Author: Purin pudding kikki (AKA TR_Purin) Genre: General Rating: G-PG Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon but I wish I did. The only things I own in this are Purin and FireFlyer Summery: Team rocket and the twerps find a mysterious pokemon named FireFlyer Legend of the flame ~*~Part 1~*~ Team rocket was near where the twerps set up their camp “Why did they set up here?” Purin asked “It’s near a pretty high cliff” “I dunno but let’s just grab dat Pikachu and get outta here!” Meowth said impatiently “Yes but lets be careful we don’t want to fall” Jessie said “I don’t wanna die!” James whined Then Purin and Jessie hit him with there paper fans “Quit you’re whining!” they both said The four criminals snuck up to the twerp’s camp. Purin walked over to Pikachu and Piplup but accidentally stepped on the penguins flipper “PIPLUPPPPPP!” It screamed while using bubble beam on Purin. She lost her balance and fell backwards off the cliff. The twerp’s woke up and saw this “PIPLUP! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!” Dawn yelled at the little blue pokemon “AHHHHHH” Purin screamed as she fell down. Then a flash of red shot past her and she disappeared. The others looked up at the moon and saw a red flying pokemon. It had long rabbit-like ears and a long cat-like tail. On the tips of its ears and tail it had small flames. It has two markings on both sides that looked like fire. Then it had big angel-like wings. On its back it had a scared Purin and flew down and she climbed off. “FireFlyer!” It said “What did it say Meowth?” Jessie and James asked “It ted dat Purin’s safe and deres nothin’ ta worry ’bout” Meowth said “I’ve never heard of this pokemon before” Brock said “Let’s see if my Pokedex knows what it is” Dawn said while getting out her Pokedex “No data” The Pokedex said “Must be pretty rare since it’s not in the Pokedex” Ash said “Well I’m going to catch it! It’s a rare pokemon so I can give it to the boss and get a big raise!” Purin said “You mean we” Jessie said “Well anyway Pokeball go!” Purin said throwing a pokeball. It wiggled back and fourth a bit and then... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ohhhhhh cliffhanger eh? XD R+R please and don’t flame if you flame FireFlyer will burenate you! Cookies please!