Chapter 1: The Long Way Down He wasn’t as petulant or immature as he seemed to everyone. On the contrary, he knew his true self to be a man willing of great sacrifice. The man that she knew however, was a façade, a means of hiding from himself…and from her. He had become so accustomed to this way of living his life that he often thought this was the way things would always be, but he could not convince himself he would be able to survive it much longer. James rose slowly to his feet, the ashy dirt surrounding the makeshift campfire clinging filthily to his white slacks. He stood there for a moment, gazing sleepily at the dying embers of oak wood in the pale moonlight and gently removed his gloves, shoving them precariously into his pocket. The night was too warm and his nerves too rattled to feel comfortable in his uniform. He needed space, to step out away from his thoughts and from this…place. His mind drifted back to earlier that evening every time he closed his eyes, and all he wished was to simply forget what he had heard. The Boss had called, and he had been the one to answer. “You are being transferred. I have grown tired of your incompetence and am giving you one week to report back to me. We will decide then where your…talents, are most needed.” He hadn’t told Jessie yet and did not know how he would be able to leave her. He hadn’t even let himself think about it in the hours past because he simply could not imagine his life without her. He sighed, softly fingering the crumpled paper he had removed from his back pocket. He’d written a million of these; they were letters, all saying the same as the one before. 'I love you Jessie. I always have. Will you forgive my weakness? Will you forgive me for not being strong enough to tell you sooner?' He contemplated this briefly, finally tossing the rutted letter into the glowing fire, watching it catch the last of the flames in its delicate fiber until disintegrating into a black ash. “I am too weak.” he thought to himself sorrowfully. It was getting late though, and the morning would come early for him and the team, so leaving his heart in the fire, he quietly made for his sleeping bag. Jessie lay sleeping only a few feet away, slumbering soundly with her back towards him, her bright red hair peeking out from beneath her bag. James smiled. Silently unzipping his sack he climbed in, drowsily resting his head on his pillow. He watched as Jessie breathed in and out in her sleep. He wished he could lie next to her, to hold her as they both slept, but he knew this was the closest to her he would ever be. ************************************************************************ “James! Wake up!” Jessie yelled, startling him from his sleep. “We have to be going soon, we’re already behind schedule.” James rubbed his eyes groggily, groping for his boots while Jessie hastily through the rest of their belongings into the back of their jeep. “I can’t believe you let us oversleep! You know we’re already on thin ice with the Boss.” James remained silent at this comment, thinking back to what the Boss had ordered the previous night. He climbed out of his sleeping bag and quickly pulled on his boots, trying to distract his thoughts with the day ahead. Jessie looked absolutely beautiful at his moment, as she had every morning all these past years. Her hair was down in its natural curls and her emerald blue eyes sparkled brightly in the early morning sun. “JAMES!” she screamed from the jeep, glaring at him with her usual of anger. He knew the day ahead was going to be long, and did not have a desire to tempt fate by taking his time. So, quickly rolling up his sleeping bag and hurrying towards the jeep, they set off. Jessie looked over at her partner as she wound her way out of the clearing and into the forest. He had propped his right elbow on the door seam, resting his cheek on his palm as he looked out over the grassy field. He was her partner; she knew that better than anyone else. He had been here with her everyday for years, staying at her side through so many bad times and so few good. She loved him, and was more than aware of that, but she also knew she was too proud to tell him. She had acted as if she cared little of what he thought of her, but in truth, it was all the she had ever been concerned with. She spent most of her days wondering whether or not he loved, or even cared about her. It was girlish of her to do so, but the feelings and questions were never far from her mind. “How could he possibly feel the same way towards me as I do him?” she thought to herself. She had always assumed it was not so. If he did, he was stupid to love her. She was…a difficult woman, and it hurt her to know how cold she had been to him in his times of need. It especially struck her deeply when she thought back to all the instances he had gone out of his way to show affection and friendship towards her when she had needed him the most. It gave her hope, though, to say the least, that maybe she wasn’t entirely incapable of being loved. “Silly thoughts.” she whispered under her breath, and set her mind to the task at hand: finding a way out of this place and onto the main road. They had a job to do. ************************************************************************ “Jessie?” James asked some time later, the jeep jerking and bumping over the rocky and rugged thoroughfare. “Do you have any idea how we are supposed to go about this mission?” She didn’t. All that the Boss had told either of them was that both Butch and Cassidy had defected from Team Rocket, taking with them some highly valuable information. What exactly it was…well, who knew. “No James, I don’t.” she replied. “I only know where to start looking. The Boss said the last place they were seen was Saffron City, and that was more than three days ago already. They could be anywhere by now.” “Fantastic.” He muttered to himself, counting the telephone poles flashing past the speeding jeep. “We don’t really have a plan then, do we?” She turned and looked at her partner, her eyes gleaming in the midday sun. “No we don’t.” “This could be bad.” James moaned, sinking his face into his hands. Jessie knew what he meant. Butch and Cassidy were not two people to be dealt with frivolously, as they had a reputation they delighted in and worked tirelessly to maintain. Unfortunately for the two of them, it relied on their rather sardonic predilection for violence than merely their association with Team Rocket. It was quite possible that one of them…she promptly changed her mind. “It doesn’t really matter, does it James? We’re here now and no matter how things turn out, we are partners and we have to get through this together.” How he cherished hearing her say together. “You’re right Jess. I’m sorry for even bringing it up. Do you forgive me?” he asked playfully. “Of course not!” she blurted out with a grin. James smiled to himself, thinking that perhaps things might not end up so bad at after all, and set his gaze ahead to Saffron City. ************************************************************************