A=Ashoko M=Mistala B=Brocktambo J=Jessaka J=Jamono P=Pikachu Me=Meowth Pe=People G=Giovalo C=Celebi T=Tracuto D=Duplica To=Todd S=Sakura ******************************************************************************************** A: Well, now that the world is safe, I have to give out the starter Pokémon. Pe: We'll help Chosen One! A: Let's see. There are seven starters. Mistala, what would you like? M: A Totodile! A: Then here's your new Pokémon! Pe: Yay Chosen One! A: Brocktambo, what would you like? B: Cyndaquil! A: Here you go! Next we have Tracuto! T: I want Bulbasaur! A: Congratulations! You have just gotten a Bulbasaur! Now for Todd. To: Let's see…Squirtle! A: Here you are! What about you Sakura? S: Can I have Chikorita? A: Sure! Here it is! Last is Duplica! D: That Torchic is adorable! I want it! A: Your wish is my command! That's all we have for now! J: But what about us? Ja: We want Pokémon too! A: Well, we've run out of time. Join us in another 5,000 years to see the rest be handed out! Any questions? J: I have a question. Are you listening to us? A: The only reason we can't give out the others is because they're not fully grown yet. J: I challenge you to a tag team battle with Jamono as my partner! Ja: Uh…Jessaka we have no time! A: Fine. Let's go Mistala! M: But I just got my first Pokémon. I stink at battling… A: Mistala you beat the Rocket Gang by yourself. I know that's in the future but- D: Wait! You took all of us from the future? A: You all don't exist in the past and your ancestors are all dead so who better? D: So where are we then? A: Ancient Pokémopolis. Remember Mistala's story? D: It was true? M: Yes Duplica I tried to tell you. Pe: Always listen to the Chosen One and his loyal followers! J: To the Pokémon Realm! We're having a Deadly Game! Ja: A what? M: Oh no not another one! A: This time I'm with you and there's no pressure. M: But what if I fail? How do I know we won't lose the Pokémon? J: We're battling for the Pokémon! Me: No you're not! A: Meowth what are you doing? Me: Helping you. A: But you're our enemy. Why would you help us? Me: Well O Chosen One the one thing I can't stand more than you is when somebody tries to steal starter Pokémon. S: If there's going to be a battle let's see it. T: First let's all go to the Pokémon Realm. Ja: Where are we? What is this place? M: I even know where we are. The Pokémon Realm. A: Let the battle begin! B: Wait! Everyone must take their seats. Ok begin! A, M, J &Ja: BATTLE! J: You know how tag team works right? A: We've done this before. Ja: I'll make the first move. I choose Krabby! What? The Pokémon became so big! A: Every Pokémon becomes big here. M: I'll move next. I choose Starmie! Thunderbolt attack! ::Krabby faints:: Ja: Great. Just great. J: My move. Metapod use Harden! A: Pikachu go! P: Here I come Ashoko! A: Use Thunder! P: Take this Metapod! Ja: I have a better idea. I quit! J: What? No way am I losing this chance to get Pokémon! A: This battle is over! We win by default! J: No you don't! Ja: Yes they do! J: Let's see. Are we still battling? Ja: Yeah but- J: See I am right! Hand over those Pokémon! A: You'll have to come get them! C: ENOUGH! A, M, B, Me: Celebi! C: Ashoko the Chosen One, Mistala, Brocktambo and even Meowth. What's going on? A: Celebi Jessaka and Jamono want the Pokémon! C: Why have they not been given out? A: They are still growing. C: Then they will remain in your care. Jessaka and Jamono as King of all Pokémon I have no choice but to giver your powers to Ashoko! G: Not so fast "O great Celebi!" C: You dare to mock my title Giovalo? M: Not you again! G: Are you two still failing? J & Ja: Boss we lost! They're too good! G: That's two times in a row. A: This is my city Giovalo. Get out! I never want to see you in Pokémopolis again! C: You'll never be one of us! G: Let's go Jessaka! Come Jamono! Ja: No! I like Ashoko, Mistala, Brocktambo and everyone else! G: Fine! We don't need you! Come on Jessaka! J: Mistala and I have a lot in common. Maybe I should hang out here. G: WHAT?! You get over here Jessaka! You too Jamono! J & Ja: No. We don't want to be Pokémon thieves! A: Good choice. Now get out Giovalo! C: First I'll take his Pokémon and give some to you Ashoko. I'll also give some to Mistala, Brocktambo, Jessaka and Jamono! A: I'm glad this adventure's over! I can't wait for the next one though! The next part shall be called Giovalo's Return! Review or flame me. I don't care which.