Marik and Team Rocket had just arrived at Domino Pier. There, they saw Tracey, May, Max, Mai, Serenity, Tristan and Duke. "Are we too late?" Marik asked. "Has the anchor dropped?" Tristan nodded. "They're probably…gone by now." Jessie reached into her pocket and pulled out 8 keys, one for each of them. "Maybe these can help. I found them after the battle. Let's all take one and free them!" "Right!" James said. "Hey, isn't that Misty and Yugi's friend Joey? What happened to them?" "My Yami must've taken over their minds. And I don't know how to undo it!" "Then who does?" May asked. "The Pharaoh. Only Yami knows. But…he's probably dead by now, since water conducts electricity. I just wish there was some way to bring him back. Wait a sec! Millennium Magic! He still has the Puzzle and so does Yugi! That could be their only hope! But…they're the only ones who could've possibly survived…" "So what do we do?" Tracey asked. "We use the keys and free them! There's 8 of them and 11 of us! Perfect! 8 of us will go and free them and the other 3 will help bring them up!" Joey and Misty looked like they were in extreme pain. They were moaning and holding their heads. Only May and Max seemed to notice. "Um…guys, what do we do with those two?" Max asked. Marik looked at Joey and Misty. "They seem to be having a reaction that occurred when they saw their friends being pulled under. They're fighting to get free." "You do realize we're wasting time, don't you?" Jessie pointed out. "Oh no! Ok, Max, May and Serenity! You guys will help bring them up while the rest of us go down and free them!" "Right!" Serenity said. So, Marik, Jessie, James, Meowth, Duke, Tristan, Tracey and Mai dove down, each with one key in hand. Marik tried to free Yami, but Pikachu's electricity was still flowing through him. He pulled out his Millennium Rod and blocked the electricity. Then he unlocked the chains and Yami floated up to the surface. May saw him and brought him onto the pier. A little farther away, Jessie was struggling against the current so she could get to Ash. She reached for Seviper's Poké Ball and it came out. "Seviper, swim over to Ash and bring him to me!" "Seviper!" It did as it was told. "Good work, Seviper! Return!" She turned the lock and Ash was free. By this time, Yami had regained conciseness. He knew what was going on and went down to get Ash. But whom he really wanted was…Yugi. Memories of past events raced before Yami's eyes. Their first encounter with Marik; defeating Pegasus; winning Battle City and so much more. Could that all end now? Yami thought. Will Yugi live to see the light of another day? Or will the sea claim his life? Yami had reached Ash and pulled him up to the surface, fighting against the strong ocean current. Then he went down for Yugi. James happened to have Yugi's key. He noticed that Yugi was gasping for air. That meant he was barely alive. Yami swam as fast as he could down to James and Yugi. "James, free Yugi! I'll use Millennium Magic to give him some air! Hurry! Time is running out! Jessie, you help everyone free the others! Yugi is in the worst condition! As his aibou, I have a duty to protect him from any sort of danger!" Stay strong, Yugi. I know you can make it through this. You have come far since you first solved the Millennium Puzzle. No matter what, I will never lose faith in you. James pulled out the key and put it in the lock. The lock wouldn't open. Yami's spell was almost up. Soon, Yugi would die. Yami went to find Marik. He knew that Marik could help in saving Yugi. Even though they were archenemies, Yami knew that Marik had changed. By defeating his dark side, Marik's good side had returned. "Marik! Help! Yugi is going to die! What do I do?" "Yami, whatever you do, just remember that this isn't your fault! Don't feel guilty! Anyway, I've got a plan! I can use my Millennium Magic to give him more air! You tell someone to go back to the hideout and get a spare key!" "Will do, Marik!" Yami swam up to shore while Marik performed an incantation to give Yugi some air. But the spell would only last for 20 minutes. Yami needed to hurry. Yami reached the shore. He told Tracey to go and find a spare key. Tracey ran as fast as he could to the hideout. He was just about there. Meanwhile, Mai was looking for Mokuba. She knew that his lung capacity was the lowest, and rushed to free him. After about 2 minutes, Mai located Mokuba. She unlocked him and Ash dove down to help bring Mokuba up to the surface. Meowth held Brock's key. Apparently he was still conscience, because he was trying to swim up to shore. Meowth swam over to him and unlocked the chains. Brock swam up and he was safe. Tracey had arrived at the hideout. He went through all of the drawers and found no key. Finally, he found it hanging on a hook. He grabbed it and ran back to Yami. Yami was waiting for Tracey. Time was almost up. In 3 minutes the spell would expire. Then, he saw Tracey running with the key. Yami took it and dove in the ocean to save his aibou. Under the ocean, Yami knew that Yugi had sunk even deeper. He knew that there was barely any hope left of Yugi's survival. But, he would never stop trying to save Yugi. He recited their poem of yujo in his mind. (Yujo means friendship in Japanese) Yugi, You let me into your mind, That was the start of an era in time. The power of the Pharaoh rests in the Millennium Puzzle, I told you: "Use it wisely, Yugi. That power is unlike any other." "What do you mean, Yami? This power has no brother?" "This power cannot be stopped. I trust you with it." "I'll use it well, Yami! And you can help me! We'll be together forever!" "That's right, aibou! We've already been though so much together!" "Every adventure we've had we'll both remember!" Your aibou and spirit friend forever, Yami "No! Yugi will survive! I just know it! Marik! We can't give up hope!" "That's right, Yami!" Marik said with determination. "We've got to have faith!" Marik really has changed. After we get out of this mess, I'm going to ask him if he wants to join us. Yami swam over to Yugi and unlocked him. Marik knew that Yami wanted to be with Yugi, so he helped everyone else. His determination to save Yugi is incredible. He must really care for him. I could never be like any of them. It was stupid of me to think that Yami would let me join him. I'm not even going to bother to ask him. Yami took Yugi up to shore. He was finally all right. He told May and Max to look after Yugi while he went down to help with everyone else. After about 5 minutes, everyone was freed. However, Yugi was still unconscious. Yami performed a spell that went: "Millennium Magic that's reliable to the end, please revive my best friend!" Yugi's eyes opened. He was alive! Yami couldn't have been happier. But all he did was smile, not revealing his true emotions, emotions of fear, guilt and happiness. Even though Yugi was alive, Yami was afraid, afraid that this would happen again, afraid that next time, he wouldn't be able to save Yugi. At that moment, Yami remembered that he was going to ask Marik if he wanted to join them. "Marik, I can see that you've changed. Would you like to join us?" "You mean it, Yami? I'd love to!" Yugi said, "Welcome to the team, Marik!" Ash looked around. "Hey guys, where's Brock?" "Ash! Ash!" Brock was running toward them. "I've got some terrible news!" To be continued… I've only got the epilogue left…can't wait for that…please review! ^_^ On another note, I want to thank everyone who voted for Pokémon Meets Yu-Gi-Oh! in the BIC. I can't believe it actually won! So, thanks again! ^_~