Hey y'all!! Sorry for the update delay, I have been so busy!! Our core has been taking the district assessment, I've been spending a lot of time with my friends Chloe, Lizy, Willy, Wes and Patrick (we've all been trying to make weekend plans, but the thing is we never end up following through with them), plus we have been LOADED with homework. So here's the thing everyone's been asking me for... Part 3 of Lost!! (PS: I might change the title to Don't Tell Me so don't be shocked when a fic exactly like this comes up on my page as Don't Tell Me and Lost is gone) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 3: Impossible Lights flashed from every direction. Maroon 5 blared over the sound system from a nearby electronics store. Teenagers strolled down the streets, loaded with shopping bags. Cars breezed by him, laughter passing him from the drunken people. He was finally in Goldenrod City. The place was better than May had described to him. He carelessly walked in and out of outlet stores. The department store stood looming to him in the distance, but since May wasn't training anymore, Brendan doubted that she'd be there. Brendan walked in Claire's, a girlish store that May wouldn't have been caught dead in. The only two shoppers were two preppy looking girls, one with pink hair, one with brown. It figured that she wouldn't be in there. Brendan started to walk out, defeated and ready to ask for directions to May's home. "Whitney, that color would look totally gross on you. Go with the pink." No, that wasn't our Hoenn hero that goes by the name of Brendan Birch. But still, at that comment, he stopped dead in his tracks. It couldn't be... There is no frickin way. He wished he was right. But that voice was unmistakable. He couldn't believe it but it was true. The brown-haired prep girl was no other than... "May? May Maple?" he asked. Sure enough, the brunette looked up from a rack of nail polish. He had never seen her, or any girl, wear so much make-up. "B-Boy!" she squealed. She ran to him and hugged him, but he wasn't as happy as he appeared. This girl couldn't be May!! After all, he had seen her about a month ago. She couldn't change so much in such little time. "Oh, Bread Head, this is my friend Whitney. She's the gym leader here. Whitney, this is my friend Brendan, from Hoenn." Brendan blinked. He wasn't her BEST friend anymore? He gave her a hurt glance but she didn't notice. May led her two friends out of the store and babbled on as she gave Brendan a tour of her new home. But he wasn't listening. All Brendan was doing was wondering if it was really a good idea to come to Johto. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanx for all the reviews everyone. I decided to give y'all a sneak peak for the next few parts. "I'm sick of you and your new perfect little world. Over in Hoenn, I've been going crazy without you but you don't even care. You know what you are May? You're a prep. Kiss my ass and go to hell. I never want to see you again."