Last Chance Part I “You are both terrible at this! How could you let him escape????” roared a man. “He is a kid! Once people hear about this we will be the laughing stock of Kanto.” “Boss, we told you he was strong,” mumbled another man. “I know he’s strong! He’s beaten me before! That’s why I wanted someone to watch over him, to make sure he doesn’t get stronger. And you failed!” said the first man, the boss. “Giovanni, he wouldn’t have gotten away if this idiot hadn’t fallen asleep on the job,” said a burgundy haired woman. Giovanni was unmoved. “My report tells me that you were asleep too, Jessie.” “You were,” pointed out the other man. “Shut up, James,” mumbled Jessie. “Anyway,” continued Giovanni, “you let him escape. This requires a serious punishment.” “Please, Giovanni, give us one more chance,” begged James. Giovanni smiled. “Alright, one more chance. But this is your last chance. Mess this up, and you’re gone. Now, here is what I want you to do: I want you to find Ash and finish him off. And while you’re at it bring me his Pikachu. And also his girlfriend, Misty. Do you understand?” Jessie and James both nodded. “Good. Well, you best be going. I suppose I should set a time limit, shouldn’t I? You will have year from this exact day to finish the mission. Be here by 5:30 p.m. Now, get going!” Both of the Rocket minors hurried out of his office. James turned to Jessie. “Why did you blame everything one me?” “Because you always mess up,” she replied. “I’m just trying to help you, sweetie.” She leaned in to kiss him. “You might want to get started on the mission,” said Giovanni. “Yes sir!” answered Jessie and James. “NOW!!!” yelled their boss. They scurried out of the hideout and started on their assignment. To be continued… succed