What if pokemon were real? What if they existed around us but we just weren’t aware of their presence? This is a tale of how pokemon coexist with us in our plane and how humans have more of an impact concerning them than one would have ever imagined. Hi. My name is Tsukiyo, but most people call me Tsu or Tsuki for short. I think a little introduction to this story is in order. Believe it or not, our entire planet is inhabited by pokemon. The thing is, hardly anyone knows. Statistically, less than 0.1% of the world’s population knows they exist. I’m sure you’re wondering why almost everyone can’t see them, and how they have been able to roam about our world unnoticed. Well, I’ll tell you. All pokemon give off this sort of aura that makes them invisible to most people. The thing is, there’s a select few who are born with the ability to see them. I think those are the lucky ones. I bet now you’re thinking: Then why aren’t there reports of crazies stating that they can see pokemon everywhere? Well, it’s not like the TV show, where pokemon are everywhere, you see. Pokemon actually originate from this set of 3 islands all clumped together in the middle of the Pacific. It’s covered in that aura, so that’s why it’s stayed uncharted for all these years. Besides, there are probably more small islands uncharted, that’s totally visible to everyone by the way. It’s just that the ocean is so huge. Ok, enough of the geography lesson. Most likely your next question is: If they’re out in the middle of the ocean, how do they get to the mainland in the first place? Well, there are plenty of flying and water pokemon naturally, and a lot of times other pokemon like to catch a ride to the various continents. They like to help each other out, you know. That or they sometimes stow away on passing ships that are none the wiser. Since about a fourth of the world’s pokemon are scattered throughout the world, naturally there would be breeding going on, further populating the planet. Oh, did I mention that most pokemon portrayed in the show, cards, etc. are fake? The thing is, there’s only about 100 different kinds of pokemon, all from the first set. Plus some have subtle differences than what you see on the show. The whole thing about them only being able to say their names is bogus too. They can’t talk… unless you count how psychic types can relay what they’re saying in the form of passing on feelings to the other person talking… but usually they just make, well animal sounds. Like growling and stuff. Now to tell you how Pokemon, the series got started. There’s actually a small human tribe on one of the islands, and everyone is born with the ability to see them. Well, the islands are kind of close to Japan, so that’s how the show got it’s origin. The tribe deemed it wise for one of their people to venture out to Japan, with an Alakazam to help “convince” people to give his idea a chance, and start the popular series. The goal was to let the few who could see pokemon, if there was one in the vicinity, know what they were seeing. Always helps to know what the thing that only you can see is, don’t you think? Well, I think that explains everything you need to know… at least for right now. You’ll find out more when you read further into the story. Well, thanks for putting up with my babbling and all.