By: Trix
Category: Gen.
Part 2a

Disclaimer: Okay, okay, I don't own them. ::grins:: I just like ta play with 'em.

Warning: Kiddies, I've said it before and I'll say it again. This one isn't for you. The below paragraphs jumbled into a story contain violence, blood, language, and Gary. Gary needs a warning all to himself. I don't think there's any promotion of alchohol in this part, but trust me, it's coming.

A/N: Sorry, needed one of these. Okay, so far, I have...::checks e-mail:: No reviews, so I'm guessing it must be really bad. Oh well. But, hey! There's some new characters in this part, and Team Rocket is in the next part! If you do happen to read this, review, and tell me what you think, even if it's just confusion. Remember, all flames will be returned by worst flames by Gary, but creative criticism(a fancy name for flames) is welcomed. So, without further ado, I give you...

Chapter 2

The hard soles of his boots clicking against stone tiles, Sparky strode down the hall, frustration clear on his face.
The Palace of the Resistance was partially sunk into the underground labyrinth of tunnels in Mount Moon. The corridors that wormed through the mountain were dark, suffocating places, the only light from the aura of a Master and the few and far between guttering torches. But the one he traveled now was one of the outer halls, light and airy, the marble pillars supporting a vaulted ceiling. Sunlight streamed through the crystal windows above, set to form delicate filigrees of shadows on floor and walls. Suspended from the stone by chains of the purest silver, golden chandeliers graced the hall, candles of the finest wax lit during the night, to be replaced by morning with fresh wicked orbs.
Ignoring the beauty of his surroundings, Sparky continued walking, a single purpose in his mind. A serving maid scuttled out of his way, eyes wide with fear. He barely took heed of her, acknowledging her presence with a slight nod.
Giovonni's eyes revealed slight surprise, but it was quickly replaced by the usual indifference he showed to both Master and Trainer when the door was kicked open, gold plated mahogany crashing against the wall, returning to swing weakly on its hinges.
"Ah, Sparky..." he grated, not bothering to smile. "I've been expecting you."
"What in hell do you think you're doing?" he hissed, eyes narrowing.
Standing so he was eye level with him, the Psychic Master glared at him darkly, beams of sunlight cascading from the windows to outline him. "You know my purpose, Sparky. You know who I take orders from, whom you take orders from. We have no other choice"
"Bastard," he growled. "You black hearted son of a bitch"
"That will be enough!" he slapped his palms against the desktop. "It's no fault of mine, Sparky."
"You're trying to destroy the very center of the Leagueand I can't just stand here and watch innocent people die," turning on one heel, he made his exit. "Why would I want to be a Master of the Resistance? It's more like a slave in Hell."
"It's better to kill several birds with one stone rather than hurl rocks blindly," Giovonni said, quietly.
Wrenching the door closed behind him, he could feel the reverberating cracks through the smooth knob. Suddenly, position and power didn't seem as important as what he had left behind when he had abandoned his position in the League.

"Oh, shut your damned trap and stop complaining."
Glaring at Ash's back, the Fire Lieutenant sniffed. "Take your own advice and shut the hell up, shit for brains."
Neither wanting to be reduced to masses of bruises from bouncing around in hard, leather saddles, Gary and Ash had decided to walk. The others had their Rapidashes at slow walks, watching the duo a few paces ahead bemusedly. A.J. even managed a slight grin from the back of his own Ground-type Rapidash, though he knew his punishment was a grim one.
"What the hell, you don't have shit for brains, you have air between your earspossibly not even that," Gary ranted on. Throwing his arms in the air, he quickened his pace, leaving Ash several yards behind. "I don't even want to be associated with you, you two species bastard freak!"
"Yeah, and I'm a son of a bitch with a foul sense of humor and I deserve to die. We've been through this, Gary," he rolled his eyes. "Fifteen minutes ago."
"Then shut the damned hell up and I won't speak of you."
Closing the short distance between them at a sprint, the Electric Master held out one arm to stop him. "Hold on, Gary"
"What the hell are you doing?" he looked rather miffed.
"Who's that?" Ash motioned farther down the path. A strange woman cloaked in deep violet had appeared through thin mists that trailed on the edge of her garment. Her hood shadowed her face enough that it was impossible to make out her features or read the expression she wore. Eyes narrowing with dislike, he began walking back towards their group. "C'mon, Gary. We should take another path."
Fingering a visible bandage on his fore arm, he nodded in agreement. "Maybe you're right."
"I have no wish to harm either of you," she spoke softly. "I only want the prisoner you have taken."
"Get your own prisoner, lady," Ash called over his shoulder. "You're not wanted here."
"Insolent fool," she hissed. Her cloak rose slightly, aura forming and surging. Looking horrified, Liz spurred her Rapidash into a gallop and pulled it in between Ash and his attacker.
"Don't harm him!"
The cloaked woman appeared taken aback, then she nodded slightly. "I understand. I'll be back, make no mistake, Ashton Ketchum."
With a flash of aura, she was gone, leaving only a sinking feeling for the entire company. Dismounting, Liz glared at Ash. "Never make a Psychic Mistress angry, Ashton," she whispered. "Your speed can't save you."
"I know that. And you had better stop treating me like a child," he replied, returning her glare.
"Let's move out," she remounted. "We still have a long way to go."

The League Palace was formed completely of the purest white granite, sculpted into a tall, graceful building with four towers in curving arcs and sweeping turrets and flying buttresses. There were barely any corners, only steep curves. Hundreds of windows reflected any form of light, the sun setting through the clouds cast a brilliant scarlet light, making it seem as if the Palace were a rose colored stone punctuated by glowing coals. Each of the four Elite Elements had its own section of the castle, and each section was diverse and incredibly unique. The outdoor arenas were sheltered in the courtyard, not visible from without the castle walls. The indoor battlegrounds were cool, stone incased rooms deep within the Palace, each pertaining to the Type that it was in. Indigo City surrounded the base like ants scurrying around their anthill. And at the center was the Chamber of Council, a sphere of stained glass window perched atop a thick column of the same granite, the only way to enter the Chamber was through two halls connected to the orb's base, supported by slender pillars. Only a member of Council could enter the Chamber. Their strange power completely devoid of aura puzzled the Masters, it had everything to do with the Member's very soul, heart, and mind. Completely different from the natural Elemental aura the Master's used.
"Home," Brock sighed, smiling up at the many turrets. "Goddess it's good to be back."
"Home" was the buildings surrounding the never changing Palace. A low, wide building surrounded the outer wall, a large dome at the corners. These simple apartments housed the Masters of the League. Two of the domes contained small forests preserved from the growing city, and the other two accommodated large arenas.
They lead their Rapidashes past the city at the Palace's base, dismounting at the main entrance and surrendering the reigns to Trainers of several different types.
A small flight of broad steps led to the large, oaken double doors, which was carved to represent the Elemental symbols of the League. At the top stood an older man with steel grey hair and warm brown eyes, his magnificent white cloak falling over his broad shoulders in a rippling cascade of satin.
"Gary! It's good to see you alive!" he grinned at them.
"Barely, Gramps!" the Fire Lieutenant took the stairs two at a time to give his grandfather, the Normal Master, a quick, tight embrace. "We almost died. Twice."
"So I've heard," Sorcerer Oak became quite serious. "What happened?"
"Oh, nothing much. The Resistance has returned, I almost died, and half of our trainers a permanent Leave," Ash replied as if they were discussing the weather. "So? What's happening around here? Did we miss anything?"
"Besides the beginning of the League Tournaments," Brock added. "We know we missed that."
"No, you haven't," the elder Oak chuckled. "But seeing as you have Gary with you I'm sure you're starving. Come on in, we'll see what they can scrounge up in the kitchens."
Collective cheers followed his announcement.