Pokemon WAR NO.1: The Beginning of the End The rain poured down on the battered fortress as Rocketeers hammered away at the gates with sledgehammers. UEF Marines and World Republic Troopers opened fire from the catwalks high in the fort’s walls. And one by one, they fell, too. Admiral Pierre Von Dak and General Jessica Salem tossed aside their weapons and ran to the waiting Antiga PRIME fighters for immediate evac. Lieutenant General Sheldon Suicune was hit with a missile and died instantly. His artillery post abandoned, the Rocketeers streamed in, killing Lieutenant Colonel Meowth and Staff Sergeant Douglas Adlevice. At that moment Ash and professor oak were holed up in the bunker underneath the compound. Captain Matthew Tibbes held the door shut agenst the tides of Rocketeers hammering agenst the door. “Ash!” screamed professor oak, grabbing him by the shoulders. “If you could do it all again, would you?” “Do what again?” inquired Ash. “The journey! The quest! The battles! What the pathetic show was based on!” exclaimed a frustrated oak. “Uhh, ok…” said ash. “Hurry it up!” screamed Tibbes. “We haven’t got much time!” Oak swiftly pushed Ash into a clear Plexiglas tube. “I’m setting coordinates for the past…ah! 5 years. The time you began your pokemon journey. But take another road out of pallet town… you see what happens when you took that one? But there’s only one catch…you will forget all your knowledge from the future five minutes after you land. So be on that road by then!” Professor oak pressed the activate button just as soon as the Rocketeers shot Tibbes and proceeded in to overrun the bunker. Ash arrived in the past as scheduled. A pikachu on a thick rope was sitting next to him. “Ok…” said Ash. “Second road...” Ash proceeded down the trail, not noticing the camouflage hummer tailing him. Brigadier General Sheldon Suicune was lounging inside, drinking whiskey straight from the bottle. Ash began walking past the humvee, dragging pikachu on the rope… and pikachu’s face was turning a deep violet. Suicune jumped out of the jeep and began to beat ash into the ground with his nightstick. “Well, little trainer boy” said suicune in a thick British accent, “Hope you like prison!” TO BE CONTINUED