Misty’s Essay

BY Totodile

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

Italics = Misty is thinking

Bold italics = Essay

Misty is 16

Announcer/Narrator: We find our heroes are staying in Pallet catching up in school. Misty’s currently in her Junior English class.

Teacher: Today’s homework will be an Essay. It’s due on Friday. Pick a subject you are knowledgeable on.

Misty: I know exactly who I mean what I'm gonna write mine on!

(Insert theme song here)

Title Screen (Ash‘s Voice): Misty’s Essay

Misty walked home to Ash's house. Ash and Brock were lagging behind. She went upstairs to Ash’s desk to do her homework.

Misty Williams

Junior English

4th Hour, Mr. Masara

February 25, 2004

Title: What I think it must be like to be dense.

Why? Well my best friend is very dense. In fact he could read this whole thing and never figure out it is mostly about him. I not mocking him, he’s a great guy. He just doesn’t always get it.

Definition of Dense(dens): hard to access; difficult to understand because of complexity or obscurity; slow to apprehend. densely adv. denseness n.

I think it must really be confusing to be a dense person. I mean think about it someone tells you something and you think you know what they mean but you totally got the wrong meaning and all you know is that they are mad and still trying to explain it to you. If they clarify it then that’s when you feel stupid. I’d say that’s a good description. I’ll give you an example with my friend let’s call him Friend A. Here was a conversation we had that made me wanna pull my hair out cause of all the denseness.

Me: Hey Friend A, I like you.

Friend A: I like you too. You’re my friend ain’t ya.

Me: No that’s not what I mean, I like you like you.

Friend A: I just told you I like you, too. Cause you are my friend.

Me: Well I love you, now do you get it?

Friend A: I love you too as a friend.

Me: I love you as more than a friend.

Friend A: Oh I see, I love you alot as a friend too.

Me: (screaming) Nevermind I give up!

Friend A: What did I do?

Me: Just forget it.

Friend A: (Confused)

You see my frustration with him. I mean if you were in love with someone and you told them straight to their adorable face. Wouldn’t you think they would understand what ‘I love you’ means?

Also when you are dense instead of actually talking alot of the time. You just sort of have you own language of grunting, groaning, growling and saying ‘huh’ alot. The weird thing is that even though he is so dense. He seems to understand his Pokemon better than the average person. I’d rather him be dense than be a skirt chasing hormone driven lunatic like my other friend. I mean he’s nice and all and luckily not interested in me. (I shudder at the thought. EWWW!) Anyway the dense one I speak of is also one of the sweetest people I know. I mean he helps everyone we meet!! He is so nice it would make some people puke but it makes me love him even more. Let me wrap this up saying if you are dense you probably have plenty of other characteristics that are great to make up for it.

Finally I’m done. Ash walks in “Hey Misty, Whatcha doing?” Misty looks into Ash’s sweet brown eyes. “My homework.” Ash asks, “Can I see it?” Misty shrugs, “I guess.” Ash takes it and reads the whole thing. “So Misty who are you in love with?” What how did he figure that out? “I don‘t love anyone!” He smirks, “You know I‘m not really dense. I love you too.” Misty’s jaw drops. “I love you, too, Ash. But how did you know?” Ash smiled, “I only pretend to be dense, that way people bug me less.” Guess my whole Essay had a pointless meaning. Oh well I’m not doing it over. Besides now I have a boyfriend. Misty grins at Ash.

The End

a/n Just a little short fluff that I thought of. Hope you liked it.