***AUTHORESS NOTES*** I tried sending in my stories in web page format, but for some reason, Jolt doesn't get them. So I'll just continue sending them in like this. Also, just a note. While I DO appreciate you guys sending me in story ideas, I'd prefer if you didn't. I have a lot to do right now and a bunch of stories to update, and there is no way I could start on any new ones. The following will be updated continually: ~Emerald Ashes (co-authored with Twisted Alyx) (high priority) ~Nobody is Listening (medium-high priority) ~The Phantom of Cinnabar (low priority-SORRY) ~Dear Old Voldy (NEW) (medium-high priority) ~Poor Draco's Hoenn Adventure (NEW) (medium priority) ~Team Rocket Strikes Back! (medium priority) There were a couple other stories I wanted to start but I decided not to. School is starting pretty soon anyways (August 30th for me) and I'll have less time to update, so I don't want to get started on anything I won't finish for awhile. Also, a reviewer (Sonic) for "Green" suggested a sequel to the trilogy. "Poor Draco's Hoenn Adventure" is somewhat tied in with the story, and while I liked the idea at first, I decided to leave it as a trilogy. Sorry, Sonic! And finally... Thanks for voting for my stories in the BIC! I'm so honored that you guys decided "Poor Draco's Pokemon Journey" was worthy of the CO award. Here's chapter 7! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 07: Candace Lowilla Parker, Professional Matchmaker "Look at them," whispered Candace with a giggle. Jeremy shifted his gaze to where Candace was looking at Chloe and Chase. Chloe was reorganizing her bag of items and Chase was fiddling with his Pokedex. "Why? They're not DOING anything," muttered Jeremy. Candace sighed exasperatedly. "Keep watching," she said in her short-tempered manner. Jeremy kept his eyes to the two trainers, analyzing their movements. Chloe's face was flushed and her hazel-green eyes would often travel over to where Chase was sitting. And when she wasn't staring at him, he would be staring at her. "Do they like each other or something?" he asked incredulously. Candace grinned wickedly. "Duh, Jeremy! It's only a little obvious!" she retorted, sounding very much like the Labyrinth Terrace teenager she was. "Well, I figured that out. Should we talk to them about it?" questioned the brown-haired boy. Candace's eyes glinted. "Of course not! Where's the fun in that? I say we play matchmaker!" Jeremy raised his eyebrows. "I don't know. We might just screw up things." Candace rolled her eyes. "Of course we won't! After all, did you just meet me?" "Well-" the skater-like boy began. "Don't answer that," she interrupted. "But anyways, I have plenty of experience with this stuff! Just call me Candace Lowilla Parker, professional matchmaker!" "Professional?" he inquired skeptically. "Well, not professional," she admitted sheepishly. "But I have a lot of experience! I set up my cousin and her fiance! And I hooked up all of my friends..." "I'll go along with you, Candy. But if we get in trouble with the two of them, I'm totally blaming you. So what do we do?" "Easy!" she replied with a broad grin. "We set them up with the worst people possible and then they'll realize how perfect they are with each other!" "That's ingenious!" exclaimed Jeremy. "I saw it on 'Friends'. They tried it with Rachel and Ross," she admitted. "Did it work out in the end?" he asked. She thought a moment. "I'm not all that sure. I can't remember. I'll have to borrow the DVD from my friend Bree once we get to Labyrinth." He shrugged. "This has got to work." He looked over at the two. "Hey, look, they're talking!" "What do you think they're talking about? I hope he's not asking her out. I want a chance to try out our plan." "Well, even if he is, I'm sure that we can find two other poor lovesick fools to try it out on." "But these are OUR lovesick fools! And our guinea pigs! Our lab rats! We need them to try stuff out on!" "Lab rats are a dime a dozen," he responded nonchalantly. Candace's eyes shifted towards the ground. "Hey, look! A dime!" +~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ "Look at them," sighed Chloe. Chase's eyes shifted around the route. "At what? Hey, look, I can see Catechi!" he said happily. Chloe grinned. "Finally. I was hoping we'd get there soon." "We should be there in fifteen minutes," he responded. "Now what did you want me to look at?" "Candace and Jeremy," she said with a huge smile. "Aren't they adorable? I wonder what they're talking about." "Probably just mindless gossip or pointless things." "You mean, the same things we talk about?" "How can we all talk about the same things if they like each other and we don't?" Chase inquired. "You have a point," Chloe admitted. "You really think they like each other?" Chase snorted. "Of course they do, Chloe! It's completely obvious!" "You know what we gotta do, right?" Chloe asked the curly haired boy. "No. What do we have to do?" "Such a stickler for grammer," she muttered. "We have to set them up, of course!" "You mean, play matchmaker?" Chase exclaimed. "Why not? It ought to make life on the road more interesting." "You also have a point. I'm in!" he grinned. "Hey, Candace! Jeremy! It's Catechi!" she yelled. The four set their eyes on the city just a few feet away. "Finally," replied the girl with wavy brown hair. She turned to Jeremy to say something, but instead ran directly into the item ahead of her.