By: Trix
Categoy: Gen.
Part 2c

Um...yeah, you know all of the warning and disclaimer stuff... Yes, Jessie and James are in this part, and so is the Council, and some other people...and did I forget to mention that Michael was narcoleptic? I think I did. Sorry, he would be a perfect character...except for the fact that he's narcoleptic! Oh, and in case you're wondering, in Mindless Spiral Ash and co. start a band called Mindless Spiral(inspired by the great Mr. Francis...THANK YOU MR. FRANCIS!) with Ash, Brock, Gary, Michael, and Todd. Later Brock leaves the band to become manager and Kem(another made up character) takes over for him. I think Kem comes in later. Anywho, I'll leave you alone now. (And remember, all good things come in threes!)

Watching the thirty odd, rather baffled members of the Council try to state that their was no Resistance in the first place so it was impossible for the fighting with this so called rebellion to resume, Ash couldn't help but smile. Yes, he was well aware there was really nothing to be grinning about with people like the Resistance and the Council breathing down their necks, but he did anyway.
They must truly be blind if they believed that the Resistance wouldn't return. Obviously, it was only a matter of time. Obvious, that is, if you have both eyes open.
Now he sighed in absolute disgust.
You'd think they were all newborn Meowths, the way they're handling the situation. There isn't anything the talk about, we need to take action, it's the only solution. Why can't they see that?
He dismissed the thought. The Council had their reasons for discussion.
Of course, their reasoning would kill them all, in the end.
"Master Ashton, do you have any input?" Orville, the current Head of Council, asked him politely.
"All I have to say is what I've been taught all of my damn life," he stood. "If the Resistance wants a war, then a war they shall receive. While we sit here 'debating' our next move, they are ready to strike us at any moment, and believe me the blow will be a fatal one, not only to the Masters but the Council as well. There is no questioning the matter. I have seen what the Resistance can do, and there is no mercy in their hearts when facing those who are Bonded. I will call my people up to arms, Goddess so help me."
Orville gave him a stern glance over half-moon spectacles. "Do you wish to add to your statement, Master Ashton?"
"If you do not wish to fight, then may She have mercy upon your pitiful lives," with that, he took his seat.
The Head of Council dismissed him with a wave of his robed arm. "If that is all you have to say, then you may leave. We will continue discussion and return with you tomorrow."
He nodded his head in a slight show of respect before taking his leave. The Council Room only had connection with the rest of the Palace through slender adjoining halls that spanned thin air from the high, glass orb to the honey comb corridors. He strode down the one on the right, taking the quickest possible route to his own apartment. Upon hearing the news, Orville had summoned him immediately, and he hadn't even a chance to rest. Wearing his torn, travel stained raiment to Council, he had listened to every side of the whole damned story, and never wished to hear it again.
Upon reaching the tower entrance, he was "attacked".
"Prepare for trouble," a red haired woman announced.
A blue haired man joined her. "And while you're at it, make it double."
"To protect the world-"
He sighed. "From devastation to unite all people within out nation. Yes, yes, I know. You're the masters who control the Pokemon world from the shadows and on and on and on. But, hello to you too, Jessie, James."
"Did you miss us?" Jessie grinned. Several years ago the former Team Rocket member had cut her long, crimson hair short. Her partner, however, kept his long, part of it pulled back into a ponytail.
"But of course," Ash began his descent down the spiral staircase. "I would rather put up with your mindless prattle all day than fight."
"Really, I enjoy killing a good few people every once and a while myself," Jessie, who had been made a Normal trainer about a year before he had been accepted into the League of Masters, grinned demonically.
James, the Poison Lieutenant, had a completely different view of the matter. "It's unfortunate that we must fight, I agree."
"Wuss," Jessie muttered, shooting him a death glare. "And to think you're a Lieutenant. And our little twerp, Ash, a full fledged Master! ButI had to admit, I never thought we'd be working together."
"Much less that I'd out-rank you, correct?" Ash turned to her and cocked an eyebrow. Men stronger than Ash would have cried under the furious glare she was giving him, but he merely smiled. "But, you're probably on better terms with Sorcerer Oak than anyone in this League."
"Yeah, well, that's because Persian Bonded with him. Hmph, all this time he was a goody goody spy for the old bloke," Jessie sniffed. "Butwe love him none the less. Good ol' Persian."
"And the Sorcerer was kind enough to let us into the League of Masters despite our past history," James nodded. "No one can help but like him."
"So, twerp, we heard you were moving up in the world," the Normal Trainer turned to him. "Now a target for the best assassins in the Resistance." She sniffed dramatically. "We're so proud of you!"
"Yes, we were wondering what you did to piss old Giovonni off so badly," her husband added brightly. "We were also wondering if you could come by for tea."
Ash gave them both a sour look. "I was born. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm sorry to decline your offer but I have work to attend to-"
Jessie gave him a horrified look. "But you just got back! There's still blood on your cloak, for cryin' out loud! You're not serious about the work thing, are you?"
"Unfortunately, I am," Ash yawned. "But I'll visit you later and you can finish the motto, alright?"
"'Kay," James agreed reluctantly, and Jessie nodded.

Rapping her knuckles lightly against the cherry wood door, Misty leaned forward slightly. "Gary? Gary, can I come in?"
There was no reply, but she opened the portal anyway. "Gary?"
The Fire Lieutenant was sprawled across the wine colored bed cover, obviously fast asleep. He hadn't bothered to remove boots or gloves. Stepping softly, she sat next to him, reaching out to stroke his thick hair with one hand.
She wondered, as she had many times, what would have happened if they weren't Masters, if they hadn't had the ability to Bond. Of course, she tried to reassure herself that they would have met up anyway, but she doubted it.
The night she had found Ash after a severe shock from Pikachu, she hadn't really known where she was going. She had been drawn to him, and the extreme feeling of Aura he had emitted even at the age of ten. And if she hadn't of met Ash, she wouldn't have met Brock, or Gary, or many other people. Even the former Team Rocket, which she now had the pleasure, rather than the pain, of knowing. He was their link, in a sense, and fate had caused them to come together.
Gary murmured softly in his sleep and turned onto his side, undisturbed. With another brief smile on her lips, she left the room, closing the door with a soft click behind her.
Thank you, Ash, she said silently. Thank you.

"I am able to, but the question is, am I willing?" the Fire Master strode down the hall.
"Don't be a damn fool," his companion growled, features hidden in the shadows created by the hood of his golden cloak. He was of mammoth proportions in comparison to the thin, balding man who had to take two steps to his one. Broad shouldered and barrel chested, he could have easily broken the Fire Master's spine like a twig. The older man glanced at him. "That is a ridiculous notion, Surge. I am no more fool than you."
"Jessibelle, Giselle, Melanie and Duplica will be attacking from the skylights," Surge informed him "They will need back up from the inside. You know what to do."
"But Giselle is a mere Trainer," he protested.
"We can afford to lose Trainers, Blaine," Surge chuckled. "Masters, however, are not as dispensable."
"This is true, however, we need more support than what a simple Trainer can offer," Blaine defended his position. "With only Duplica and myself the only Masters trying to take on the entire League, we would be"
"Giselle knows her place, and Duplica is an invaluable asset in battle," the Electric Master noted. "Surely you're not afraid, Blaine."
The Fire Master stopped, glaring furiously at Surge's back.
The Electric Master of the Resistance had always known when to grate upon a raw nerve.