Pokemon WAR- plans for NO.16: D-Day Gunfire was heard, mixed with the screams of the dead and dying as the flip door fell on the beach. The master chief ran out first and immediately was struck down. “MEDIC!” screamed ash as he ran out of the landing craft, hoping to get the master chief some aid. Barricades and barbed wire and little X steel antitank spikes lay strewn across the beach. The soldiers tried to cover themselves from Rocketeer fire as shells beat down on them. Rocketeer compound 1 was a huge, 80 story high ziggurat. Suddenly, ash heard whirring from behind him. Brock‘s harrier landed and he jumped out. ”need a hand?” he asked while grabbing a rifle from a dead rocketeer. The rocketeer had a death grip on the rifle. “Let go let go!” shouted Brock as he tugged on his end of the rifle. A shell whizzed past ash’s head and struck his helmet off. Ash instinctively shot the guilty bulbasaur. Gary ran up next to ash. “Got ya covered!” he screamed, as ash reloaded his M-60. A squadron of MiG 21s flew overhead and dropped bombs on the tides of advancing troopers. Ash dodged the bombs, but Gary oak was not so lucky. Ash picked up his charred dog tags and continued to fight. Giovanni looked down from his perch atop compound 1 to view the battle. “Heh” he scoffed. Mewtwo looked over at him. “We are victorious, are we not? We have the convent outnumbered, 10 to 1. There is no way they could- “Brock’s harrier whizzed past his head at the compound. “A kamikaze attack? Why did you not anticipate this!” screamed mewtwo at Giovanni. “Peace out!” screamed Brock into his radio. And that was the last he ever said. The explosion was equivalent to an ICBM, and Giovanni and mewtwo were ripped apart. Compound 1 was devastated, and as the rest of the rocketeers were picked off as Chinooks flew in to recover landing craft and to pick up the soldiers. Tibbes landed his coal black Chinook next to ash’s battalion as soldiers lined up to hand in the dead’s dog tags and board the Chinook. “Welcome home, soldier. Welcome home, soldier. Welcome home, lieutenant.” Ash stopped. “Lieutenant?” Tibbes nodded. “We saw you fighting like a true soldier, braving bombs and guns for the good of the free world.” Tibbes held out his hand. Ash shook it. “Actually” said tibbes, “I was asking for the tags…” TO BE CONTINUED