Disclaimer-I am not the legal owner or creator of pokemon. Game Freaks inc. and Nintendo own Pokemon. Anything else that is different would be of my property and should ask my approval before using them Pokemon versus Medabots By Xen (aka Hitchhiker as you will soon see) Ash, Misty, and Brock sat at a table in a pokemon center. "Say, how many more episodes till I reach the next gym?" Ash asked. "About twenty-seven more episodes," Misty said. "Gee, I wish we could do something exciting. I feel like we're in a rut." As Ash finished his sentence, lighting flashed and thunder roared. A figure in a black coat appeared. "You have asked so you shall get," the figure said. "Who are you?" "I am the watcher of worlds and helper to all. I am the one that declares no plot or story. I am," the figure threw off his coat to reveal a denim outfit, "The Hitchhiker!" "Wow," Brock said. "Wait a minute, you're a fanfic author!" Misty declared. "Well, duh. Normal characters don't make an entrance like that." "Don't tell us this is a self-interest fic?" Brock asked. "Nope. I'm not that kind of author. I just put myself here so I can send you to your challenges." "Challenges?" Ash asked with a hint of confusion. "Yes. You see there are too many new shows out there that are taking over your market. But to be honest they suck worse then your show does." "Thanks," Misty said dryly. "You're welcome." Hitchhiker made a small smile. "I've set it up so that you three will challenge three of these shows on their turf. Of course your items will reflect your shows on their terms." "Why are we doing this?" Ash asked. "You asked for it. I mean, do you want to do the same thing forever? You know that is it your fate to follow your show's formula." "He does have a point," Brock said. "It would be a nice change." "Okay, Hitchhiker. We accept," Ash said. "Good. Now we have to do one more thing here and we're off." Hitchhiker took off his hat and pulled out a small white ball. Hitchhiker threw the ball, which made a large cloud. When it settled, team rocket was standing where the cloud was. "Weren't we in a ramen stand?" Jessie said. "Hey, where did my noodles go?" James asked. "Meowth needs his tuna noodle surprise." "Dinner's over." The three looked at Hitchhiker. "Oh no. Not another author insert." "Please don't hurt us." "I'm not going to hurt you. I need you three to join with them and defeat the other new shows." "And you're not going to blow us up?" "I will if you don't." "We agree." "I knew you would. Let's go." Hitchhiker took a medal from his hat and tossed it into the air. It expanded into a large white portal. "Now if everyone would walk into the glowing white hexagon, we'll be on our way. Our first stop is Medabots." Everyone walked single-file into the portal. As Hitchhiker walked through the portal, it closed on itself. ================================== "Wow, I didn't realize their world looked so dull," Misty said. The Pokemon cast was walking through the city heading towards their first opponents. "Yes. I realize the art isn't as bright as your world. Oh wait, stop." The gang halted. "I just realized something. I didn't change your pokemon." "Change?" Ash asked. "Your pokemon need to match the Medabots to be fair." Hitchhiker reached into his jacket and pulled out a small device. It had a gun handle that went into a black box. Buttons and a small screen covered most of the box. "This is a show transmogafer or ST machine. This is the fanfic device, which allows us writers to alter a show's objects into another's show's device." "So that's how you do it," Brock said. "Yep. Now each of you, give me a pokemon." "Why?" Ash asked. "I need to transform one of your pokemon into a Medabot." "What?" "Well, how else do you expect to fight them? It's not going to hurt them and I'll return them to normal later. Now present pokemon!" The Pokemon cast each held out a pokeball. "Sorry Ash, but we have to use Pikachu. The whole mascot thing and so on." "Oh okay. Ready Pikachu?" Pikachu nodded no. "Though?" Hitchhiker pointed the ST machine at Pikachu and fired. A large puff of smoke and Pikachu was a Medabot. "Behold Medachu!" Medachu looked a lot like Medabee, but was yellow and retained the ears and tail of Pikachu. The hands of Medachu looked like tesla coils. "Next." Hitchhiker pointed at Misty's pokeball. "You've got Poligear." Poligear looked very much like a Poliwhirl expect for the robot head that replaced the pokemon's head. In addition, the right arm resembled a hose. "Brock shall have Geobot." Another zap and a new Medabot was born. The Medabot version of Geodude had Geodude's long arms and stone armor. "Jessie will have Arcoil." Jessie's pokemon turned into a purple Medabot. Arcoil had a long tail and a snake's hood around its head. Its left hand had two fanglike blades. "And finally, James gets the Meowthinater!" "What! But I don't want to be-" Meowth was cut off when Hitchhiker pulled the trigger. Meowth's Medabot form was catlike and had Meowth's charm on its forehead. "A tin can," Meowthinater finished. "But I wanted to use Weezing," James said. "I know, but the fans would like to see Meowth fight more then Weezing." Hitchhiker held up a watch in front of James. "Here is your meda watch. I have one for all of you." Hitchhiker tossed the watches to the others. "As you know, it holds the stats and attacks of your Medabot. Or should it be Pokebot?" "Well Medachu, you ready to show them how to fight?" "Pika!" "I guess you can't talk huh." "We can. It would just be out of character to talk," Medachu said. "Enough chitchat. Let's move!" Everyone started to march off. =============================== "Ah ha!" Ikki pointed at Koji. "I knew you were that 'hitchhiker' that gave me this note." "What are you talking about? I thought you were the one that sent the note," Koji said, waving a note in his hand. "Then if he didn't send it, who did?" Medabee said. "I can picture the title now, 'Mysterious Legendary Hitchhiker Challenges Local Medafighters'," Erika said, sweeping her hand as she said the title. "How do you know he's legendary?" Ikki asked. "All legendary fighters are like that. They go around and challenge local fighters to see if they got what it takes." "What are you three doing here?" Samantha said as she and the other screw members showed up. "Guess the Hitchhiker doesn't pick very good medafighters," Medabee said. "Why you!" "Enough!" Hitchhiker said as he came on the scene. "Who are you?" Ikki said. "I am Hitchhiker. I was the one that called you here." "You're Hitchhiker?" everyone said. "Yes. However, I'm not the one challenging you five." "Five? But there's six of us here," Erika said. "You were just invited since you would just show up anyway. I don't like that joke of you just popping up, so that's why I did it. But you're not really needed, so bye." With that Erika vanished. "Where did she go?" Ikki asked. "I teleported her to the one area a character like her can't get out of." "Where's that?" "My old computer class. A machine is the only thing that can't fall asleep in that class. Even a snoopy reporter like herself can't stay awake for long." "But she's just going to bother us when she comes back." "Not my problem." Hitchhiker lifted his hat in a mocking gesture. "Wait. You said that we were going to fight someone else," Koji said. "Yeah. Who's butt am I going to trash?" Medabee said. "These guys." The Pokemon cast came onto the set. The Medabot cast stared at the Pokemon cast. "Them? We have to fight them?" Ikki was the first to say anything. "I don't see what's so tough about them," Medabee said. "Are you nuts? That's the main cast to Pokemon! They're the only reason our show is even on the air!" "So they're the ones with the rat." "Watch your mouth, bug," Medachu replied. "Who is that?" "That is the Medabot version of Pikachu or the rat as you so put it," Hitchhiker said. "I heard you guys were drawn funny, but I didn't realize you looked that bad," Jessie said. "At least we have a better plot, grandma," Samantha said. A fiery aura developed around Jessie. "You...called...me...what?" "Duck and cover!" Meowthinater yelled. Everyone except for the Medabot's cast hit the floor. Jessie's aura exploded into a brilliant energy wave, which fried the Medabot's cast. The Pokemon cast got back up. "You guys need a few?" Hitchhiker asked. "Sure. Just give us a minute." "Scene change!" Hitchhiker said. ================= "Ok, now that we're ready let's do this!" Ikki said. "You're on," Ash said. "Then it is agreed," Mr. Referee said as he dropped down from a tree. Hitchhiker came up to Mr. Referee. "I'm sorry but this isn't an official match, thus you aren't needed as referee. Besides, we have enough characters that are taking up film as we speak. So here's a twenty. Go get some coffee or something." "Well, I could go for a latte." Mr. Referee took the twenty and jumped right back into the tree he came from. "But if he isn't refereeing, how will the match start?" Ikki said. "I will do it!" Hitchhiker spun around and was dressed in a referee outfit. However, he still wore his hat and jacket. Hey, it's my trademark so I keep them on. "This is an official crossover battle. Since this is five on five, the team with three KO's wins. A fight will go on till a Medabot can't fight anymore. First up, Meowthinater vs. Cyandog." The pair came forward. "Ready, fight!" "Attack, Cyandog!" "Roger." Cyandog started shooting at Meowthinater. "Ahhhh!" Meowthinater panicked and ran about trying to avoid the blasts. "Leap and use your slash!" Meowthinater jumped high into the air. "Shoot him, Cyandog." Cyandog started to panic and fired randomly at Meowthinater. Meowthinater landed on Cyandog and both Medabots lay there. Hitchhiker walked over to the two robots. "Still functioning. Continue." "I don't think either of them have any skill," Ikki said. "It looks like either one can only win by blind luck," Koji finished. "Meowthinater, try your payday cannon!" "Um, what's that?" Meowthinater said. The charm emblem on Meowthinater's forehead started glowing. A beam fired from itt shortly and struck Cyandog. Cyandog fell and dropped its medal. "Function ceased. Round one to Pokemon team." "Good work James," Jessie said. "Yay, I did it!" "It was a battle of luck. There was no skill at all. It proves nothing," Koji said. "But luck is the deciding factor in all battles. To say that luck doesn't matter is to say that skill is useless." Hitchhiker walked to the middle of the ring. "Next up, Arcoil and Peppercat." The Medabot and Medafighters went into position. "Round two, fight!" "Okay Peppercat, show them what you got." Peppercat ran towards Arcoil at breakneck speed. "Arcoil, tail leap." Arcoil's tail coiled into a spring and made Arcoil spring high into the air. "Jump Peppercat." Pepparcat leaped into the air towards Arcoil. The two Medabots collided and landed away from each other. Arcoils right arm and Peppercat's left arm spasmed and went dead. "Arcoil, use your venom drain." Arcoil dashed into Peppercat driving its blades into the feline Medabot. "Ahhh!" screamed Peppercat. Samantha looked at her medawatch and saw Peppercat's energy draining. "Electric punch its head!" Samantha yelled. Energy gathered in Peppercat's working hand. Peppercat punched Arcoil's face. Arcoil released its grasp on Peppercat. "Attack!" Peppercat punched Arcoil again and the snake Medabot fell down. "Function ceased. Round two to Medabot team." "Good work, boss." "No one messes with the screws." 'I should have known, I always lose to brats," Jessie said. "Next round, Geobot vs. Totalizer." The next two opponents entered the ring. "And fight!" "Go Geobot!" "Attack Totalizer." The two Medabots rushed forward and collided. Totalizer flew to the ground, its medal clanging. "Function ceased? Already? Gee, your medabot really sucks." Hitchhiker said. "That's why I rarely fight," Sloan said. "Well, round three goes to Pokemon." 'Maybe I should have used Erika instead.' "I know I won but that just didn't feel right," Brock said as he rejoined his teammates. "Time for round four. Poligear and Sumilidon. And please let this last for more then one punch." Misty's and Koji's Medabots stepped up. Koji examined Misty for an obvious weakness she might have. That and compared to the girls on his show, Misty looked downright hot! "Ready, fight!" "Water gun attack!" "Dodge and counter Sumilidon." Poligear fired a stream of water. Sumilidon weaved around the water stream and punched Poligear. "Punch it back!" Misty yelled. Poligear started punching Sumilidon, who punched back. Soon the two Medabots just kept punching at each other. "Is this a fight or a boxing match?" Ash asked aloud. "It's just part of my strategy," Misty said. "Well, can you speed it up? We're not going to stay here all day," Hitchhiker said. "Fine. Headbutt!" "Hammer fist." Sumilidon's hammer arm and Poligear's head collided. The two Medabots stood still for a moment. Then Poligear fell to the ground defeated. "Winner is Medabot team." "You made me lose, Ash Ketchum!" "What did I do?" "You made me change my strategy. I was going to wear Sumilidon out since my Medabot has stronger armor." "Well, Misty, it was your choice to use headbutt. If you used the water gun attack it would have severely damaged Sumilidon. You shouldn't blame Ash for your own mistake." "Why you! Come here!" Misty started chasing Hitchhiker. "Hey, you can't attack the Referee!" "I'll attack who I want, when I want!" =========================== Ash and Hitchhiker stared at the ice block Misty was sealed in. "How did you do that?" "Magical ice glove. Got it at a yard sale. It comes in handy in times like this." "Are you two going to stare at the ice statue all day or are we gonna robattle?" Medabee asked. "Coming." Hitchhiker took his place on the field. "Final round. Medabee versus Medachu." The two Medabots entered the battlefield. "Prepare for a Medabee bopping." "Pi Pikachu pika." "He said, 'I'm gonna shock your ass'." "Ready, fight!" "Fire!" "Thunderbolt" Before Medabee fired, Medachu released a bolt of energy, which sent Medabee flying. "Did someone take the number of that bus?" Medabee said dazed. "Medabee, get up!" "Oh, you're getting it now, rat." "Pika!" Medachu fired another bolt. "Ahhhh!" Medabee fell to the floor. "Try your missiles." "Missile fire." The two missiles launched from Medabee's head. Medachu jumped to avoid them but still got caught in the explosion. The two Medabots got up. "Charge!" Ash and Ikki yelled. Medabee and Medachu rammed towards each other. The two locked up. Medachu started to gather electric energy. "Oh, no you don't." Medabee increased his grip and started to bend Medachu's coil hands. "Pika!" Medachu created not an electric blast but created a large explosion, which sent the two Medabots flying back. Both got up, but both of each Medabot's arms were darkened and limp. "Medabee and Medachu's arms are offline," Brock said. "Down to one last strike," Koji said. "Missiles, Medabee." "Kiss your bot goodbye!" Medabee fired his missiles again. "Force field!" Ash yelled. The missiles hit. When the smoke cleared, Medachu stood behind an energy shield. "He didn't go bye," Medabee said surprised. "Medachu not only has generators in its arms, but the body has a more powerful generator as well. Now see Medachu's special attack. Lighting tail!" Medachu's tail broke and became a segmented chain. The tail whip started to spark along the ground. "Quick, fire your missiles again." "Can't. I'm out." "Then dodge it." Ikki's words rung too late as Medachu's tail whipped his tail and struck Medabee. Medabee fell to the ground, his medal clanking on the floor. "Winner is Medachu. Team Pokemon wins," Hitchhiker said. Ash walked up to Ikki. "It was a good match. You're very skilled." "Thanks. That means a lot coming from you." "Ah, I'm as good as the series makes me." "Isn't this a hallmark moment," Hitchhiker said. "If they keep this up, I'm goanna hurl," Jessie said. "Good point." Hitchhiker reached into his jacket and took out a card. He threw it, which became a portal. "Time to ship out. Jessie, James, go and grab the ice queen." The Pokemon cast gave their goodbyes and walked into the portal. Hitchhiker was last and he bowed to the Medabot cast. "Just so you know, you didn't stand a chance against them." "Yeah, we guessed that," Ikki said. "They do have the larger fan base," Koji said. "Not to mention the budget," Spike added. "We guessed that if we won, it would be a fluke. Just don't tell Medabee I said that. He hates how their show has the better ratings." "My lips are sealed." Hitchhiker started to enter the portal. "Hey, wait." Hitchhiker stuck his head out. "What about Erika?" "Oh, she'll be back in a few days. Call it a break from the norm." "Wow. Thanks." "No problem." Hitchhiker went back into the portal, which shortly closed. To be continued.... Next time: Ash verses Yugi! Got any questions, comments, flames email me at XPapazoglo@aol.com