Pokémon Meets Yu-Gi-Oh! Pt 2 A/N: Italics means thoughts. And only Ash knows that Yami exists so everyone else calls him Yugi. Disclaimer: By now everyone knows that I don't own Pokémon! Ages Ash: 12 Misty: 12 Brock: 14 Yugi: 14 Yami: 5000 (appears about 17 though) Joey: 14 Tristan: 14 Tea: 14 Kaiba: 15 Mokuba: 10 Marik: 18 Ash was confused. "Misty, Brock where are you guys?" Yami was now furious! He said, "Marik! What have you done with Ash's friends? I told you your grudge is against me!" "Just having fun Pharaoh. Plus I love new mind slaves!" "Yugi!" A voice was calling from the distance. Then a motorcycle pulled up by them. Riding it was Yugi's other friend Tristan. "Tristan, get out of here! You are in great danger! Marik has kidnapped Joey, Tea, Mokuba and Ash's friends! You could be next!" Tristan was puzzled. "Who's Ash? Is he a new friend?" Yami introduced Ash and Tristan. He almost forgot that Kaiba was standing there. He said, "Look Kaiba, this has gone way too"- His sentence was cut short by three familiar voices: "Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" "To protect the world from devastation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!" "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" "Meowth, that's right!" Yami just stared at them. "What are they talking about Ash? You know these three idiots?" "Uh…no! Never met 'em in my life!" Jessie said, "Well, well, well. It's the twerp. Just so ya know, we have a new ally!" "His name is Marik," James finished. Then they left quickly. Yami reacted very quickly to hearing Marik's name. "I'm warning you, hurt one person and you WILL regret it! I'll hunt Marik down myself if I have to! Ash maybe your Pikachu can help! I know we don't really like each other, but I'm offering a temporary truce. Sound good?" "I guess. You know Yami, I'm starting to really like you. You seem like a really nice guy who cares for his friends deeply. Just like with my Pokémon and me." Kaiba said, "Count me in Yugi. Mokuba's in danger and I have to save him! And since we all share a common enemy in Marik and Team Rocket, let's work together!" "Sure Kaiba! Onward!" Hang on guys! We're coming to save you! To be continued… Please review! I know it wasn't that great but it will get better as the story goes along. I promise!