Establishing Albany 100 hours Celadon, 2372 The Mi-35s landed and began to set up as the F-4Gs circled overhead. Suddently a bright red flame shot briskly across the sky. Sergeant Bill “Penguin” Johnson watched through a pair of binoculars. His houndoom was asleep underneath the Cobra, which he flew. “So Penguin, what we got?” Captain Douglas Adlevice had just walked up behind him. “Looks like a… Well there’s a battle between the rocketeers and the PRVN up there…” Adlevice grabbed the binoculars as another burst of flame streaked across the night sky. “Yeah, that’s like a charizard or something. See how the flame is all like wide like that? That’s how you tell.” Penguin looked up at the hill where the battle was and saw a figure roll down it. “So uhh… what was that?” Adlevice paused, and then said dryly: “I’m sure it was nothing.” The figure burst into flames. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP Ash awoke to an alarm early the next morning. He looked at the alarm clock. “3 in the morning? Why you goddamn-“ Then he realized it was the Mi-35’s alarm going off. Ash ran out of his tent into a fierce melee battle between PRVN, Convent, and the Rocketeer ambush. “Sergeant! What’s going on?” Penguin fired his M16 wildly. “I don’t know, sir! It seems the battle has moved to our Landing Zone!” Ash watched in horror as a Rocketeer almost knifed penguin in the back. Ash whipped out his Colt .45 and took his head off. “Sir we have to drop!” Colonel Matthew Tibbes was at CC arguing with General Suicune. “No I can’t let all those soldiers of ours die!” It was aware that Tibbes was becoming impatient. “Look sir, we haven’t had a chance like this in… years really! Since the last war! We just need to decimate that valley! Suicune looked sadly at Tibbes. An awkward silence fell. “Signal the A-7s.” “Yessir” said Tibbes as he ran hastily to the Airstrip. And down at Landing Zone Albany, the convent soldiers watched the approaching planes as a mist fell over the valley. “Look” said one corporal dreamily. “Look at the air support.” Uncle_Monkey reporting back with the latest thing off the presses: a clip from epesode 4... He watched as the sergeant signaled a medic. “Right then!” said the medic briskly, opening his medkit and thumbing through the supplies.“So do we have any information on this one?” he said, turning to the sergeant.