Last Chance Part II Jessie and James scurried from the hideout and started on their mission. But they had no idea where they were going. It was eerily silent. “So…”said James, trying to start a conversation, “do you miss Meowth?” “Not really. I mean, he was always making those cheesy jokes,” she replied. James turned to her. “At least he knew how to have comfortably conversation.” “Yes,” admitted Jessie, “but he never followed the instructions right.” “Maybe they weren’t very good instructions,” James mumbled. He turned to Jessie and studied her face. Then he began to grin. “You really miss him, don’t you?” “Well, I-I just…*sigh*,” she turned to James. “Why did he have to fall in love? I thought Pokemon were supposed to be faithful to their owners. Why did he leave?” James began to think of past times with Meowth. He especially noticed how Jessie treated the Pokemon and himself. “It was fate, I guess.” He noticed the way Jessie was acting, so he tried to get her mind off of their run-away Pokemon. “Do you know where we’re going?” She immediately straightened up. “Of course I know where we’re going!!! Do you think I’m stupid???” “No,” he meekly replied. “Well,” she said calming down a bit, “I suggest we keep moving. Now, if you were an annoying eleven-year old brat, where would you go?” “Hmm… if I were a boy who was crazy about Pokemon, I would… be challenging the next gym leader!” he said. “That’s brilliant!” replied Jessie. “But what gyms has he not beaten?” James thought for a minute. “We know he’s very strong, so let’s go backwards. We’ll visit the last gym and then work our way down until we meet him.” “That sounds like a good idea,” said Jessie. There was an awkward silence. They both started to lean into each other. Soon, their lips touched and it felt like the very first time, although it was not. It was kind of strange at first, but soon the warmth spread all over them. They pulled apart from each other to catch their breath. Again there was silence, but just for a moment. “Jessie,” James started, turning red in the face, “I-I love you. I have for a very long time; I was just to shy to tell you. And if you don’t love me-“ “James.” “I mean, it’s alright-“ “James.” “It really was a stupid idea-“ “JAMES!!!” “What?” Jessie began to smile. “I love you too.” “Really?” asked James. Jessie nodded. “Well then,” he led Jessie over to a large rock, “Jessie-“ He was then cut off. “Hey, Ash, isn’t that Jessie and James?” Both Team Rocket members turned and looked. There was Ash and Misty. Jessie whispered to James, “Let me do the talking.” “Hi, Ash. Hi, Misty,” she said smiling at them. “Ash was taken back by her kindness. “Aren’t you going to challenge us to a battle?” “Nope. I’m done with that. From now on, all of my battles with you will be friendly ones,” she replied, still smiling. James walked over to her, a little concerned. “Is she okay?” he thought. “Oh my gosh, I’ve put her in a state of shock, telling her I love her.” “Why the sudden change of heart?” asked Misty. She was still suspicious. “It’s a long story,” Jessie said. “It’s a long way to Celadon City. If that’s where you’re headed,” said Ash. She suddenly stopped. “Is that where you are going?” “Yes,” replied Misty. “We’re going to visit my cousin, Erika.” “The gym leader is your cousin?” James asked. “Not exactly, but we are related,” she replied. “Do you mind if we join you?” mentioned Jessie. “Um, sure, come with us,” said Ash, a little uneasy. After all, they were supposed to be Team Rocket members. So, the four headed off toward Celadon, not knowing what a mess of trouble they were about to enter. To be continued...