September 8th, 2004: 6:00 AM BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Yugi's alarm clock was going off. He tried to ignore it, but Ash, Pikachu and Yami were already up. Pikachu shocked Yugi to get him up. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Pikachu, don't do that!" "Wake up, sleepy head." Yami taunted. "First day of school." "You sure seem excited for something so boring…" Yugi muttered. "Anyway, we have to get ready. Breakfast will be done-" "Actually Yugi," Ash interrupted, "you missed breakfast. Your grandpa made pancakes for us at around 5:00." Yugi stared at them. "You guys woke up at 5:00?!" "No, we woke up at 4:00." Yugi sweat dropped. "How? When did you guys go to bed?" Ash said, "The clock read 3:59." "YOU SLEPT FOR 1 MINUTE?! IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!" "We're not sure…but anyway, you need to get dressed and eat! We're meeting everyone at 6:30!" Yugi yawned. "Why so early? The bus doesn't come until 7:28!" "We know," Yami said, "we just want to do a few things with everybody before school. Oh, and by the way Yugi, you, Ash, Misty, Marik and I have the same schedules." "Awesome!" "Pikachu pika pi pi ka pi chu!" /What am I gonna do while you're at school?/ "You'll find something, Pikachu. I'm sure Mr. Mutou will play with you." The clock now read 6:15. Yugi only had 15 minutes to get ready. "Hurry up, Yugi. We don't want to be late for the gang." "Go without me," Yugi muttered. "I'll catch up eventually." Yami snickered. "Hey Ash, I bet he goes back to sleep and then wakes up at 7:27!" "Yeah, and then he gets into so much trouble!" Yugi threw a pillow at Yami. "Shut up! There, I'm done. Let's go!" So Yami, Yugi and Ash ran over to KaibaCorp. Everyone was waiting for them. "Finally decided to show up?" Misty asked. "What kept you?" "Yugi." Ash and Yami said in unison. "That's always been a quality of Yugi. Keeping others late. So, why are we meeting this early anyway?" Joey asked. "No reason. Just to hang out before school." Yami said. "So Ash, I hear that you and Misty are boyfriend and girlfriend now. Everything going good between you guys?" "So far so good," Ash said. "I haven't messed anything up yet." "You won't mess up. You two were meant to be, and she'll love you no matter how you act. Trust me on this, Ash." "You're right, Yami! Er…what time is it?" Kaiba looked at his watch. "Oh no! It's 7:24!" "What?!" Marik exclaimed. "We'd better get our stuff and get to the bus stop!" "We just got here!" Yugi said. "How did all that time pass so fast?" "Time flies when you're standing around doing nothing." Yami said. Everyone ran home to get their binders and their books. They all met up again at the bus stop. It was 7:30 when the bus came. Yami, Yugi and Ash sat together. Misty was sitting with Brock and May, Kaiba was with Marik and Tracey, Joey was with Tristan and Téa, Mai was with Mokuba and Serenity, Max was with Jessie and James, and Duke was sitting alone. "Yugi, is it true that you love Téa?" Ash asked. Yugi blushed. "Well…yes. But I'm too afraid to tell her. What if she rejects me?" Yami joined their conversation. "Yugi, if she is the girl you want to be with for the rest of your life, she won't reject you. If she does, then she isn't the girl you should be with. A nice person wouldn't reject their friend." "Yami, you're right! I'll tell her at lunch!" "Excellent! And after, tell me how it went." "Okay!" The bus arrived at school and everyone got off. Marik, Yami, Yugi, Ash and Misty went to their homeroom. Yami pulled out his schedule said that they had Social Studies first. "It's better than last year's schedule." Yugi said. "But wait, what about everyone else?" "Yeah, how come they're not with us?" Ash asked. "That's a good question." Yami replied. "I guess that's just the way it is." The phone rang in the classroom. The teacher answered it and said that the principal wanted to see Yugi, Ash, Yami, Misty and Marik! "Yami…what did we do?" Yugi asked nervously. "It's only the first day!" "I don't know, Yugi. Let's just go see what he wants." So they all went down to the principal's office. They walked in and saw the principal. It was Ryan Cabrera. "What?!" Misty exclaimed. "Ryan Cabrera is the principal?" "Yeah! Ryan is practically our best friend!" Yugi said. "So anyway, I bet you're wondering what I want." Ryan said. "All I want is to wish you guys luck. I know that Ash and his friends are new. I'm counting on you three to stick with them. Okay?" "Sure, Ryan." Yami said for everyone. "You can count on us!" "I know I can, Yami. I can also count on the rest of the gang. Look at the time! It's 8:02! You guys better get back to homeroom. Second period starts in 5 minutes, and I don't want my favorite students to be late on the first day." "Okay. See ya, Ryan!" they all said. "Later, guys!" They all walked back to homeroom. At 8:03, they set off for second period. To be continued… Well, here's the start of another adventure for Ash and Yugi. Wonder if they can face the challenges of Domino High. We'll find out soon enough. And if you read this far, then you're wasting valuable reviewing time! So go and review! ^_^