This phrase may sound familiar to you: "Team Rocket's blasting off again!" Now, let's take a reality check. Team Rocket are allegedly the villains - but, they always seem to get the short end of the stick. I mean, think about it. Team Rocket are always talking about their past, right? They didn't seem like bad guys then. They never fit in anywhere, they never got what they wanted...and now, well, it rubbed off on them, didn't it? It's just my point of view, but Team Rocket aren't particularly full of malice or anything. Now, think of Ash and his friends. They get lots of Pokemon, lots of food and water, lots of money, lots of friends...and they always win. Sickening, isn't it? The series about Team Rocket I'm starting is NOT a Jessie/James romance, it is simply Ash's story in a nutshell, but from Team Rocket's point of view.