***IMPORTANT AUTHORESS NOTE*** I just re-read this story and I realized I majorly screwed up the chapter numbering. It should be like this: Part 1: We All Have Problems Part 2: Casualty Part 3: Little Miss Not-So Perfect SORRY! And don't forget: updates might become scarce, because though I have no school on Friday, Saturday is my birthday party and Sunday I have to perform a skit. Oh yeah, and Tuesday (November 15) is my birthday! After writing here since age 10, I feel like an old fart since I'm turning 14... Here's chapter 4! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 04: Fading Away Nick had a scowl on his face as he walked down the hallway to first hour. Aaron was sucking up to one of the biggest preps in school. What was WRONG with him? Had some kind of alien taken over his brain during the night? Did he have a thing for Jenna Riley? Why Jenna? WHY? "Ugh, Jenna's party is going to suck," he could hear Astrid say as he passed the group. "I'm so glad we're not going." "Jenna's a jerk. I wish she would go back to where she was last year," Bree Maxwell commented. How dumb could Jenna be? She thought these were her friends. "She's probably fun though," added in Ben Parker. "If you know what I mean." Bailey glared at him. Nick just rolled his eyes. They were all the same. They talk crap about each other when they're with other people but as soon as they were all in a group, they were best friends. And they WERE best friends in a group. If best friends could stem out of a posse. And that was truly what they were. Astrid Landgren was the leader, gym leader of the Labyrinth Terrace, a perfect vision with straight blonde hair and blue eyes, icy and scrutinizing. Emily Richards was second in command. She was exactly like Astrid, except she was a bit quieter, and her hair was red. Not blonde. Bree Maxwell was the smile of the group, only most of the time her smile was fake. But you always got a smile out of her, with all teeth pearly white and straight. Nobody really cared what happened to her. The same could be said about Bailey Monterrey. Candace Parker's replacement and Ben Parker's current arm candy. That would change within the next week. And then nobody would notice if she hung around. But then there was Jenna Riley. She hadn't always been just another one of the girls. They had been friends, once upon a time, before the divorce. He had once been a citizen of the Labyrinth Terrace, where money was all you needed and Abercrombie was more than just a label. With her front tooth missing, frizzy sunbleached brown hair always tangled and round belly, she had been just a normal kid, though it was hard to believe now. The frizz was just a mere memory, now replaced by long curls. The tooth had grown back, giving her a full set of perfect teeth and her belly had too vanished, giving her a figure envied by many girls at the school. Even her smile was gone now, but Jenna was a good enough actress to be able to hide it. Nick knew though. He knew. Class was boring, considering Aaron was the only one he talked to during first hour. Second hour was different. In second hour, there was Leah. And that made Nick want to run for cover. Sure, she was his girlfriend. But with Leah, he didn't know how to breathe. He was closed in on all sides, and there was no possible way to be himself. In the hallway, Nick passed six people wearing Abercrombie, and all of them made him sad. For some reason, all he could think about how the pudgy, frizzy-haired girl down the street had turned into this walking, breathing mannequin. It was kind of pitiful, if you thought about it. Second period was in clear view, but he didn't really want to go. Nick was seriously dreading it. But then again, why did he have to go at all? He could just skip it and come back for third hour. And plus, second hour was the only class he had with Leah. He could completely avoid her all day this way. They seriously needed to break up. Exiting the school was not hard. It really wasn't. All Nick had to do was exit out through the side doors that led out to the parking lot. But then he heard it. It was a muffled sound and at first, he thought he was imagining it. But as he walked further down the parking lot, it got louder. It was somebody crying. A GIRL crying. Was she injured? Was she being attacked? What if whatever attacked her went after him? But then he knew that if she was being attacked and then he heard about it on the news, he would never forgive himself for not intervening. So he walked towards the sound. As he got closer to Astrid Landgren's BMW, the sound got louder and louder. But as he finally made his way to the car's side, he found the cause of the crying. It was wearing all white. "Are you okay?" he asked hesitantly. The girl looked up quickly, and before he could even realize it, a puffy-eyed Jenna Rile stared back at him. "Not like you care," she mumbled and then sniffled. She picked up her precious multi-colored Billabong bag off the gravel of the parking lot and then brushed off her backside. Nick couldn't stop staring at her sleeve though. Two splashes of fresh blood glared at him, surrounding by older spots that were obviously fading away. "Are you hurt?" he asked her, pointing at the spots. For one moment, just one moment, her facade disappeared and she looked horribly vulnerable, and Nick could nearly swear that a little girl with one front tooth was waving at him, proving her existence to him and everyone else. But she disappeared as quickly as she had come. "Just go away," she whispered and then collapsed next to the car again. She didn't have to say anything. Nick knew that she knew. She knew they didn't care. But the crappy thing about knowing that people don't care is knowing that you do and knowing that they hurt you. Knowing that you want them to care. And knowing that they never will. Nick began to walk away, figuring that detention for being late was worth not having to see that. "Nothing's ever going to change," he could hear her murmer sadly. The bloodstains weren't the only things fading away.