Midsummer Madness By Trish. Disclaimer: The only thing that I own is this story and Calliope. Enough said. A/N: I've said this before - and I'll say it again. You MUST read the chapters in the order they were written - otherwise this will not make sense. Chapter 4: All's well that ends well…. Ash's scream woke the other occupants in the house, and brought them running. Delia was worried - was her little 'baby boy' hurt or in danger? Brock went to shove the door open, when Ash's voice stopped him; "Don't come in guys, it's okay, I'm okay," he said hastily. Brock wasn't convinced, "Are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine," came the muffled response. "Then what was that scream for?" Misty yelled out in exasperation - she was not a morning person and did not appreciate leaping straight out of bed. "Pikachu just zapped me awake with a Thunder Shock - nothing serious." As soon as the footsteps died away, Pikachu glared at her master, "Liar." Ash looked rather sheepish. "I know, I know. But what else was I supposed to say? The truth?" He reached over and picked up the phone next to his bed. "I have to call someone…" Ring, Ring, Ring! Ring, Ring, Ring! Phone Call! Phone Call! James stumbled sleepily to the phone in the hallway. Jessie was still sleeping the sleep of the dead, Meowth wasn't up so it was left to him to answer. He fumbled for the phone and yawned into it, "Morning, Prepare for trouble….you know the rest, James speaking." "James! Just the person I wanted to speak to. It's Ash here," came a familiar voice. James blinked, then switched on the visuals. The familiar face of his former nemesis- turned-friend and Pokémon Master flashed onto the screen. "Morning Ash, what did you want to speak to me about?", he asked his boss. Ever since they had quit Team Rocket years ago, Jessie, James and Meowth had made amends with the twerps, becoming best friends. When Ash became Grand Master he was able to find them employment. Jessie was Ash's personal agent and manager while James took care of the public relations side. It was an excellent decision - the two had found their true calling in life - and were extremely successful. Meowth was happy too - he was now the "Top Cat" of the Grand Master (even though Ash had a baby Mew as well) living the contented life of a domesticated puss. He switched between living at Jessie and James's and Ash's place. He enjoyed it at the Ketchums - Delia spoiled him with numerous saucers of milk and cream, as well as providing many balls of yarn for him to play with. Once there he would team up with Pikachu and the two unlikely partners in crime would get into twice the mischief. "I want you, Jessie and Meowth to please come over here immediately." "Sure." "Oh, and bring some women's clothes too, if you don't mind." James blinked again. Did he just hear right? Women's clothes? Why couldn't Ash just borrow them from his mother or Misty? Or could it be that…..there was that time when they helped to pass the twerp off as 'Ashley'. He had looked very convincing - and James would know as he was an expert in that area. Surely his friend didn't lean in that direction…or maybe he had finally realised….. "No, James. No," Ash's firm voice interrupted his train of thoughts. "No what?" James tried to feign innocence. It didn't work. Ash glared at him, "Don't try to fool me. I know what you're thinking, so don't even think it! It's not that!" "Then what is it?" "You'll find out soon enough," came the enigmatic reply. "But Assssssssssh," whined James, his curiosity piqued. "Just do it," the dark haired trainer ordered softly. James just nodded - that was the only thing to do when Ash used his 'no nonsense and I won't take no for an answer' type of voice. "See you then," then clicked off. James stood there for a moment then went to wake his wife up. Ash hung up the phone and stared in disbelief at the end of his bed. It must be either a dream or an hallucination, he decided. A hallucination induced by what he did not know - he had never taken drugs, and he was positive that he hadn't touched any alcohol last night. There was only one thing to do… "Pik," he murmured to his little electric mouse. "Could you please give me a tiny jolt?" "Sure." The tiny mouse placed her paw on his arm and shot a few volts into him. Ash shook his head and blinked. Nope - still there. There was…a woman sitting on the end of his bed. A very beautiful, sexy, young woman with long chestnut hair, whom he had never seen before in his life - yet here she was…sitting on the end of his bed. But whoever she was, she was perfect, with a perfect figure with curves in all the right places. What Ash couldn't help but notice was the outfit she wore. Her dress was made of a flowing rather transparent material in the palest of blues, which clung to her body and left little to the imagination. He was just grateful that Brock had not barged into the room when he had yelled out - the situation would have been very hard to explain to the others, especially Misty - considering he had just his boxers on, and the girl wasn't exactly decent. "Pikachu, you see that girl on the end of my bed, don't you?" The mouse nodded. "She's real isn't she? Or is she just a vision that we're both seeing?" Before Pikachu could answer, the 'vision' rose from her end of the bed and sat next to him. She gazed into his eyes before pressing her lips to his in a soft sweet kiss. She's real all right, his dazed mind told him before he snapped out of it . "Who are you? What are you doing in my room?" he whispered. She smiled, "My name is Calliope, but my friends call me Callie. I'm here to ask you for help." Ash nodded and got out of the bed. "So….you want my help…But how on earth did you get in?" Callie indicated the partially open window. "Through there." His jaw dropped, the window's opening wasn't even wide enough for Pikachu to squeeze through! Not knowing what else to say, he pulled on a black t-shirt and was about to pull down his boxers when he remembered just who else was in the room with him. Ash went red before grabbing the rest of his clothes and rushed into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Pikachu chuckled and waddled over to Callie for a pat. A few minutes later, Ash exited the bathroom, fully dressed in his t-shirt and jeans. He gave Callie a weak smile, "Umm, I've just got to do a few things first - like get you some clothes, but I'll be back - so don't go away." As soon as he closed the door behind him, he looked at Pikachu, "Pikachu, don't let anyone else come into this room okay? Otherwise we're sunk." He went downstairs to wait. Jessie, James and Meowth were negotiating their way through the milling crowds of girls and Pokémon around the Ketchum residence. "Wonder what's goin' on here?" Meowth piped up. Jessie shrugged, "I have no idea - but they must be after Mr. Pokémon Master in there." "Yeah, but what are all dese female Pokémon doin' here too?" They reached the house and James was just about to press the buzzer when the door suddenly opened. A slender green vine snaked out and grabbed the trio around their waist, before yanking them inside. They landed on their bottoms with a thump as someone shut the door behind them. They looked around to see the Pokémon Grand Master standing there, with Bulbasaur at his side. "Hi guys," he greeted with a smirk as Bulbasaur retracted his vine into his bulb. "Did you bring the…." James held up the bag. Ash nodded in satisfaction, "Good." He shepherded the trio into the living room where they all sat down, Meowth curling up on Ash's lap. They were soon joined by Misty, Delia, Brock and a little kid that the former Team Rocket had never seen before. "Could someone please tell us what is going on here? Is there something wrong?" James inquired. Ash gave a wry smile, "Something wrong? You could say that….Things have gone really crazy around here - and I don't know what to do about it." He indicated the young boy eating a lollipop, "Believe it or not that is the world renowned researcher Professor Oak. He was eighty-two, but now he's four years old. Then there's Brock here. Brock is convinced that my mother is the only one for him, and wants to marry her. Mom doesn't feel the same way - so Brock has been following her all over the place, with Mom trying to get away from him. And I have found myself often reciting entire passages from the works of a long dead English playwright." The former Rocket trio's eyes were as wide as saucers. They didn't know whether to believe him - but one look at his face told them that he was serious. He held his hand up, "There's more. Suddenly I'm the hottest guy around - and all those girls outside want me. As a result I have found it very hard to leave the house the past few days." "What about dose female Pokémon? What are dey there for?" Meowth interrupted from his lap. Ash hesitated before answering, "They're after me too." "Whaaaaa?" "Don't even ask." "Okay, I won't." Ash deposited the cat Pokémon off his lap and stood up. "Now if you'll excuse us, James & I have something very important to discuss….with Pikachu." And with that he dragged James from the room and up the stairs, before the others could say another word. He finally stopped outside his room, where Pikachu was still on guard - with a bottle of ketchup her only companion. James picked himself up off the floor and dusted himself down, the bag resting against his feet. "Now, open the door a bit and tell me what you see," the younger man instructed. James did as he was told, and withdrew looking a little shocked. "I see a beautiful young woman on your bed." "Yes….but what do you notice about that young woman?" "I see a beautiful young woman with not much on, sitting on your bed?" "Exactly. That is why I wanted you to bring the clothes." Aha. James now knew why Ash was being so secretive. A hot summer's night, a young handsome bachelor, a beautiful young woman with a revealing outfit, alone in a bedroom…..It all added up. He poked his friend gently in the ribs, "Well now, I think you had some fun last night. Where did you meet her? What was she like in…." The last word was muffled by Ash's hand being clamped over his mouth. "Shut up James!" he hissed. "And the answer to your question is - nothing happened! I've no idea where she came from or who she really is - I only know her name. I just woke up this morning and there she was….on the end of my bed." The trainer could see that James didn't believe him one little bit. He sighed in frustration, "If you don't believe me, ask Pikachu. She was in the room the whole night." The electric rodent nodded, "Nothing happened, James. I do have ears you know, so I would have heard them if they had …you know." James knew that what Pikachu said was the truth, he also knew that Ash had a knack for having strange things happen to him, so he slowly nodded. "But if Pikachu can prove your innocence, why didn't you ask your Mom or Misty for the clothes?" The Pokémon Master stared at him, "Are you NUTS! As if I'd really want to go up to my new girlfriend of less than twenty-four hours and say; 'Hey, Misty! There's a half naked woman in my room. Can I borrow some of your clothes?' Same thing with my Mom. Pikachu would be no use - as they would kill me first then ask the questions later!" James laughed rather sheepishly, "I see what you mean. Silly me." "If I had done that, you'd be attending my funeral right now." James scratched his head. "Guess so. But why did you ask me for help? What about Brock or Tracey?" Ash sighed. "They are my best friends, but in anything to do with women they are completely useless. Brock just drools while Tracey sketches. You, on the other hand, don't do anything like that….you just like wearing dresses from time to time." They entered the room to see Callie still sitting on the bed and reading a book. Ash did the introductions, "Callie, this is my friend James. James, this is Calliope or Callie." James waved and Callie returned it. The two men and Pikachu settled themselves down as Callie began her story. "As you know, my name is Calliope and I am an entrusted friend of Queen Titania. I've come to ask your help in finding an associate of ours, by the name of Puck." "Excuse me. But who is Queen Titania and Puck?" James asked politely. "They are like me," Callie answered disappearing in a glow of blinding light. When the men's eyesight had recovered they saw a miniature version of her, only this time with wings which fluttered as she hovered in front of them. "We are fairies, and Titania is the ruler of our kingdom." James felt his head begin to spin. This was becoming too much for him to deal with this early in the day. First was Ash's startling revelations and now he was seeing young women turn into little fairies. He started to get up, "I think….I'll just wait downstairs" he muttered until he was yanked back down by Ash. "Oh no you don't. You are staying right here, buddy, as a third witness. You're my protection if the others decide to send the men in white coats after me," the younger man said firmly. "Okay," James said in a meek voice. He wasn't about to argue with him. He had always been the more passive member of Team Rocket - he would rather follow than lead. Things were no different for him now. "As I was saying," Calliope continued, "Puck came to your world from ours a few days ago. We believe he is likely to be in the vicinity of any humans - as he is known for playing tricks and casting spells on you mortals." The two humans and Pokémon exchanged a look at this information. "Well, I think you may have found the right place," Ash spoke up. "There have been plenty of crazy things happening around here - and it all started only a few days ago." Callie listened closely as Ash filled her in on the events of the past few days. "Sounds like Puck's work to me," she commented when he had finished. "Let's tell the others the news," James suggested hopping onto his feet. But Ash held up a hand, "Wait a minute! Before we do - I think it would be better if Callie first met the others in human form." Callie disappeared once more in a flash of light and stood before them in the form that they first knew her. "Um, Callie - we brought you some clothes to wear, 'coz you can't go downstairs looking …like.. that…" Ash stated in an embarrassed tone of voice. Both men were trying very hard not to look at her body, or to see anything they shouldn't. The girl took the bag off them and went into the bathroom, reappearing in a blue t-shirt and a short black skirt. "That better?" she asked them twirling around for their approval. "Much," both men said with a sigh of relief. James and Pikachu left the room first, Callie started to follow but was halted by Ash's hand on her arm. "Callie, why did you kiss me earlier?" he asked quietly. "Because I really like you, Ash. I love you. I knew it since I saw you come out of the shower last night" She giggled at the shocked expression on his face- but then sobered up. "Don't worry, I'm not going to seduce you or steal you away from your girlfriend. There's no hope for a relationship between a fairy and a mortal. But if I was to become a mortal - you'd better watch out!" Ash gave her a warm smile. "That's good to know you're not after me. I don't think I could handle any more chasing after me. Friends?" He held out his hand. "Friends," she agreed as they shook on it. "To tell you the truth though," Ash said with a twinkle in his eyes, "If I had never met and fell for Misty, this morning might have turned out quite different!" Callie blushed as they walked down the stairs together to where James and Pikachu were waiting. (Evening..) Ash was grateful that his mother and his friends had accepted without question the explanation for the recent events. Though Callie's transformation probably had something to do with their decision as well. The whole household was lying in wait for Puck to make an appearance. Calliope's magic was far more powerful than Puck's so she had cast spells that would trap him inside the house. The bait was to be Mom and Brock. Ash had recalled Blastoise and Ampharos after Delia had cautiously agreed to let Brock go near her again. Right now they were sitting on the living room couch, Delia fighting her instinct to run as Brock gazed at her in adoration while gushing out every romantic cliché and saying that he could think of. The rest were spread around the house. The Professor was playing on the floor with Pikachu and Chikorita, Jessie, James, Meowth and Tracey were playing poker at the dining room table, Callie had flown to the top of the bookcase while Ash and Misty were sitting on the stairs. Ash had his arm around Misty who was snuggled up next to him. "Comfortable?" he murmured into her ear. She nodded, then gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. "I love you." He pulled her closer, "Love you too, Mist." There was a slight pause, "What do you think about Callie?" The water trainer thought for a minute, "She's really nice, I like her. And she's so gorgeous it's not fair." A devilish grin came across Ash's face. "Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as beautiful as Callie," he mused. Misty's head snapped up as she looked at her boyfriend. He wasn't serious was he? But then why did he have a such a faraway look in his eyes as if…as if he was thinking of someone else? Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Not only is she beautiful, but she is kind and caring, even-tempered too," Ash continued, oblivious to Misty's glares. "I bet she wouldn't hit me with a mallet." Misty grabbed his face so that their foreheads were touching, "Don't even think about dumping me Ash Ketchum," she warned. "You're my boyfriend - and don't you forget it!" The dark haired trainer stared at her - then gave a little chuckle. "I know that - and Callie knows that as well. I'm just having you on….the look on your face was priceless!" Misty looked like she was about to explode until Ash silenced her with a passionate kiss. Half an hour later, a tiny figure flew in through the living room windows. Puck was here for another night's entertainment. He rubbed his hands with glee when he saw Delia and Brock on the couch. Those were his two favourite people - they were so funny together! He was always chasing after her, and she was always trying to get away from him. He peered closer - Delia wasn't moving away from Brock this time, maybe she really did love him. He turned around to try to find a good spot to watch from when…. Pop! Suddenly Puck found himself encased in a large bubble. He looked around to see…"Calliope!" he gasped at the fairy who now hovered in front of him. Callie smiled, "So Puck, we finally found you - it's time to go home now." The sprite slumped in his magic prison, he noticed the room was beginning to fill - with the people he had been toying with for the past few days. They all stared at him until Ash spoke up, "Why did you do this?" "I wanted to have a little fun with you humans," Puck said in a mournful voice. "I also tried to help some of you. I tried to let Misty get what she really wanted by granting her every wish. I protected you from her mallet, and I wanted Brock to find someone who wouldn't reject him. I admit I did mess that one up - but it was so funny to see!" "I think you may have messed something else up," Ash muttered. "Did you set all those girls on me?" He got a nod from the sprite. "So how come there were female Pokémon after me too?" Puck went pale. "Oh dear," he muttered, "that one too. I should have said female humans in the spell, not just females. Sorry about that…." "So you should be. Have you any idea how humiliating that has been?" "But what about Professor Oak?" Tracey interrupted, pointing to the small boy on the floor. "That wasn't me!" Puck protested. "Maybe I did all the other things, but I never cast a spell on him." "Then who did?" Callie questioned her fellow sprite. Misty raised her hand sheepishly, "I…think it was me." She went red as everyone looked at her. "Puck just said that he made it so that my every wish was granted, right? Well…I remember that I wished to know what the Professor looked like as a little kid." "I get it now," Tracey exclaimed. "Whatever Misty wished for, it happened! Is that what happened with Ash and his fixation with Shakespeare as well?" Puck nodded. "Must be, as I didn't do it." Ash gazed at the fairy in the bubble. "If you don't mind me asking - why Shakespeare?" Puck gave a little shrug, "I guess it's because that was the book that she tried to knock you out with." Callie decided that it was time to bring things to a close. "It's time we left, Puck. But before we do - let's fix things up." She took a deep breath and chanted, "Spirits of the Earth and of the Sun. Grant me this wish - that the spells cast here shall now be undone." Streams of sparkles came from her hand and spread right through the house to the outside air. The group watched in fascination as Professor Oak grew back into the eighty-two year old man they all knew. Brock shook his head a few times before he noticed that he was holding Delia's hand tightly. He turned bright red and let go, "I'm….I'm sorry, Mrs. K," he stuttered with embarrassment. The breeder then saw Calliope, going even redder. "Oh wow…," he sighed. Misty cheered, "Brock's back!" Ash just gave his mother a thumbs up. Then Pikachu pointed to the front of the house - the Pokémon were starting to leave! Things were getting back to normal. "Now we really must go," Callie told the happy group of people. "You're not going to punish Puck too much are you?" Ash asked. Misty smiled in agreement, "He did do something right after all - I have got what I really wanted" and with that she wrapped her arms around Ash's waist. Puck's little face brightened. "Really? That's wonderful!" he cheered. "Thanks!" "Thanks to you too, Callie" Ash remembered to add. The fairy smiled. "It was a pleasure to help. For you - any time. If you need any help just call my name." She winked at the Pokémon Master as white light filled the room, blinding in its intensity. When their eyesight had returned, the sprites were gone. Professor stared at the spot where they had been, then looked down at his hand. "What on earth am I doing with this lollipop?" he asked in bewilderment. Delia grinned, "Perhaps you were satisfying your inner child, Professor?" The world renowned researcher could not understand why everyone burst out laughing at that. The next day dawned clear and bright. Ash stood at the front of the house with Pikachu and looked around with satisfaction. The Pokémon and girls were now on their way back to their respective homes - now he could go out without being mauled. Everything was back to normal as he could well testify. Misty had used her mallet successfully against him last night. Only this time, she apologised to him for hitting him so hard and they had patched up their quarrel with a kiss. "Hey Ash!" He was broken out of his reverie by the sight of his former rival Gary Oak making his way towards him. The two had patched up their friendship many years ago, just before Ash had gained the top title. "Hi Gary," he called back as the trainer came up to him. "Anything interesting happen while I was away?" Ash smiled, "Come in for lunch, because do I have a story for you!" The two friends went to enter the house. Ash paused for one last look outside. While he did have a great story to tell his friend, he was glad things were back to normal. He wouldn't have it any other way. The End. Author's Note: There you have it - my first and maybe my last series! Mewberries - you asked for a happier romance fic - I hope I delivered ^_^ . Keep on writing everyone! Bye for now. Exit author stage left.