'Special' Chapter the third- Disclaimer- And would you like to gamble all your winnings for tonights star prize, the pokemon company? Oh! Unlucky, you lost the gamble! Better luck next time! (C=/ Anyway.... "Two rooms and a.... umm... Cheese mc.Fatty and a lardshake please." Ash asked a confused looking nurse. The two had recently arrived at a Pokemon centre after their somewhat crushing defeat at the stadipark, and Ash was attempting to book a room- "I am sorry *ahem* sir, but there is only one single bed room with a view of a local gypsy camp left for rent, and we STILL don’t serve food here." "Aaaw, come on, you gotta have something!" He protested. "Sir, I cannot just magic a things out of nowhere, there is one room, no food, and some very tired staff." "But...." "Come on Ash! Take the damn room, you've bunked out on the floor of a tent for the last month, at least a Pokemon center’s warmer!" "Okay, okay! Chill! I'll get the room okay?" "Thank you sir, that will be $699.92 per night for twelve nights, that's $14,894.58 please." "What!!!!" Shouted Ash and Misty in unison, "Oops, sorry, my mistake, just watching my lottery numbers again. The actual cost is $29.94." Misty paid up, wile Ash lay slumped on the floor, recently fainted from 'financial stresses'. Ash awoke in a small beige room, much resembling the inside of a cereal box. He looked around to see Misty working out in front of a tiny black and white TV set. "Ash, are you staring at me?! "Whu..... Uh, No!" Then, for Ash, everything went dark. What happened?" A slightly dazed Ash asked the hat stand. "One, I hit you, and two, Ash, you're talkig to the furniture again-" Said Misty, "You know what your mom told me to do if I saw you doing that at all...." "Gaah! Not the ash happy pill! Pill is bad!" "If you don't want it, stop talking to inanimate wood and start talking to me!" "What's the difference?!" "Ha....ha.....ha" Yelled Misty, striking him on the head with the demonic mallet between every word. "Mommy..."Whimpered Ash, scuttling under the bed. Misty then knocked over the hatstand and shoved it under where ash had just dissapeared to. "I know you're under there hat boy!" She shouted at him, "Um..No I'm n..AAARGH!" Ash screamed as a misguided blow from the hatstand of doom caught him squarely in the groin. "Ash?" "Urghhh..................................." MIsty shrugged to herself. She thought he may as well stay under there. Least it'd save her the who gets the bed row. After half an hour of TV, and five minuits spent poking Ash with a stick, Misty finally decided to go to bed. It was getting late, and she still needed to write up the day's happenings in her diary. -Dear Diary, Ash being an idiot again, passed out in our hotel reception, lol! Had a fit 'bout payin. Guess who go the bill. Me. Sooner I get outta here the better. Gimpy boy's really starting to get on my nerves. Keeps trying to make little passes on me. I caught him staring at me earlier too! Little perv! Starmie's in intensive for two months though, an I gotta stay here for that.. I'm gonna kill that Zack guy, and his sluty girlfriend! I'm gona rip out his intestines! Then make him wear them instead of his damn jacket! THEN RIP OFF SLUTTO'S FACE! MWUHAHAHAHA! Ohboy, I really gotta calm down. Ash woke up with a lump on the back of his head and feeling slightly groggy. He knew the cause of the grogginess, but the lump confused him for a few seconds. He saw a pink book lying next to his head on the brown carpet. This, he decided, must have fallen on his head somehow. He pickd it up. Misty must have left a light on, because he could just about make out the word 'secret'. Curiosity didn't so much kill the cat, but mauled the Ash when Misty peered under the bed to find ash going through her recently dropped diary. She dragged him out from under the bed, then stamped on his back, yeling out, "GEDDOF MY DIARY YOU LITTLE FREAK! GEDDOF IT! GEDDOF IT!" She pinned him on the floor, trying to strangle him. Ash didn't really mind though, from his point of view, he could see right up her night shirt. "I'M GONNA KILL Y..... YOU LITTLE PERV! QUIT STARIN'! GET OUT!" "Misty wait!" "GET OUT!" "But!..!...!" "OUT!" Ash trudged out of the pokemon centre. A bag slung over his shoulder and a slightly singed pikachu in his arms were all his worldly belongings. He just lost his best friend, and the girl of his dreams in one double whammie. He hated the cold, he hated the wet, and he hated Misty. Walking along the highstreet in the sleet didn't help his mood much iether. It was about a month until christmas, but the weather seemed like January in Norway. He got the late bus back to his Mom's. Battered and half frozen, he stumbled in the door. Yay...Well now chapter three's outta the way, I can kick back and relax for the week. Oh no I can't actually, school on monday. Damn it. Anyway, thanks for all the reviews folks! Make me feel better. Remember these words of wisdom.... If ash's brain was a car, It'd be jammed in neutral.