My Love By: Wolf’s Rain Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon, though I wish I did because then I would be liked by someone and have lots of money to buy all the manga and anime I wanted to, but I don’t, so don’t sue me. Warning: This is a shounen-ai story in Gary’s PoV, so if you’re against that sort of thing, stop reading now, because I don’t wanna be flamed for something I find is cute. For those of you who are willing to read this, happy reading! It was a beautiful Sunday morning as I awoke from my sleep. I had been dreaming of my love, Ash. I got up from my bed, my brown hair in a mess, and walked over to the window and looked out of it. As I watched the dew sparkle, I could only think of Ash’s beautiful brown eyes glint with determination to be the World’s Greatest Pokemon Master. I had determination also, but for a much different goal. I want to win Ash’s affection, and be with him forever. But the fact remains that maybe he doesn’t feel the same way I do. I think he likes that red-haired girl. Misty, that was her name. I don’t want to believe it though, even though it’s seemingly obvious. I could never have the guts to tell him anyway. Tears filled my eyes, and I walked over to my mirror, in order to fix my hair. After I gelled it in its proper place, I walked downstairs to greet my family. They had no idea I was in love, let alone bisexual. My grandfather was gone at his lab as usual, doing research and stuff. My sister, May, looked at me with concern. “What’s wrong, brother?” her eyes gleamed. I looked at her and said, “Nothing.” But that wasn’t the truth and I knew it. She seemed to know, also. I don’t if I can tell her how I feel for Ash. She may freak out and not feel so close to me anymore. On the other hand, though, she may treat me like a sister now, and give me advice. But I don’t want to be considered a girl. I barely touched my breakfast, and decided to leave. To find Ash. If I didn’t tell him now, he’d never know, and I’d be left in the dark. But who would have thought mean little Gary, who always picked on Ash, would one- day find himself in love with the very boy he always bullied. I chuckled silently to myself. I picked up my bike, and took the kickstand off, and rode away, still crying a little. My bike was pretty fast, and I needed to get to the dock. I knew for a fact Ash had headed to the Houenn Region, and that was my destination. But where he was, I hadn’t the slightest clue, and it would take some work trying to find him. One way or another, Ash was gonna know my true feelings! Sorry this chappy is so short, but I don’t know if I should continue. I mean, if no one likes it, what’s the point of going on, right? The next one will be longer, if there is a next time…