Traveler's Tales -3 Disclaimer- Ho with a capital hum. If I did own pokemon, would I be writing fanfics at two in the morning!? -I think not somehow. Zack and Amy had been trudging down route 186 for a while now. The route was mainly thick forest, occasionally letting up to allow the odd ray of sunshine to creep in, with streams crossing over it at some point or another. However, in the last hour or so, Amy was becoming more and more worried simply because it was getting later and later, and darker and darker. "Zack, don't you think we should stop sometime soon?" "Er, yeah if you want." "I've got a bit of a problem though...." She admitted. "You're allergic to tents?" "No silly!" "Go on then." "Well, I don't think I've actually got a tent." "Doesn't matter, you got a sleeper bag?" "Yeah, I think so." "Well that's okay then, My dad got me a huge tent, we can share it if you like." "Er, yeah, okay then!" Amy got a fire going, while zack wrestled with the tent as if it were trying to eat him. She eventually had to go over and untie him from the tent ropes. He went off to cook something for tea, while she promised she'd put the tent up. Boys, she thought. Adam had already hung up his hammok, and Gabby had pitched her tent. They were both eating tuna and sweetcorn on toast. Adam had run out of poke'balls, as he wasted his last two on a bulbusaur earlier that day. He reckoned that they could get to chetree within a couple of hours the next day, stock up on supplies, have lunch then part ways. Or maybe not. They were going to try to get through to the next town with at least one ditto caught, as the route was famously populated with the transformer pokemon thanks to a woman named Duplica, who had set up a conservation project for them in the area. There was only one working poke'ball left between them, so they would only get a single chance. They bid each other goodnight, and fell asleep. Zack was snoring slightly and Amy was laying awake, thinking about pokemon... towns.... food.... zack... turnips. She realised she was thinking about turnips, got slightly worried, and thought about pokemon again. At least she tried to. Her thoughts kept drifting to the first time she saw him, how scared she was, then how much she thought 'Wow.'. Zack was having a completely bizzare dream where a tin of beans kept throwing itself at the back of his head. Then suddenly, whoosh, and he was looking for Amy and, then he transformed into a tin of beans, then he was in a cell, then with Amy, then seeing a ditto. And so it went on... Adam woke with a large headache. He was slightly alarmed to find himself on the floor, but even more so when he saw his hammok, slightly burned, even crispy if you will. Gabby's tent had hug gash marks on the side, at least a foot long a piece. To his discomfort he rolled over onto the back of head, to cry out in pain at the large bruise that had materialised on the back of his head. Suddenly he was in a charred brick room, Gabby was next to him, not moving with an arrow in her chest. He sat up in his hammoc, panting hard. His brow was wet. The tent had no gashes, and the hammoc seemed comfy enough. Gabby ran out of her tent in a loose t-shirt. "Hey you okay Adam?!" "Yeah, I'm fine," He said, shakily, "Just a bad nightmare, tha's all." "If you're sure." "Thanks." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- You guys know why not to r/r right? Hokay, just me (again) to tell you something I meant to tell you earlier. I am only 13, and write most of these fics in the hours beetween my parents go to bed, and I go to school. This means these stories are written soley on penguin biscuits and coffee. =CP Please bear this in mind before you rate my fics as 'Pigs bladder type'. -The Author