The 3 strangers were talking about how to stop all this nonsense. "Ok Jessie, you're saying that we should attack my Yami, Butch and Cassidy and then free everyone?" "That's right Marik." Jessie replied. "We have to save everyone! James, Meowth, you and I have all seen good in this world and have to save Yugi, Yami, Joey, Kaiba, Mokuba, Téa, Ash, Misty, Brock and find Tristan, May, Max and Tracey!" "But Jessie, what if the Boss finds out about this?" "Who cares James? We're out of Team Rocket! Maybe if we're lucky we can join Ash's crew!" "Cool Jessie!" Marik said. "And I'll join up with Yugi!" "Dat's right!" Meowth chimed in. "We're in dis thing together!" ******************************************************************************** ************************* Yugi moved first. He played a monster in defense. "Now it's my turn! I play 7 Colored Fish in attack mode!" Joey shouted. "Now, attack his facedown monster!" Yugi said, "No! My Petit Angel! All I can play is this monster and this card." "Yugi!" Yami yelled. "Believe in the heart of the cards! You'll find a way to win this without harming Joey!" "I know! But it sure won't be easy!" Joey said, "I play one card facedown and attack your defense monster!" "Ha! It was Mystical Elf! You lose 200 Life Points!" Yugi: 4000 Joey: 3800 "No!" Joey cried. "Your move." Yugi said. "I pass." For the next 3 turns, both duelists passed. Then Joey finally made his move. ******************************************************************************** ************************** "Yugi! Where are you?" "Ash! Brock! Pikachu! There's no sign of them." "We can't give up! We've gotta keep looking!" Tristan said. "Need a lift?" It was Mai. "Mai!" Tristan exclaimed. "Do you know where the rest of the gang is?" "I think they're at Domino Pier. Hop in everybody and we'll find out!" ******************************************************************************** ************************** Joey said, "For my move, I activate Scapegoat! Then I sacrifice one of them to summon Summoned Skull! Attack his Mystical Elf!" How can Yugi possibly win this? Ash thought. There has to be some way. There has to be! ******************************************************************************** ************************** Marik was getting his Millennium Rod and Jessie and James got Seviper, Dustox and Cacturne. "Everyone ready?" Meowth asked. "Let's go! We've got an evil plan to thwart!" ******************************************************************************** ************************** "Butch, Cassidy, I must say that we outdid yourselves. Those fools will never win this! And by the time we're done with them, you'll get their Pokémon and I'll get the Millennium Puzzle and Egyptian God cards!" "Right!" Cassidy said. "We're so glad that we sided with you Marik!" "And there's nothing the twerps can do to stop us!" Butch added." The three villains laughed maniacally. ******************************************************************************** ************************** Kaiba was out of ideas. He had no way of stopping this madness. The helicopter plan that he used last time to save Téa failed. Using Mokuba as a decoy also failed. All he could do now was have faith in Yugi and hope he won the duel. Joey said, "I'm not done yet. 7 Colored Fish, attack Yugi's Life Points directly!" Yugi: 2200 Joey: 3800 "Can't…give…up! I summon Giant Red Seasnake and end my turn." Why did he leave it in attack? Joey thought. My Skull could easily destroy it. But his two facedown cards could stop my attack. "I'll end my turn." Yugi said, "I'll attack your fish with my seasnake! They're both destroyed!" Joey laughed. "Heh heh. I led you into my trap! Prepare yourself, Yugi! This is the end!" To be continued… What does Joey have planned? Will Marik, Jessie, James and Meowth stop Yami Marik, Cassidy and Butch? And will Max, May, Tracey, Duke, Tristan, Serenity and Mai reach the gang in time? I don't know but Part 5 does! Review! ^_^