The Perfect Gift
By: Umbreonlover
A/N: This is my first AAMRN. I don’t have any inspiration for LotM right now, so I’ll work on this instead. It’s just a one-shot fic I thought of because this is the holidays and everything.
Ash: 13
Misty: 14
Brock: 16
Ms. Ketchum: 40
Pikachu: Does anyone really know?
A/N: I completely guessed on the ages for Deliah and Oak.
Disclaimer: Do I really have to do this? You all know I don’t own pokemon.
Additional Note: Italics are thoughts.
“Speech in double quotation marks,” is normal speech.
‘Italic speech in single quotation marks,’ is pokemon speech.
‘Nother note: All currency amounts are in American money.
Now, on to the story!

Ash, Pikachu, Brock, and Misty had finally come back to Pallet Town for the holidays. “I’m glad to be back home,” Ash said, smiling at his home from the outside.
“We would have gotten here sooner if you hadn’t gotten us lost,” Misty said, faking anger.
Ash, however, thought this was real anger. “Well, if someone had given me the map,” he replied, not faking his anger.
“I don’t have the map,” Misty said. “It’s in your pocket, I bet.”
“If it’s in my pocket, then how come they’re emp-” Ash was about to add the ‘-ty’ when the map came out of his left pocket, falling onto the ground.
“You were saying?” Misty said, smirking.
Ash didn’t say anything. He got a look somewhere around angry, picked up the map, and pretended like nothing had ever happened. “Uh, well, let’s get inside,” he said, walking up to the door.
Ash knocked on the door. His mom opened the door and smiled. “Ashie! You’re home!” she said, hugging him.
“Haven’t I told you not to call me that before?” Ash said, stifling a groan as she called him ‘Ashie’.
“I don’t know. I sort of like it,” Misty said, snickering.
“Shut up,” Ash said, turning to face Misty.
“Haven’t you two fought enough already today?” Brock asked, exasperated at their constant bickering.
Pikachu nodded in agreement to Brock. ‘Come on you guys. It’s nearly Christmas,’ Pikachu said.
“Ok, fine. But only because Christmas is in a few games,” Ash said, Misty nodding.
“Then why don’t you guys come in for some eggnog?” Ms. Ketchum suggested. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu all walked in for some eggnog or, in Pikachu’s case, ketchup.

Several hours later…

“So, Ash, what’d you get Misty?” Brock asked. Misty was off doing something, so that just left Brock, Ash, and Pikachu.
“I’m, uh, still looking for the right thing,” Ash said, nervous.
“WHAT?” Brock asked, shocked. “Ash! Christmas is in five days!”
“I know,” Ash said, “but I haven’t found, it, yet.”
“It?” Brock asked.
“The perfect present. I’ve found you ‘it’, and I’ve found Pikachu ‘it’, but I haven’t found Misty’s ‘it’,” Ash said.
‘What’d you get me?’ Pikachu asked, suddenly very interested in the conversation.
“I’m not telling,” Ash said, smiling.

The next day (4 days ‘till Christmas!)

Ash decided to go shopping to find Misty a present. He left Pikachu at home, just to save any interupptions.
What would Misty want? Ash thought, looking through shop after shop. Nothing would catch his eye.
At the fifth or so shop, he spotted an incredible-looking fishing rod. Misty loves fishing. That’s a fishing rod. Maybe that’s the right gift, Ash thought, considering buying it.
Then he saw the price tag. “$200?” Ash yelled. Sorry, Mist. This’ll have to be a last resort, Ash thought, heading over to the next shop.

That evening…

“Did you find anything?” Brock asked Ash.
“Not today,” Ash said, frowning.
“Only four days left,” Brock said.
“I know,” Ash said, slightly angry. There’s always tomorrow… he thought.

Three days later… (2 days till Christmas!)

Ash continued to look in shop after shop, yet to no success. He still couldn’t find the right present for Misty.
Where is it? Ash thought, before stopping in front of a shop.
Inside the window, he saw a blue sapphire necklace. Misty’d love that, Ash thought as he started to walk in.
He stopped right in his tracks when, like with the necklace, he saw the price tag. “$400???” Ash exclaimed. I’m not getting that for her, he thought, looking at another shop.

That evening…

“Nothing again?” Brock asked Ash after dinner.
“What do you think?” Ash said, thinking. What am I going to do? he thought.
“Well, you’ve still got one day,” Brock said.
“I guess you’re right.”

The next day… (Tomorrow’s Christmas! Yay!)

Ash looked at all the shops. Nothing, nothing nothing! he thought. Why can’t I find anything?
He looked from shop to shop. Still no good present to be found in sight. He finally gave up after a whole day of searching.

That evening… (aka Christmas Eve)

“You didn’t find anything?” Brock asked Ash, half-amazed, half-not so surprised.
“I just couldn’t find the right thing,” Ash said, frowning.
“Then why didn’t you get her something else?” Brock asked.
“Because-” Ash started. “Because-”
“Because why?” Brock asked.
“I don’t know, ok?” Ash finally said. He walked off and went to bed.

The next day… (It’s finally Christmas! Yay!)

Everyone got up bright and early. Which for some of them, particularly Ash, this was quite an achievement. They all started opening their presents.
Ash got a set of two Ultra Balls from Brock and Misty and a fresh set of you-know-whats (aka underwear) from his mom.
Brock got a Breeder’s book from Ash and Misty.
Pikachu got one bottle of ketchup each from Ash, Misty, Ms. Ketchum, Brock, and himself.
Misty got five Lure Balls from Brock and from Ash…
“Ash, where’s your present for me?” Misty asked Ash.
Here it comes… Ash thought as he said, “Um… well… I sort of… didn’t get you a present.”
“Why not?” Misty asked, astonished.
“I couldn’t find the perfect gift for you,” Ash said, embarrassed.
“Why didn’t you get something else for me then?” Misty asked.
“Because, um, well…” Ash stuttered. “I wanted to get you the perfect gift because, well, I love you,” he finally said.
“You do?” Misty said. “Why didn’t you ever say that before?”
“I wasn’t sure you liked me,” Ash said.
Misty leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Does that answer that?” she asked, smiling.
Ash smiled, blushing. After a moment, he said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” and left the house.

At the jewelry store…

Ash pounded on the door. “Why can’t you be open?” he asked, pounding some more.
“Excuse me, but why are you pounding on my shop door?” a man, apparently the shopkeeper, asked Ash. “It’s Christmas today, I’m not open.”
“Please sir. I’ve got to buy something. There’s this girl and-” Ash was cut off by the shopkeeper.
“That’s all I need to know. You can come in and buy it, but be quick,” the shopkeeper said, unlocking the door.
Ash quickly walked in, got the necklace, paid for it, and walked out. “Thank you!” he said as he exited the door.
“Merry Christmas!” the shopkeeper said, though Ash couldn’t hear him, as the young trainer had already ran off.

Back at the Ketchum residence…

Ash walked in the door.
“Where were you?” Misty asked.
“Getting you this,” Ash said, holding out the necklace for her.
Misty didn’t say anything. But, her smile lit up the whole room, and she hugged Ash for the next minute or so. It would’ve been longer, but the author’s on a timetable. “Thank you so much!” she said, then she kissed him. Not on the cheek this time, though. This time was on the lips. Right under the mistletoe.

A/N: Well, it’s two days until Christmas as I’m writing this, and it’ll probably be five days afterward by the time this is put up. But, may you look at this story in some warm, dreary July, and be filled with the Christmas spirit! As always, read and review at Umbreonlover