:15 when they got their rooms. May was exhausted and nearly relieved when it turned out that Brendan was all the way down the hall from her. She didn't want to do any explaining. They were definetely on weird terms. At 10:30, she finally closed the door to her room and breathed in the quiet, solitary air of a Pokemon Center that she hadn't been in since she was thirteen. No, wait a second, she WAS thirteen. It was odd to be laying on the bed with no one next to her, breathing in and out. She sniffed the air, thinking how wonderful it was not to smell the alcohol on Wally's breath. But by eleven, she was still not asleep. The quiet was unnerving and she found herself wondering. Why was she here? Why had she gone back? Was she supposed to change the past? The world had gotten so weird that day. She knew Brendan was asleep. Or she was pretty sure. If he wasn't, was he lying there wondering too? If he was, it was no doubt that he was thinking about how weird May was acting. Hours and hours past and by the time May had fallen asleep, it was 2:00. The night had been bad, but morning was even worse. She was sure she had bags under her eyes and knowing her dad, he would question her about them. May met Brendan downstairs, looking as refreshed as she possibly could with six hours of sleep. "What happened to you? Not a good night?" he asked her. "No, I spent most of the night thinking," she replied. "Don't hurt yourself," he joked. She raised her hand. "Kidding! But I did, too." It was so much like the old days where they hadn't known anything and no one had been going out. Only now, May was fourteen years younger than she should be and Brendan should be dead. "Do you want to go now?" Brendan asked her, breaking her out of her chance. She didn't want to, she only wanted to stay here in this familiar moment forever. "Yeah. We can't keep my dad waiting," she said with a false smile. What surprises would there be now? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TO BE CONTINUED... Read and review! Please... pEaCe OuT! Torchick